The Strongest Beast Guarding System

Chapter 517: Human Traitor

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Chapter 517: Human Traitor

A ferocious beast that only eats rotten food, its appetite is definitely not too bad, and they even have an amazing power, that is amazing digestion ability. In short, any rotten food will become very delicious when it reaches them.

Of course, they are not fools. Although they like to eat carrion, they never refuse any living thing.

More importantly, this kind of fierce beast prefers to use its sharp teeth to tear its prey, and this kind of tearing is different from ordinary tearing, but completely tears the prey to pieces, even the bones. Staring at it can be said to be equivalent to immortality.

So seeing this kind of sea ghost beast, Lu Yang immediately fell to the ice valley.

"By the way, don't I have a demon heart stone?" Thinking of this, Lu Yang seemed to have found a pretty good solution to the problem, and suddenly became a kind of sea ghost and entered under the lake.

Fortunately, if it was him, if it was someone else, even if he could transform into a water ghost, they would not be able to become like a water ghost, using the death air here, and it might even be because the death air is too dense , and died of poisoning, while Lu Yang was just the opposite.

Because of the air of death, the death runes in his body can function better, and they can even condense together to form a more death rune.

As long as this death rune can be condensed, then when he uses the finger of death again, his magic power can be increased by at least 30% to 40% or more.

"Gulu Gulu..."

When Lu Yang entered the lake, the water ghost grumbled to Lu Yang, as if to say something.

Originally, he didn't understand, but after some analysis by the Beast Familiar System, he probably knew what the other party meant.

It turned out that the water ghost told Lu Yang that a lot of outsiders had come to the Lake of Death recently, so let him be careful, otherwise, if the king knows that they are lazy, he may be dead.

Of course, the water ghost is a very simple-minded creature, and the meaning he expresses is probably like this, but it is not so complicated.

"King?" Hearing what the water ghost said, Lu Yang was taken aback for a moment. He didn't expect the king of the water ghost to be here.

But who is that girl playing the flute? Is she the king of the water ghost? If not, who is the king of the water ghost? And who is that girl?

This series of questions made Lu Yang extremely confused, but he couldn't go deep into it. After all, this kind of thing was something he had never heard of before, and he had no experience at all, so he needed a little exploration. Okay, so the experience here is basically quite wasteful.

"Gulu Gulu..."

After the analysis of the Beast Familiar System, Lu Yang expressed his gratitude to him in the language of the water ghost, and soon he swam to other places.

Because there are more water ghosts lurking there, it is said that it is the entrance to the whole lake bottom world. Just as Lu Yang dived into the lake, he saw that the place four meters below the lake was full of corpses. These corpses were piled up together, and they must have been decayed and deformed, but there were also some corpses that seemed to have just been piled up in the lake. Here, it seems that he has just died not long ago.

"Could it be that these corpses are beast masters who died in some cities recently?" Thinking of this, Lu Yang looked around strangely, but he couldn't find where these corpses were transported here. He was about to give up looking for the entrance of these corpses to enter here.

Because he found that an extremely deep passage had appeared in front of them. Inside this passage should be the palace of the water ghost.

"Hahaha, this is our territory, no matter how rampant those outsiders are, they can't find it here, hey, in this way, we can eat some fresh flesh and blood, otherwise, I am I'm going to suffocate." As soon as he swam into the passage, Lu Yang heard a burst of exclamation.

"Okay, don't be wordy, when will the cooperation between us officially start, if you reject me now, I will definitely have a hundred ways to kill you, look how dead you will be in the end Miserable!" The voice should be that of the Sea Ghost King, deep and powerful!

"Quack quack, don't worry, I've already made arrangements here. As long as we can attract more beast masters and beasts, then we can rely on the resources here to truly build a powerful force." One of the very depressed voices said.

"Okay, I will believe this time, but if you dare to betray me, you know what the consequences will be, let's go!" Following the order of the ghost king, a row of sea ghosts stood next to a human beast master After leaving the sea ghost king's bedroom, but he was wearing a mask, Lu Yang couldn't tell who he was at all.

"Sure enough, he should have some status in the human race. Otherwise, how could he block his face? This is obviously because he doesn't want others to know his identity. But you met me, so it may not be so." Lu Yang knew that this place was a trap at all, probably to harm the resources of these human beast masters and other beasts, and even kill them here, so even if you go forward, you can't see any treasures, at most you can only see It's just some big formations that must die.

However, Lu Yang still wanted to follow this human beast master, just to find out his identity.

"Hehe, I didn't expect that I would be able to earn hundreds of earth-level crystals this time if I just spread the word outside. It's really a lot of money. But

I can't let others see my true face of Mount Lu. "Speaking, the beast master took off his mask and completely released his breath.

"A celestial beast master? And a genius beast master?" After Lu Yang felt the opponent's strength, he had completely given up on the idea of ​​following up and asking him for information.

You must know that the other party's cultivation level is much stronger than him. If you want to kill him, it is simply a piece of cake, so he must not follow him anymore.

However, Lu Yang was not completely fruitless, at least he bought it, he saw the appearance of this human beast master.

Thinking of this, Lu Yang followed the human beast master to open this cave.

However, he did not leave the cave, but stayed at the entrance of the cave for several days and nights, and only after he was sure that there was no danger did he leave.

"I didn't expect that this is not a treasure, but a huge trap. It seems that this is another force besides the beasts and demons. As for what kind of existence are they?" The power is very curious, but he is not a fool. Since the other party is so unscrupulous about killing people, he must have no good impressions of the human race, so these people are also the enemies of the human race, and they must be eliminated quickly.

But as far as his current strength is concerned, he is still too weak.

"Master, it was really dangerous just now. I can feel that although we can remain undetected in there, if it takes a long time, we will definitely reveal our secrets, so leaving as soon as possible is our best choice." Tianmo recalled just now In this situation, I felt terrified and said in great pain.

After all, Heavenly Demon is a member of the demon family. Although he was transformed by the Beast Familiar System, he is suspicious by nature, so he is naturally more sensitive to many things. Jing Ri'an can say such things, which shows that he still has some Based on.

"Boom boom boom..."

Just after Lu Yang left this mysterious cave, he walked forward for about half a day, and saw a large army of beasts appearing in front of him, and four or five powerful earth-level beasts opened the way ahead. Beasts, each of these earth-level beasts is at least a thousand meters high, and there are thousands of earth-level beasts and sky-level beasts lying densely on their bodies.

Although these earth-level beasts seem to be huge, their speed is not slow at all. Even every step they take is equivalent to a speed of several kilometers, which can be said to be no slower than Lu Yang's space tearing.

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