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Chapter 509 Treasure Map

"What if he is the spy of the beast family? I have my family and friends here. I don't want my family and friends to be involved in an innocent war and be killed by this beast in the end. " Duo Zixun looked at Lu Yang and said with contempt.

"City Lord, there is another doctor over there. He said that he has seen the animal doctor who once killed the whole city." At this moment, an injured animal master limped over.

It didn't take long before a doctor who was in his fifties at any time came over.

After seeing the doctor, the city lord immediately stepped forward to support him and said, "Senior, how can I let you come here in person? If you say something, I'll let someone carry you here immediately."

"Hmph, bring it here, isn't what you said a little too full? Let me tell you, my old bones are not completely dead, and these cities cannot be destroyed by you!" The old man was a little angry Glancing at the city lord, then at Lu Yang, he continued, "Young man, where are you from?"

"I..." Hearing what the old man said, Lu Yang was at a loss for words. He didn't expect that he would cause so much trouble just to save people, and he felt annoyed for a while, but he still held back his breath and said, "I I came from Dongzhou City, because of the rampant beasts recently, I want to go out to help the world and save people!"

"Hehehe, people from Dongzhou City? Then let me ask you what cities you passed along the way. Tell me, how many people did you save?" the old man asked again.

This made him question even more, because all he saw along the way were empty cities, and there were not many living people at all.

"What's the matter? You can't answer it! Let me ask you again, how long did it take you to get here from Dongzhou City?" The old man continued to ask.

"I..." Lu Yang was really pissed off by the old man's question.

"If you don't know anything, immediately lock him up and take him to the prison. This person is definitely suspicious!" Having said this, the old man immediately showed a sinister smile.

"No, there must be ghosts in here." Although Lu Yang was almost annoyed by the people here, he still endured it. After all, since he wants to save the people here, there is no reason to give up halfway.

So he was tied up by these people, and naturally he would not resist.

What's more, these yellow rank beast masters can't do anything to him.

"Take it away!" The city lord looked at Lu Yang angrily, thinking that Lu Yang really lied to them.

"There is definitely something wrong with this old man, so I still want to stay and see the situation." After Lu Yang was taken away by several beast masters, he was locked in a prison.

However, he didn't sit still, but let the demon into his appearance, and he left the prison with the demon heart stone, and came back to many cities.

This time his target was the old man in many cities.

Sure enough, the old man is a doctor in many cities, and his medical skills are not bad, at least much better than other doctors in many cities. But he is not free treatment, but paid treatment, and the price is not low.

At first, Lu Yang wondered if he had offended the old man because of profit, but he found that the old man was here to heal people, and although he also charged money, he didn't charge much.

So it is definitely not because of the willingness of interests to offend the whole old man, but what is the reason for offending this old man?

In this way, Lu Yang felt strange. Could it be that his status was affected by his own treatment and saving of others, or this old man was the doctor who killed people?

The more Lu Yang thought about it, the more strange he felt, and suddenly he felt that the last possibility was the most likely to happen.

Thinking of this, Lu Yang disguised himself as a local resident and hid himself.

Soon the day was over, and at night, Lu Yang followed the doctor back to his place of residence.

Before entering the yard, I heard the doctor shouting to the outside, "What? Now that you're here, don't you dare to come out?"

At first, Lu Yang thought that the old man was talking about himself, but when he listened carefully, he found that there was another person behind the old man.

Sure enough, a middle-aged man came out of the darkness soon.

"Hehe, black heart three, why are you so soft-hearted this time, you dare not treat the people here, and keep them for such a long time, I still have to wait to eat human flesh!" The one who came out was also a human beast master, and This old man is also a human beast master, which made Lu Yang feel strange.

Because in his impression, only ferocious beasts can eat people, why do these beast masters also eat people.

"Hmph, it's not because I'm soft-hearted! Let me tell you, the lords of these many cities have a treasure map in their hands. It is because of the treasure map that I want to stay here for a while, otherwise, you think I will be fine. Idle and heal these lowly people?" the old man said with contempt.

"Oh? What kind of treasure is it?" the middle-aged man asked in surprise.

"Come in, it's not good for you to stand here and be seen by others." The old man opened the door of his house and let the middle-aged man walk in, and Lu Yang followed them into the yard.

Immediately afterwards, the old man said with a smile, "It is said that it is a cave left by a royal beast master. What treasure do you think you can find!"

"Hahahaha, that's really a good thing, maybe I can still find it

to long-lost treasures. As long as we get one, we'll finally make a fortune! "The middle-aged man said with a smile.

"Then what are you going to do now? If he doesn't take it out, you will stay here forever?" The middle-aged man asked with a smile.

"No, I have visited his mansion several times in the past few days, and I think I have found the approximate location of the treasure. Let's go!" The old man turned into a middle-aged man, but It is conceivable that he has already killed the real old man, and now he is just working overtime to frame the old man.

"Let's go!" The two middle-aged men are beast masters of the Xuan rank, and it is too easy to kill people in this second-level city, so Lu Yang followed them all the way to the City Lord's Mansion, and soon the two men met Jumped into the city lord's mansion and came to the place where the city lord rested.

"Wait for me!" After saying that, one of the beast masters of the Xuan rank changed back to his previous appearance, walked outside the door and knocked on the door and said.

"City lord, the old doctor has something to see!" I have to say, this Xuan-rank beast master is not only very good at disguise, but also imitates other people's words so vividly that even the city lord can hardly find the flaws.

He seemed to be approving some documents, so he didn't look up, just nodded and said, "Please sir!"

Afterwards, the Xuanjie Beast Master waited at the door for a while, then deliberately pretended to be coming, and opened the door of the city lord.

"It turned out to be an old doctor, and you have been troubled recently." Seeing that it was really an old doctor, the city lord quickly stood up and said to the beast master Xuanjie.

"Okay, sit down. The old man is not here for anything else, but to ask if what you said is true?" Xuanjie Beastmaster thought for a while and asked.

"The treasure map you mentioned, there is indeed such a thing, but that thing is a family heirloom of our family. If you want to borrow it to read it, there is no problem, but please forgive me, old man. It is impossible to give it to you." The city lord said in embarrassment.

"Okay, I don't want anything, I just want to see something strange, so you don't have to worry too much." Xuanjie Beast Master said hypocritically.

"Senior, don't worry, I'll show you the map right now." After speaking, the city lord walked into his room and took out a picture.

At first glance, this picture shows mountains, rivers, bright moon, small bridges and flowing water, but in fact, in this picture, there are really blurred places, and there is a picture that has become slightly blurred. map.

"City Lord, what exactly is the place marked on this map?" Xuanjie Beastmaster felt that he could kill him as long as he asked the City Lord a few more questions.

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