The Strongest Beast Guarding System

Chapter 392 Dote on Myriads

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Chapter 392 Dote on Myriads

"No, he probably wanted to get ahead of Jin Wanshi who provoked me. Naturally, I can't let him go. Besides, I still have a task entrusted to me by the Patriarch, so how could I be easily delayed by him?" Lu Yang deliberately pretended to be Jin Wanshan, and said with great aggrievedness.

"You!" After hearing Lu Yang's last words, Jin Wannian fainted and was taken away by the Jin family's beast master. This time he was stunned alive.

"That's the end of today's matter. I don't want any of you to have any more friction over today's matter. Otherwise, you will be dealt with according to family law. Now start other things about the party." Just when everyone thought Jin Tian At the very least, when Bing wanted to punish Jin Wanshan symbolically, Jin Tianbing suddenly changed the subject, diverted everyone's attention, and ended the matter with him.

"Damn it, I didn't expect my father to suddenly dote on this illegitimate child so much. It's really enviable." From the beginning, Jin Wanzhong watched coldly from the sidelines. He didn't seem to make a move. He seemed to have been chilled all over.

It can be said that since his father loves Jin Wanshan so much now, even if he wants to get rid of him, he can only do it secretly, and he still has to wait until the matter is over. Even if they wanted to move Wan Jinshan, they had to figure out why their father valued him so much. Otherwise, it would not be good to completely anger his father because of him, unless they wanted to completely betray their father and compete for the position of Patriarch.

Let’s not talk about whether they can kill their father for the position of Patriarch, just say that their current ability is not enough to support them to kill their father, so for them, the best way to get rid of Jin Wanshan , or try to get rid of his father's love for Jin Wanshan.

"Go, you have to find out all the information about Jin Wanshan. There can't be any mistakes. I want to see what kind of tricks this kid used against his father to make him value him so much!" Kill Jin Wanshan in front of Jin Tianbing, then Jin Wanzhong has changed his way of thinking, instead of going on the rampage like Jin Wannian.

"Interesting, interesting, it seems that Jin Tianbing is not the only one who has such an excellent son!" Seeing Jin Wanzhong's expression, Bo Yi couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

Perhaps he can use this Jin Wanzhong to counter Jin Wanshan, and even find flaws in Jin Wanshan as much as possible, and then try to make up for it.

In short, although he didn't want Jin Wanshan to have problems, he always felt that this Jin Wanshan was not as easy to deal with as it seemed on the surface, and his identity was still a mystery.

"Let's start the dinner tonight!" Following Jin Tianbing's announcement, all the core members of the Jin family slowly walked into the main hall of the Patriarch's mansion. Inside, only those with a certain status in the Jin family have their own seats, and being able to sit here has always been the pride of many Jin family members.

And now the central figure of this family gathering is Jin Wanshan, this is a banquet specially prepared by Jin Tianbing to clean up Jin Wanshan.

Because there are four or five such gatherings in the Jin family almost every year, members of the Jin family know where they should sit unless they receive special notice, and the entire hall is divided into four areas, the first area It is the area where the Patriarch is located, and in this area is the most core existence of the Jin family.

This is the position that the right-hand man of the Patriarch should be in, and at the same time, he is also the celebrity beside the Patriarch.

Those who can sit in this position are not necessarily members of the direct line of the Jin family. Even some collateral disciples can sit here as long as they have unlimited potential and are favored by the family. Only one or two people have the opportunity to sit here.

The second area is where the disciples of the Jin family sit. Those who sit there are quasi-core members of the Jin family who may take important positions in the future.

The third area is the position of the middle-level staff of the Jin family. Those who can sit here are either direct members of the Jin family or collateral members of the Jin family. In short, they are all people who hold real power in the Jin family.

In the last area, there are some lower-level management of the Jin family, and they are also the existences of the Jin family who have contributed more to the family recently. There, as long as they can contribute to the family, they can sit there, without distinction of blood.

It is precisely because of the strict hierarchy of the Jin family that the Ten Thousand Beast Sect has not only not been weakened, but has even grown stronger after standing for a hundred years. These talents are the foundation of the Myriad Beast Sect, and also the foundation for them to live and work.

Now with the gradual entry of people, the pattern in the hall has basically taken shape.

Jin Wanzhong was still sitting in the second area, and he expected that Jin Wanshan would also be sitting there, this was an established fact.

But while he was waiting, he didn't see Jin Wanshan enter the arena, which made him feel an inexplicable sense of panic.

Because in the family rules of the Jin family, in addition to the family disciples who need to enter the venue with everyone, there is another kind of person who needs to be invited to the banquet by the patriarch alone after the banquet begins.

Generally speaking, those who can possess such qualifications are the family disciples that the Jin family has valued the most over the years, and even those who have made great contributions to the family recently.

But how can Jin Wanshan have this honor?

Thinking of the rumors from the outside world, Jin Wanzhong felt quite anxious in his heart.

"Okay, now the members of the Jin family who have been invited have also taken their seats, and now I will come

Invite, a young man who may create the future for our Jin family to enter! "In the midst of everyone's attention, Jin Tianbing really said what Jin Wanzhong was most worried about. After his words were over, Lu Yang slowly walked into the banquet hall from the entrance of the hall.

"What, he actually has such an honor. It's incredible!" Seeing Lu Yang enter the arena, some people who were not optimistic about him at first talked one after another, and those who had expected him also all Feeling that Jin Wanshan is now valued by the family far beyond their expectations, they all pondered.

At this moment, Jin Wanzhong, who had been in a state of patience, finally couldn't bear it any longer. He stood up from his seat and shouted at Jin Tianbing, "Father, it's unfair for you to do this. I, as your His son was the first to refuse!"

"Are you not convinced?" Hearing Jin Wanzhong's words, Jin Tianbing's eyes suddenly became cold.

He felt that someone would object to the decision he made today, but he didn't expect that the first one would be his son, no, it should be Jin Tianbing's son.

"Why are you unconvinced?" Jin Tianbing looked at Jin Wanzhong and asked a little funny.

"Because he is not worthy!" Jin Wanzhong pointed to Lu Yang who had already sat next to Jin Tianbing, and said with a grim expression.

"Father, if anyone in our Jin family is most qualified to sit in that position, that person must be me, because I have also done a lot of work for the family."

"For example, last time, I won the fourth place in the Hundred Cities War for my family. For example, I found out the gap between the family last time..." Jin Wanzhong is real this time He was angry, but what he was angry with was not his father's attitude towards Jin Wanshan, but that he felt that Jin Wanshan was not as good as himself. Now that he has not achieved that position, Jin Wanshan is even more unqualified, so he will put his own all these years. The merits have been said once again.

These things do sound like something to be proud of.

It's a pity that Jin Tianbing still shook his head slightly annoyed and said, "Wanzhong, I understand your mood at the moment, but you seem to have forgotten one thing. It's me, not you, who decides who can be in what position." Yes. If you understand this, you should accept this!"

"No, father, I am convinced!" Hearing Jin Tianbing's words, Jin Wanzhong finally showed his extremely stubborn side.

Because he didn't want to be suppressed by Jin Wanshan just like that, and finally become a nobody in the Jin family.

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