The Strongest Beast Guarding System

Chapter 525: Battle King Hu Cheng

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Chapter 525: Battle King Hu Cheng

"Kneel down?" Lu Yang frowned when he heard the city guard's words, and slapped the city guard directly on the face, "Go away, here is my token, if you are not convinced, come here The City Lord's Mansion is looking for me!"

Lu Yang frowned, turned around and walked in.

"Damn it, are the people in the City Lord's Mansion really so arrogant?" The city guard was beaten, so naturally he didn't dare to speak, he only blamed himself for kicking on the iron plate. However, there is no problem for him to say a few words in his heart.

For this kind of villain, Lu Yang doesn't care at all, because in his opinion, this kind of villain may not be able to raise his head to be a human being in his whole life, at most he can only bully some poor people who are weaker than himself.

Lu Yang carried the burden on his back, and soon came to the back of the City Lord's Mansion, and soon he knocked on the door and walked in.

"You son of a bitch? Why did you come back? Do you know that a distinguished guest is coming? If he comes and you are not here, it will be very ugly." The gatekeeper looked at Lu Yang and could point and point, It can be seen how miserable the leftover son was.

"Hehe, Mr. Wang, it's yours." Lu Yang went up and kicked this Mrs. Wang, directly kicking him over.

"You son of a bitch, do you dare to kick me?" After being kicked in the stomach by Lu Yang, Uncle Wang almost went crazy.

"Nimma, you always bully me. If I don't kick you, will I keep you? Remember this time I'm with the big shots, think carefully next time you offend me, or I promise you will die without knowing it." Lu Yang Glaring at Uncle Wang, he was too scared to say another word.

Lu Yang no longer feels much about doing these things, but it is absolutely impossible for others to bully him.

Of course, this does not mean that his status in the City Lord's Mansion is very high, and the place where he lives is still so bad.

Of course, after the big man came, he would be transferred to a room where only the steward of the city lord's mansion could live in before, which was worthy of being an earth-level beast master.

"Son of a dog." Lu Yang walked into the courtyard, and every few steps he heard a slightly dull voice coming from behind.

When Lu Yang turned his head, he saw a middle-aged man with average appearance. If he remembered correctly, this man should be a steward of the City Lord's Mansion.

"Oh? Guanshi Li, you called me?" Looking at Guanshi Li, Lu Yang didn't panic at all.

"Hey, dog leftover, I hope you can give me some good words when the adult comes in the future." After speaking, the steward stuffed a storage bag for Lu Yang.

Lu Yang opened the storage bag and looked at dozens of yellow-grade crystals. Although there were not many, it was still acceptable.

But Lu Yang didn't answer. He looked at the steward and sneered, "You want to get rid of me with dozens of yellow crystals. I think you're really crazy. If there's nothing else, I'm leaving!"

After speaking, Lu Yang turned around and wanted to leave.

Li Guanshi stood there, thinking about it, finally gritted his teeth, and put his salary in it again, it turned out to be ten Xuan-rank crystal stones.

"God leftover, I took the wrong one just now, this is yours." As he spoke, Butler Li gave the storage bag to Lu Yang again.

"Ten pieces of black-grade spar? That's right, although it's not many, it's still sincere. I'll go first!" After speaking, Lu Yang turned around and walked into his small room.

"Hmph, you bastard, be careful not to be caught by me, or I will kill you!" Seeing Lu Yang walking away, the steward stomped his feet and said angrily.

"Hmph, remember that too. If you speak ill of me behind my back, you will die very quickly." Lu Yang is not a scumbag. He can hear clearly when others speak ill of him behind his back.

Lu Yang walked into the house, and found that the house seemed very dilapidated, and there were almost no valuables in it. He felt helpless for a while, and it was a skill to be able to mix it up like this.

Lu Yang didn't pay much attention to it, and just lay down on the bed and fell asleep.

On the second day, he got up and began to practice. After training, he began to move freely in the yard.

You must know that he is an idler in the city lord's mansion now, and he is waiting for the ground-level beast master to come to the city lord's mansion, so that he can serve the ground-level beast master, so for the time being, no one in the city lord's mansion dares to take care of him.

