The Strongest Beast Guarding System

Chapter 519 Killing the Heavenly Tier Beast

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Chapter 519 Killing the Heavenly Tier Beast

"How is it possible? I can clearly feel an enemy appearing beside me, but why can't I see him?" The flaming crocodile suddenly felt hairy all over his body, and knew that the spy who killed his subordinates must be nearby.

But he couldn't see that person no matter how he looked, which immediately made me a little scared.

After all, the fierce beasts have spies among the human race, and the human race also has spies among the fierce beasts, so the fire crocodile has no doubt that this must be the human race's spies taking this opportunity to turn against the water.

"Hmph, since you've been lurking for so long, I want to see, who are you?" The flaming crocodile charged in front of the formation, while constantly sweeping its consciousness around, hoping to find the one who was lurking. The human spies in his own army will be executed immediately as soon as they find him.

"I didn't expect this fiery crocodile to be so cautious. It really isn't easy to deal with, but that's okay, as long as you get more and more nervous, sooner or later there will be flaws." Lu Yang is not far away from the fiery crocodile, even from some kind of To a certain extent, he and the fire crocodile are still teammates who share weal and woe, so the fire crocodile can't doubt Lu Yang.

However, Lu Yang knew in his heart that he had to get close to the fire crocodile as soon as possible, and only after gaining his trust could he kill it extremely quickly.

With a sound of "huh", as the balls of flames landed, Lu Yang knew that he and the fire crocodile had come near the core formation of the city, so now he has more opportunities to get close to the fire crocodile, and he will definitely be able to do so in this battle Severely injure the flaming crocodile.

Of course, there is only one chance. If it fails, it will be even more difficult to form an effective attack next time.

"Damn heaven-level beasts, since you dare to come to support today, I dare to keep you here." Just when the flaming crocodile brought a large number of earth-level beasts to the core formation of the first-level main city Suddenly, another Heavenly Rank Beast Master descended from the sky, directly blocking the Fiery Crocodile.

"Hahaha, poor human beast master, you are just an ordinary heavenly beast master, and I have already reached the middle stage of the heavenly rank, it is a fool's dream for you to kill me, but if I can If you eat it, it will definitely be of great benefit to my strength." After seeing the human beast master, the fire crocodile suddenly had a ferocious smile on his face. It's just here to deliver people's heads.

"Give it to me!" Although he has a deep fear of the flaming crocodile, the human beast master will not be afraid. After all, this battle is a battle of life and death. Once he is afraid, his death will be accelerated. Maybe there will be more chances of survival.

"Woo woo woo..."

As the human beastmaster opened his arms, strips of icy feathers stretched out from his back, making him look like a peacock with its tail open. It looked extraordinarily beautiful, but he became This is not just for beauty, but to increase his attack power. At the same time, there are thick psychedelic colors on the feathers all over his body, the purpose is to confuse his enemies.

"Hehehe, sure enough, there are still two things to do, but you are nothing more than a piece of cake in front of me. The flames are turned on!" The flaming crocodile opened its mouth fiercely, and balls of fire spewed out before the peacock's ice.

However, the human peacock was not inferior in the slightest. A large amount of ice rushed towards his face, extinguishing all the flames like a big hand, before coming to the flaming crocodile, it turned into a sharp sword and shot at his body.

"Okay, okay!" The fire crocodile said three good words in a row, and swallowed the sword with one mouth.

Although this sword is still very powerful, it can be clearly felt that after it was swallowed by the flaming crocodile, his body exploded into pieces, and the flaming crocodile didn't respond when it ate the sharp sword, as if To him, that sharp sword was nothing more than a lollipop.

"The attack power of the flaming crocodile is really strong." Lu Yang didn't expect this flaming crocodile to be so powerful, and he began to constantly calculate in his mind how to hit him severely.

"Master, after my series of analysis, it can be calculated that the defensive power of this heaven-rank beast is very strong. At that time, the only thing he will be afraid of are all kinds of corrosive runes, such as death. Runes." After some analysis, Xiaomei said to Lu Yang.

Although his analysis is very thorough, the cost involved is also very large, at least more than a thousand black-rank spar, and this is just a foundation.

However, Lu Yang didn't feel distressed either. After all, he would gain a lot of valuable experience if he could kill this celestial beast, and he could even take the opportunity to eat this celestial beast to help his battle Pets improve strength.

"Quack, if you only have such a little attack power, then I will not be polite!" After the flaming crocodile swallowed the sharp sword, it rushed forward fiercely, and its tail, which was only three or four meters long, suddenly looked like a whip The same is drawn to the peacock of the human race.

This is not an ordinary whip, but the tail of a flaming crocodile, which can smash the body of an ordinary human beast master into pieces at once. He was battered.

"Damn it, I will never let you succeed, I will fight with you!" The human peacock's feathers immediately turned into balls of ice torrents, wrapping around the fiery crocodile.

"Crack, crunch..." The large piece of ice froze the body of the raging crocodile in an instant, and at the same time, the raging fire crocodile

The flame rune on the crocodile tail has also become more and more powerful.

If they continue in such a stalemate, within a few breaths, the tiring crocodile will be able to break through the checks and balances of the human peacock, and directly beat him to serious injuries. At that time, he will definitely be able to beat the human beast master into a meat sauce if he pursues the victory of.

It's a pity that he forgot that there are still a pair of terrible eyes staring at him!

"Hehe fire crocodile, your time of death is here!" After saying that, Lu Yang directly tore through the void and came to the back of fire crocodile, following the simplified version of life and death with one finger, a black death air was like a sharp blade, It pierced into the body of the flaming crocodile.

Immediately afterwards, Lu Yang followed the thunder rune directly along the ravine of the fire crocodile's body. All of a sudden, the whole body of the fire crocodile seemed to fall into the sea of ​​thunder, and all internal organs were blown to pieces by the thunder sparks.

"Eat!" Lu Yang stretched out his hand fiercely, and summoned all the earth-level battle pets, and several big mouths began to bite at the same time. In less than one breath, a sky-level beast was eaten up. , Then Lu Yang tore apart the void and left the battlefield.

He could foresee that even if the human army would win this battle very difficult, there would definitely not be too many casualties. In short, after he killed the raging crocodile, he brought hope of victory to the human army.

Of course, Lu Yang would not just come and go in such a hurry, but left a fairly frontal view of these human beast masters. Everyone saw a total of seven or eight battle pets all over his body moving non-stop, and then Lu Yang disappeared without a trace. It can be said that these human beast masters seem to have seen a multi-headed monster at this moment.

"Could it be that he is a spy of our human race lurking in the army of beasts? It seems that the ancestral city has ambushed a very beautiful dark man." These human beast masters seemed to see the hope that the ancestral city gave them, and all of them immediately commented Get excited, and suddenly the disadvantage of the human army is reversed, and even has the ability to severely damage or even eat this army of beasts.

"Hehe, I didn't expect that my appearance could turn the tide of the battle. It's really interesting. But this time it was purely a fluke, so I can't be so reckless next time." It went well, but that was also a coincidence, he could restrain this celestial beast.

However, this does not mean that he can really easily kill the Heaven Rank beast now, even if it is an assassination.

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