The Strongest Beast Guarding System

Chapter 507: Promoted to the third-level main city

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Chapter 507: Promoted to the third-level main city

Who is Zhu Zhitong? He is a powerful earth-level beast master who once gained fame in the entire human race continent. It is said that when he was at the ground level, he was able to leapfrog and kill the beast master of the sky level. At that time, he seemed to be only at the late stage of the ground level, and belonged to the strength of King Xuan.

But now Zhu Zhitong has actually been promoted to the Great Perfection of the Earth Rank, which seems to be one step further away from the Heaven Rank, which is the level of the Human King. It can be said that it is stronger than before.

Then, isn't his current real combat power closer to that of a Heavenly Beastmaster, and even some ordinary Heavenly Beastmasters are just a display in front of him?

Thinking of this, Elder Feng finally understood why the chief of the pavilion asked him to fully assist the Tianyi Sect to grow. Today, the Tianyi Sect is too good. After thinking about this, his attitude towards Lu Yang was no longer respectful than before. Admiration, even admiration.

"My lord, I have no doubts." After speaking, Elder Feng sat down without hesitation.

"Senior Zhu will be fully responsible for the cooperation between our Tianyi Sect and the Heavenly Beast Sect this time, and you just need to improve your strength as soon as possible. Of course, it is also more important for the assessment and training of Tianyi Sect disciples." Lu Yang thought about the future development of Tianyimen, and said with certainty.

"I know the city lord!" This time, everyone no longer had any objections to Lu Yang's words.

"In addition to Tianyi Sect's cooperation with the Heavenly Beast Sect in the future, I also plan to promote Luoyang City to a third-level main city in the near future. I will complete these things in the shortest possible time. As for how to promote, I also have a plan." Arrangement, Senior Luo, you should know about the broken heart of the main city in Xiangyang City, you should immediately take someone to retrieve the heart of the main city, and bring enough resources to compensate Xiangyang City .”

"As long as we have the trust of the main city, the promotion will be extremely smooth." Lu Yang said very confidently.

"Obey!" Luoyun Shancong walked out from his seat, reached out to take Lu Yang's token, and returned to his seat.

What Lu Yang issued to Luoyun Mountain was the token of the city lord of the first-level city, which had a strong restraint effect on Xiangyang City.

"Besides, I also want to absorb a large number of people from the surrounding cities, and continue to expand Luoyang City and Tianyi Gate, so you must do a good job of investigation, absolutely not allowing anyone to destroy the law and order of our Luoyang City and stability, can you do this?" Lu Yang continued.

"Yes!" This time, deafening slogans sounded in the entire hall.

"Okay, the next thing is how you go about it. In short, no matter what you need from each other, you can borrow from each other. Among them, the needs of one class per day are the most. If there is no doubt, then today's meeting is over. Now, you can leave now. If any of you have any questions, you can come and talk to me alone!" After Lu Yang finished speaking, he let the matter spread out.

At this moment, Huo Qiang quickly walked up to Lu Yang.

"You want me to promote you to Xuan rank too." Seeing Huo Qiang's embarrassed face, Lu Yang said a little funny.

"Master, you have also seen that although I am cultivating desperately now, my strength is only limited to the late stage of the Yellow Rank. Although it is already considered good in Luoyang City, if Luoyang City advances in the future, then my strength will definitely be great. Besides, I'm Master's apprentice, so wouldn't it be too shameful." Huo Qiang said a little playfully.

"Hehe, it seems quite reasonable for you to say that. Well, you can follow me to my secret room now." Lu Yang will feel the strong desire in Huo Qiang's heart, and a gratifying smile will appear on the corner of his mouth. .

For a qualified master, there is nothing that makes him happier than his apprentice's hard work, not to mention the troubled times now, the stronger his strength, the more capable he is of self-protection, and there will be more opportunities to help him in the future, so Helping Huo Qiang to be promoted to the Xuan rank Beast Master, this matter he had to do both emotionally and rationally.

