The Strongest Beast Guarding System

Chapter 502: An Old Friend in Luoyang City

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Chapter 502: An Old Friend in Luoyang City

"Kill? Haha, I think you're talking a little too easily. Come on, you all don't live!" Lu Yang moved violently, and a series of afterimages appeared in front of these mysterious beast masters.

He only punched each of the beast masters of the Xuan rank, and they spurted blood wildly, and they fell to the ground one by one, unable to move, especially this Sun Xiaoming was caught on the ground like a chicken being caught. In Yang's hands, there is no ability to resist at all.

"You, you, you are an earth-level beast master..." After feeling Lu Yang's tyrannical strength, Sun Xiaoming completely gave up resistance, because he felt that he could not deal with Lu Yang at all with such little strength, so he simply listened. What should the other party say?

"Take me to the city lord's mansion. Remember that I was arrested by you for a while, and then we can talk about other things when we see the city lord." Lu Yang patted Sun Xiaoming, and he recovered completely from his physical injuries, and even changed Sun Xiaoming was a little bit more energetic than before, but he didn't dare to say more, so he led Lu Yang towards the City Lord's Mansion.

After about a stick of incense, they appeared at the gate of the City Lord's Mansion.

"So it's the lieutenant general, the city lord is waiting for you inside!" As he said that, he immediately gave Sun Xiaoming and Lu Yang the original path and let them walk into the city lord's mansion.

Sun Xiaoming bound Lu Yang's hands with special chains, and those who didn't know thought he was really a prisoner.

After walking for a while, they walked into a hall. There were only five people sitting in the hall. The leader was a middle-aged man and an earth-rank beast master. Consummation, and the middle-aged man in the lead is also a beast master of Xuan rank Dzogchen.

"Hahaha, yes, I didn't expect that you actually brought this kid here. Very good, you can go!" After speaking, Sun Changkun waved his hand to let Sun Xiaoming go down.

Then the earth-level beast master next to Sun Changkun spoke, "Lu Yang, do you know who I am?"

"Who are you?" Hearing this man's words, Lu Yang felt a little strange.

To say that he has indeed offended many people over the years, but he really doesn't know the beast master in front of him.

"Hahaha, Lu Yang, it's normal if you don't know me. When you first saw me, I was just a little-known little guy, but now I have become a beast master of the earth rank. But it's a pity that you today I'm about to die. Don't you forget how we met in Luoyang City?" Song Ziyan looked at Lu Yang and said proudly.

"In Luoyang City?" Lu Yang really didn't expect such a person.

At this time, Xiaomei's voice came to Lu Yang's mind, "Master, I checked your memory. This person is called Song Ziyan. He was the son of the shop elder when Huo Qiang was working in Luoyang City."

"Song Ziyan?" After saying this, Lu Yang seemed to have thought of something. It was true that he had taught Song Ziyan a lesson for Huo Qiang. It seems that this guy is really making a fortune now.

But an existence that was so weak at the beginning and didn't say it had much potential, how could it become so strong now? Is there any story in it?

The more Lu Yang thought about it, the more strange he felt, but he was not a fool, he knew there must be something wrong with Song Ziyan.

"I see. When you were an ant, you were injured by me. Do you bear the grudge?" Lu Yang said with a smile, without the slightest awareness of being a prisoner.

"I've always been an ant, so what are you now? You're probably worse than an ant." Song Ziyan's eyes were full of anger, and he felt that he could easily kill Lu Yang now.

"Hehe, special envoy, I've already caught this Lu Yang, it's up to you how to deal with it." Sun Changkun looked at Song Ziyan with a compliment, as if he had become his lackey.

"How to deal with it? Hmph, now you use a knife to prick your leg into a bloody hole for me to see." As he spoke, Song Ziyan said to the person beside him.

"Hehe, try it!" Lu Yang said with a sneer, ignoring the bracelet on his injury.

