The Strongest Beast Guarding System

Chapter 384: Jin Tianbing's Request

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Chapter 384: Jin Tianbing's Request

Although the witch envoy didn't tell Lu Yang to enter the Ten Thousand Beasts Sect to find something, but he knew that it was definitely very important, otherwise, the witch envoy would not have given him such an important identity.

"Brother Jin!"

Lu Yang walked all the way into the sect, and sure enough, he saw many sect disciples greeting him, as if this Jin Wannian was very popular among the sect.

And indeed it is.

It is said that Jin Wannian's strength is unpredictable, and even the Jin family miscalculated his strength. Now that he has returned to the Ten Thousand Beasts Sect, he has naturally attracted a lot of attention, and he is still a yellow rank beast master.

The reason was that Jin Wannian won the highest honor for the Ten Thousand Beast Sect in that trial, and even defeated the seed player of the Sky Beast Sect.

Besides, Jin Wannian is only twenty years old. If he is given more time, he will definitely have a chance to be promoted to the Xuan rank, or even to the Earth rank, becoming an Earth rank beast master.

"Wan Shan, why did you come back to the sect? My father wants you to go there. He has something good to tell you!" Just as Lu Yang walked into the sect, a young man who looked somewhat similar to him came from The opposite of him hurried over.

Lu Yang wondered for a while, and was dragged by this young man to an extremely tall building complex in the Ten Thousand Beasts Sect.

Above the entrance of the building complex was written the name of the Jin family.

Lu Yang has always known that the Wanshouzong was established by the Jin family, and even the first-level main city where the Wanshouzong is located is also inextricably related to the Jin family, but what he didn't expect was that the Jin family was in the Wanshouzong. There is such a prominent position among them, but even if they know about it, it won't matter.

After all, to be able to know such important news must be either rich or expensive, so he is quite satisfied with this status.

It's just that what is the opportunity that the young man said?

The more Lu Yang thought about it, he became curious. He even felt that this was a task specially arranged for him by the witch envoy.

"Father, I brought Wan Shan back. You can see that his strength has already reached the Great Perfection of the Yellow Rank. As long as he can enter that place, he can enter the Heavenly Beast Sect and obtain that treasure. At that time, We can take this opportunity to destroy the foundation of the Heavenly Beast Sect!" The young man became more and more excited as he spoke, but before he finished speaking, he was slapped flying by a middle-aged man.

"Bastard, can you say these things casually? You immediately roll to the back of the mountain and face the wall. If you let me know that you left the family, you will never get out of the dungeon in this life." The middle-aged man is a mysterious person. Beastmaster, although his strength is not strong, there is a powerful wave of energy flashing in his body.

Although Lu Yang didn't know what kind of energy fluctuation this was, he always felt that this energy fluctuation did not belong to the middle-aged man's own original power.

"Hmph, if I'm not wrong, this Ten Thousand Beast Sect is very likely to be a sect controlled by demons, and even this Donglin City is very likely to have something to do with demons. Otherwise, why would the demons send people into the Zhuang sect? Come to confuse my grandson!" Zhu Zhitong seemed to be very worried about killing his grandson with his own hands. Being actually dead doesn't really make much difference. The difference is that he still retains at least a body and a mind consciousness.

"What, how can there be a city controlled by demons in the world of the human race?" Hearing Zhu Zhitong's words, Lu Yang suddenly exclaimed.

"I don't know yet, and this person is very clever in concealing his devilish energy. If it weren't for your understanding of space runes from the witch envoy, I'm afraid you wouldn't have discovered all of this." Hearing Lu Yang Zhu Zhitong said as if he hated iron for being weak.

"Hehe, my good son, don't take what your younger brother said just now. As for the things he said, I will tell you slowly. But now that you have returned to the family, then you can You have to accept the rewards that your father gave you, and I hope you don’t feel that the rewards from your father came too late. After all, these should belong to you.”

"Cuihua, take the young master to see his house!" Seeing that Lu Yang didn't show much impatient expression on his face, Jin Tianbing immediately showed a flattering expression.

"Is this really the head of the Jin family?" Seeing Jin Tianbing's appearance, Lu Yang immediately doubted Jin Tianbing's identity.

But according to the jade slips, this Jin Wanshan is not his illegitimate son, and has he been disliked in the past? Why did he receive such attention all of a sudden just after he came out of that secret realm.

And he is only a yellow rank beast master now. This seems to be beyond the scope of normal people's thinking.

Is there something strange here?

Lu Yang felt that this matter was getting more and more strange, but on the surface, he still didn't show too many emotional fluctuations.

Catalysis soon brought Lu Yang to a huge courtyard. There were several small buildings inside, each with its own characteristics. In the middle of these small buildings was a garden. There are small bridges and flowing water inside, as well as gazebos and trees. In short, this piece of forest garden is simply beyond the benefits that an illegitimate child should enjoy.

"My lord, I will be your personal maid from now on. Look here, there are several small buildings. With your status, you will be able to bloom and spread leaves in the Jin family in the future, and you will definitely be full of children and grandchildren in the future." After finishing speaking, this emerald flower unexpectedly Looking at Lu Yang affectionately, it seemed as if Lu Yang could make her voluntarily sacrifice with just a wave of his hand.

Of course, Cuihua also

She didn't dare to be too explicit, if her actions aroused the annoyance of the young master, I'm afraid she would lose her life.

"Okay, I like this, you can rest first, I will call you if there is anything!" Sure enough, the young master sent her away without saying a word.

"Huh, the rules of big families are troublesome." Lu Yang really couldn't adapt to being winked at by a girl at such a close distance.

But he didn't come here to take a concubine, but to complete the task entrusted to him by the witch envoy, but Lu Yang didn't know what the task was.

In this courtyard, Lu Yang felt as if he had entered a dream just after practicing for a while. In the dream, a woman threw herself into his arms and even wanted to dedicate her body to Lu Yang.

Just as Lu Yang wanted to refuse, he was awakened by the movement outside.

At this moment, he saw Cuihua rushing in from the outside.

"Young Master and the Patriarch are here to see you!" Cuihua quickly half-kneeled on the ground and said. You must know that she has made the young master unhappy, if the young master gets angry again, I'm afraid her life will be lost.

"Okay, you go down!" Lu Yang could feel that Jin Tianbing had entered the courtyard without his permission. Perhaps if it wasn't for the sake of saving face, he, his father who had already reached the Xuan level Dzogchen, might They would not even send a personal report, and even those servants who dared to report privately would be tortured for this.

Jin Tianbing is a ruthless person.

"Father, why did you come to my residence so late?" Seeing Jin Tianbing's preoccupied look, Lu Yang asked a little strangely.

Hearing Lu Yang's question, the expression on Jin Tianbing's face was relieved for a while, "I just said that you, your son, still care about me. Oh, it's really hard to say! I came to you this time because I want to talk to you. You say one thing."

Jin Tianbing seemed to have something unspeakable to tell Lu Yang.

Lu Yang felt a bright light in his heart. He knew that the information that the witch envoy asked him to inquire about might have come, so he said, "Father, tell me, since I am your son, then your affairs must have something to do with me, otherwise, Wouldn't I be outrageous then?"

"Hahaha, I'm so happy that you really know how to talk! If that's the case, let's say it for my father!" Jin Tianbing became more excited as he spoke.

It turns out that this matter really has a lot to do with the Heavenly Beast Sect. If these words did not come from Jin Tianbing, but from other people, Lu Yang might think that Jin Tianbing was not He was helping the family, but sent the entire Wanshouzong to the mouth of the Tianshouzong, and was swallowed by the other party.

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