The Strongest Beast Guarding System

Chapter 504: Beginning to ascend to the heavenly rank

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Chapter 504: Beginning to ascend to the heavenly rank

"Master, originally these things have involved the way of heaven, I will not tell you, otherwise, there will be bad luck, but now that you have been involved, then I have nothing to hide. The place to go is called Tongtian Secret Realm." Zhu Zhitong thought for a while, and said very solemnly, as if this Tongtian Secret Realm was his elder, not a place, and this elder was standing in front of them.

This feeling made Lu Yang feel very strange.

"Master, I am afraid that you are a person with a great opportunity, so the law of heaven cannot be imposed on you, but I don't know, the law of heaven has a heavy punishment for us mortals. If the cause and effect have not come, untie the law of heaven , then there will be unforeseen disasters.”

"To put it simply, it means going out to meet the enemy, practicing madness, and a near-death situation. How serious are you?" Zhu Zhitong said to Lu Yang, taking a deep breath.

"What? How can it be so powerful? It seems that I have to mention this point." Although Lu Yang didn't feel the law of heaven, there is no harm in taking precautions against some things as much as possible.

As they left Luoyang City, they rode their battle pets towards the east and saw a large barren forest. After passing this forest, there were some human cities. After passing this deviation city, they continued to move forward. For almost ten days, they passed through countless mountains, forests, and human cities, and finally came to a vast ocean.

"Is this the secret realm you mentioned?" Lu Yang asked in surprise when he saw the boundless sea.

To be honest, he has been to the sea before, but he has never seen such a majestic sea. Perhaps his cultivation level has changed. Every time the waves of this sea change, there are waves rolling up from the surface of the sea. , the rune power of the ocean system is also constantly rotating and flowing in the waves.

This feeling is as if the wave is the body of the rune power, and the rune power is the soul of the wave. In short, the two are mutually supporting and indispensable.

"Master, the Secret Realm of Tongtian is on the small island near this sea area, but it is extremely dangerous. If I hadn't been young and vigorous, I would not have gone to such a dangerous place alone to find the law of Tongtian. Now I am here again. Only when I came here did I realize how ridiculous I was back then."

"But even so, I was able to take the key to the seal of the Chenlong Mountain Range from there, which can be regarded as my good luck. But thinking about it now, I think that at that time, there might be a powerful person who helped me behind the scenes. Let me take it away, maybe it is to plant the foreshadowing of today." Zhu Zhitong thought about what happened recently and what happened hundreds of years ago, and said with some doubts.

"Oh? If this is the case, then this existence must be a great power. Let's go!" Lu Yang didn't take Zhu Zhitong's words seriously. After all, he only knew how mysterious the secret realm of Tongtian was from Zhu Zhitong. For him, all these are just bubbles in the conversation with Zhu Zhi.

"It's just ahead." As they flew, a day later, an island gradually appeared in front of them.

Seen from the outside, this small island is almost no different from ordinary small islands, but if you look closely, you will find that there is a layer of mist covering the vicinity of this small island, and this mist seems to be transparent. If viewed from other angles, this small island turned out to be an invisible existence.

Don't look at Zhu Zhitong's ability to find this place easily. In fact, there is no coordinate on the sea. If it were another person, it would be absolutely impossible to find this place so easily. This may be the legendary chance.

But for these, Zhu Zhitong did not tell Lu Yang the reason, but took him to the island.


The fog disappeared, and the whole island appeared before Lu Yang's eyes.

"Impossible!" Zhu Zhitong exclaimed when he came to the island.

You must know that he can be regarded as the longest-lived among the earth-level beast masters. He can live to be more than a thousand years old. He has never seen such a big scene, but he was so scared by the scene in front of him that he couldn't say a word for a long time.

Not only that, but even Lu Yang felt that the scene in front of him was extremely weird, and he really couldn't explain why it was so weird.

"By the way, the thick fog outside has completely hidden this place, even the sunlight in the sky is no exception." Lu Yang looked at the sky, and only one tenth of the light could penetrate into the island. It can be said that even though the sun is shining brightly outside, it is an extremely dark scene here.

"It's not for this reason. After all, I have been here in the past. The situation here was similar to now. I think this small island seems to have completely lost its vitality, but none of the plants here are dead. Are you surprised or not? "Zhu Zhitong pointed at these plants and said in surprise.

"Oh? So that's the reason, but I didn't pay attention to it." Lu Yang shook his head, feeling that he didn't notice anything wrong.

At this time, Xiaomei's voice suddenly came out, "Master, Senior Zhu, the plants here are no longer ordinary plants, but freaks that can grow by eating death runes."

"What, there are plants that can eat death runes? This kind of thing is beyond my understanding of things." Zhu Zhitong said very calmly.

"No matter what, this time we are here to help you break through the Heavenly Beastmaster, are you sure you are

it's here? "Looking at the surrounding environment, Lu Yang asked a little strangely.

"Of course that is the case. This is my fate, and it is also a test that I must pass. Because I seem to be drawn here by a certain consciousness here, not by resources." Zhu Zhitong said very ashamedly, because he I feel that this matter seems to have something to do with Lu Yang.

"What, it turned out to be like this, okay. Then I'm going to see what's so special about this small island. Let's go, let's go to the place where you are going to be promoted." Lu Yang pointed to the front and let Zhu Zhi pass the way .

As they moved forward, soon a mountain with only a few hundred meters appeared in front of them. In addition to this mountain peak, there is also a cave with a height of one person under the mountain peak. If Zhu Zhitong got the Shenlong Mountain Range, he found it from this cave.

"I'm going to be promoted at the top of this mountain." Zhu Zhitong pointed to the small mountain in front of him and said.

"Do you need me to do anything?" Lu Yang asked very simply.

"I need my master to help me protect the law, and the rest is up to me!" Zhu Zhitong took a deep breath and said slowly.

"Okay, I got it, let's start." Lu Yang summoned all the battle pets and integrated them into his body, and in an instant, he saw the battle spirits of four earth-level beasts appearing behind him. Shadow, and the light of many mysterious beasts appeared around him.

It can be said that in order to protect Zhu Zhitong's smooth promotion to the Heaven Rank Beast Master, Lu Yang put in all his energy.

"Here we come!" Zhu Zhitong shouted when he saw that Lu Yang was ready.

Immediately afterwards, Lu Yang saw that as Zhu Zhitong hit the sky, countless lightning runes fell from the sky. As soon as these lightning runes appeared, they fell from the sky like hailstones, hitting Zhu Zhitong's body non-stop. This momentum was only slightly stronger than Lu Yang's promotion to the ground-level beast master.

However, Lu Yang was still attracted by Zhu Zhitong's aura, and began to observe with all his attention.

"Wow wow wow..."

At this time, a big bird with a length of tens of meters appeared near the small island, but he didn't see the small island at first.

But this big bird is not a fool, it is even smarter than ordinary beasts, it quickly found Zhu Zhitong's position, and rushed towards Zhu Zhitong on the mountain peak.

Because in its view, the current Zhu Zhitong is simply a pile of immovable delicious food, waiting for him to taste it, and eating it will be of great benefit to him.

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