"God leftover, dog leftover son, that battle king is coming to our city lord's mansion, and the city lord wants you to go!" Just as Lu Yang was basking in the sun, a servant suddenly ran from outside the door and hurriedly greeted him. Lu Yang said.

"What, so fast, I got it!" Lu Yang hurriedly changed his clothes, and hurried to the gate of the city lord's mansion. There was already a row of people standing there, and even the city lord was already standing at the gate waiting for the land royal. beast master.

Not long after, I saw two rows of battle pets appearing in front of them, both of which were Xuan-rank battle pets, and the one riding on top of the battle pets was a Xuan-rank beast master.

In the middle of the battle pet is a ground-level beast master. Although this ground-level beast master is not very strong, he is already considered very powerful among ordinary beast masters.

He rode a tall horse to the City Lord's Mansion, and as he dismounted, the City Lord hurried up to meet him, "Hehe, King Hu Zhan, I didn't expect you to come so soon, it's really a long way to welcome you!"

"Hehe, the city lord is polite. I am here this time to lead troops to guard this place. I hope the city lord will help you a lot in the future!" Hu Cheng waved his hand and said.

"Hehe, please come inside." Saying that, the city lord made a gesture of invitation.

Seeing Hu Cheng walking in, Lu Yang hurriedly followed Hu Cheng so that he could serve Hu Cheng at any time.

"King Hu Zhan, this is the servant you ordered at the beginning, and now he is mainly responsible for your daily necessities!" The city lord pointed to Lu Yang and said.

In fact, when Hu Zhanwang ordered the dog leftovers, he was just interested in it for a while, and now he thinks about it. He seems to remember it vaguely, but he doesn't care about these things at all.

"Oh? If that's the case, let him be!" Hu Cheng nodded, which made the city lord blush. He didn't expect that Hu Cheng just said it casually, so he took it seriously. He looked at Lu Yang, Hope nothing goes wrong this time.

"King Hu Zhan, I have prepared dinner for you, and please come here with me." The city lord hurriedly took Hu Cheng to the nearby restaurant, where four or five singers were already ready to sing and dance. Women can take them to bed as long as Hu Cheng likes them.

In addition, there was a large table of good food waiting for him on the table, and now as soon as he sat down, Lu Yang quickly poured wine for Hu Cheng.

Hu Cheng looked at the wine glass and drank it down. He always felt that the wine seemed to have a distinctive fragrance.

"This tastes good!" Hu Cheng nodded and drank a few more glasses.

"Let's sing and dance!" The city lord beckoned to the girls, and the girls began to sing and dance.

"Hehe, it's good to have a look!" Hu Cheng is not very interested in these things. It is an honor for him to be able to gallop on the battlefield. As for other things, they are naturally irrelevant.

"City Master, I came this time to protect your first-level main city. As for these enjoyments, it's optional, and it doesn't matter anymore." Hu Cheng suddenly felt that it was meaningless when he saw the singing and dancing.

Seeing this, Lu Yang immediately asked the Beastmaster System to analyze some of Hu Cheng's data.

It turned out that Hu Cheng didn't like this kind of nasty stuff, but liked that kind of crisp and simple stuff. He hurried to the city lord and told the story.

The city lord nodded, and immediately called a few street performers, such as broken boulders in the chest.

Sure enough, when Hu Cheng saw this kind of thing, he burst into laughter, and even drank his wine quickly.

"City Lord, your arrangements are really in place. I know that I like this kind of program the most. Hahaha, don't worry, as long as Wangcheng sends someone to ask, I will definitely give you a few words of praise." Hu Cheng saw the happy place, Suddenly laughed again.

"Hehe, that's also the boy's idea." Hearing Hu Cheng's words, the city lord said quickly.

"That's right, I know how to look at people's words. I will give you all the one hundred black-rank crystals here. Remember to follow me, and there will be meat to eat!" Hu Cheng casually grabbed a large handful of black-rank crystals and gave them to Lu Yang, envious The people next to him were almost drooling, especially when they saw the appearance of the city lord Lu Yang, they knew that Lu Yang would definitely be favored in the city lord's mansion in the future.

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