When he came to the secret room, Lu Yang looked at Huo Qiang and asked, "Now I give you two choices, the first one is for you to voluntarily promote yourself to the Xuan rank Beastmaster, and ask me if you have any questions. In short, as long as you need the resources I have here, but the process is more difficult, and the future achievements will be the greatest."

"The second way is to forcibly raise your cultivation level, so that you have the combat power of a beast master of the Xuan rank, but I am afraid that your future achievements will come to an end when you reach the rank of the earth."

"The third method is the same as last time. I will help you get a mysterious beast first, so that you can improve it based on your own perception. As for future achievements, it will not be too high, and it is very likely that you will miss a lot in the future." Less experience in self-cultivation, after all, subduing fierce beasts is also an experience. You can choose a path yourself." Lu Yang looked at Huo Qiang and asked.

"Master, I choose the first one. As long as you can give me the resources, I am willing to use the fastest speed to improve my cultivation level. In the future, as long as the master needs it, my disciples will not hesitate!" Huo Qiang said very seriously, watching He thinks that it can be said and done.

"Okay, since you said so, then I will give you the resources. I hope you can do what you think in your heart and what you say. I will give you one hundred mysterious crystals and five basic crystals. Crystals, you can understand them separately. There are five spars with special attributes. Remember that there are a lot of ordinary spars, and you can find them again when you run out, but the number of special attribute spars is rare, and even the master will not have them. Too much, you have to calculate carefully, otherwise, Master may not give it to you when you ask for it next time." Lu Yangshi

Said to Huo Qiang very seriously.

After all, if there are too many resources and cultivation is too easy, demons will easily arise, which is not a good thing for cultivation, so he must constantly polish Huo Qiang and let him know how to cherish resources, otherwise the ones he cultivates in the future may not be good. His assistant is very likely to be a stab in the back.

"Thank you, master, for your cultivation. This disciple will never hesitate to die!" After speaking, Huo Qiang knelt on the ground and kowtowed to Lu Yang.

"Okay, get up. You've been practicing here for a while. Here are some of my cultivation experience. If you have time, take a look. If you haven't been promoted to the Xuan rank, you are not allowed to come out!" After Lu Yang finished explaining, They locked Huo Qiang in the secret room, and then asked Luoyunshan to arrange other things about him, for example, there must be an explanation for the Huo family, and Huo Qiang's usual diet and so on.

After Lu Yang finished dealing with these, he was about to leave Luoyang City and go to the king-level city.

The king-level city he went to was a king-level beast master who once cultivated Zhu Zhitong. Now counting his age, this king-level beast master is at least fifteen or six hundred years old, and he is older than Zhu Zhitong. He is even older, but if calculated according to the lifespan of a royal beast master, he has just spent two-thirds of his life now.

Moreover, it is said that hundreds of years ago, his cultivation had already reached the Great Perfection of the King Rank, and now he should have the possibility to challenge the Emperor Rank Beast Master. Once he enters the Emperor Rank, his life will increase to 5,000 plus of.

"Master, here is my token. As long as you take my token to him, he will be able to entertain you well. In addition to your news, I don't dare to say anything else. Let Luoyang City become a third-level city. There is nothing wrong with the main city." Zhu Zhitong thought for a while and said with certainty.

"Okay, then thank you senior." Lu Yang took the letter and put it in a storage bag, then turned around and left Luoyang City towards Wangcheng.

The royal city he was going to this time actually had nothing to do with Luoyang City. If there was a relationship, then the personal relationship between the city lord of this royal city and the city lord who governed Luoyang City was fine.

Of course, although it is a two-line relationship network, when it comes to the level of the king's city, the conversation between the two king-level beast masters is easier.

In short, as long as he can handle the relationship at this level, it is possible for Luoyang City to be promoted to a first-level main city in the future, but if he wants to be promoted to the Royal City, he may have to go to the Imperial City.

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