"Hmph, boy, don't be shameless. If you cooperate a little bit now, you might die a painful death in a while, but if you don't cooperate like this now, you will die a miserable death in a while. Don't blame us then. Just a little bit, you tortured to death!" One of the Xuan-level Dzogchen beast masters stood up from the chair, took out a sharp knife from a pocket, and walked towards Lu Yang slowly, and was about to stab Lu Yang with the sharp knife as he said that. Lu Yang's thigh.

"Get out!" Lu Yang kicked the sharp knife away from the hands of the Xuan-rank beast master with one kick, and then kicked it out again, directly kicking the Xuan-rank beast master's chest. The chest of the beast master of Xuan rank was kicked into pieces, a mouthful of blood spurted out from his mouth, and he fell to the ground unconscious.


With the force of both hands, Lu Yang directly broke the chain, and strode towards Sun Changkun, "Lie here for me first!"

Lu Yang's speed was extremely fast, and he arrived in front of Sun Changkun in a few steps. Sun Changkun's thigh was broken with just one punch, and Sun Changkun fell to the ground and couldn't move.

"Song Ziyan, it's your turn!" Lu Yang looked at Song Ziyan, who was a little surprised, and said boredly.

We must know that although Song Ziyan is powerful, he is only an early-level beast master after all. Compared with Lu Yang, he is a scum at all.

"You, why are you so strong?" Song Ziyan suddenly felt that he was in danger, and he immediately said to the two Xuan-rank beast masters

, "You two hurry up and stop him for me!"

As Song Ziyan said, his whole body immediately transformed into a cloud of black air, and at the same time more and more black runes surged out of his body.

"Oh? It's another demonized earth-level demon. No wonder your strength has improved so quickly. You have surrendered to the demon." Seeing Song Ziyan's demonization, Lu Yang probably understood something in his heart.

No matter how strong a demonized Song Ziyan is, he will not be much stronger.

"Hahaha, I'm a demon. What's the matter? Let me tell you, the demon clan is very powerful. Stop him!" Song Ziyan's voice became hoarse as he spoke.

Just when Lu Yang was about to make a move, the two beast masters who had been sitting on the seats were also demonized, but they were demonized extremely fast, and rushed to Lu Yang in the blink of an eye, wanting to die with him .

It's a pity that they are only beast masters of the Xuan rank after all, and they were punched in the body by Lu Yang as soon as they rushed up, and powerful flame runes shot out from Lu Yang's fist, directly piercing through them. Seeing through the bodies of these two Xuan-level Dzogchen beast masters, they were completely turned into a mass of ashes.

"The two Xuan-rank beast masters died just like that?" Seeing this, Song Ziyan took a few steps back again.

Although he has now become an earth-level beast master, he actually has no combat experience, and he was trained by force-feeding methods. He is very empty in his heart. Now that he meets a real strong man, he I finally know what it means to be afraid.

"Heavenly Demon, I'll leave this guy to you!" Lu Yang didn't want to deal with this idiot, so he released the Heavenly Demon directly to deal with Song Ziyan.

"Quack quack, what a big piece of fat! It's really good, I like it!" The demon showed a ferocious face as soon as he appeared, but he didn't dare to be too indulgent in front of Lu Yang, but threatened a few times before pounced. To Song Ziyan.

"Damn it, I'll fight with you!" Song Ziyan could feel that this demon was also of the demon family, so he gritted his teeth and rushed towards the demon.

It's a pity that he has almost no actual combat experience. Although his speed is very fast, it is difficult to really display it. What is Tianmo, he is an extremely cunning guy.

Seeing Song Ziyan rushing into the air, the Heavenly Demon went around to reach out for the cigarette delivery man. Before he could react, the Heavenly Demon's palm had already pierced into Song Ziyan's body, directly absorbing all the devilish energy from Song Ziyan's body. Now Song Ziyan was completely finished.

"Sun Changkun, it's your turn now. Tell me, besides Song Ziyan, is there anyone behind you?" Lu Yang asked, looking at Sun Changkun who had been crippled by himself.

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