The Strongest Beast Guarding System

Chapter 533 Zhou Family Attacked

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Chapter 533 Zhou Family Attacked

Lu Yang already felt that, apart from the Zhou family, even the Murong family, the Chai family, and even Hu Cheng had some doubts about him.

But he didn't care, he did kill the man, but he didn't leave any trace.

After all, before Zhou's family killed him, he never thought that he would kill them instantly with such a ferocious gesture.

"Hahaha, the matter is over now, and everything has to wait until the Zhou family finds evidence. But from my point of view, the cult is rampant now, and this incident is definitely the work of the cult, so we will all gather together for the next hunt." Form a group, you must not act alone, and give the evil god religion an opportunity." Hu Cheng said immediately when he saw that people were panicking now.

"Obey!" Hearing Hu Cheng's words, these people saluted Hu Cheng and said with great respect.

You must know that the general is respected during the war, even the city lord can't deviate, not to mention that Hu Cheng represents the king city, and his status is definitely much higher than that of the first-level main city city lord.

"Hu Zhan, come with me!" Dismissing these people to prepare for the dinner, Hu Cheng has brought Lu Yang to his big tent of the Chinese army, and all the surroundings of the big tent are strictly guarded by the beast masters of the Xuan rank. It is impossible for anyone to sneak into Hu Cheng's residence, which can be said to be the safest place in the entire hunting team.

"Hu Zhan, tell Master, did you kill the Zhou family?" Hu Cheng looked at Lu Yang and said very carefully.

"Master, the people from the Zhou family did chase after me, but my strength is not their opponent at all, not to mention that I am not a combative person, so I did not kill the people from the Zhou family at all." Hearing Hu Cheng If he said that, Lu Yang gloated a little. Although he had concealed it a bit, the joy in his heart could not be concealed.

However, this kind of emotion can only appear on those who watch the excitement, as for the murderer himself, he will naturally not feel this way, so Hu Cheng quickly judged that Lu Yang is definitely hostile to the Zhou family, but it is definitely not a murderer. beast.

What's more, the magic weapon he gave to Lu Yang was just a magic weapon for body protection, and it was impossible to have such a strong lethality, so he let go of his doubts about Lu Yang.

"Okay, since you didn't kill the people, there must be a lot of people from the Cult of the Cthulhu in our hunt this time, so you have to be careful in the future. After all, the Cult of the Cthulhu is targeting our city guard army. As for these families It was just a coincidence that he was killed." Hu Cheng explained a few more words to Lu Yang, and then let him leave on his own.

It's just that not long after Lu Yang left, another earth-level beast master appeared beside Hu Cheng.

"How is it? Have you noticed anything strange about him?" Hu Cheng looked at the ground-level beast master and asked expressionlessly.

"Reporting to the general, this young man looks very mysterious, but there seems to be nothing strange about what he actually does. If it is strange, it is that his strength has improved too fast recently, and he does everything in an orderly manner. There is a world of difference in the cowardice before, and the subordinates feel that he must have some kind of adventure, as for the people of the Zhou family, it seems that they only had a little contact with him, and then disappeared without a trace."

"If it is said that the members of the Zhou family were killed by him, then his strength is at least at the level of a heavenly beast master. I don't know what his intentions are when such a person sneaks into your side." The Beast Master said with a puzzled look on his face.

"Heaven-rank beast master? This possibility is very small. Forget it, I don't want to pursue this matter. Just keep an eye on these people. If I'm not wrong, they should take action soon. Go ahead." !" Hu Cheng waved his hand, and then retreated his confidant.

Outside the big tent, inside the city lord's tent, Murong Duoqian looked at his son with a frown.

"Is what you said true?" Murong Duoqian was never worried that Murong Chengli would lie to him, because there was no such possibility, but now he couldn't believe what he said, which meant that the problem was in Hu Zhan's body.

"Reporting to the city lord, Hu Zhan has already come out of General Hu's tent, and nothing seems to be wrong." Just as Murong Duoqian was talking to Murong Chengli, a servant hurried over to report.

"Well, it seems that Hu Zhan has already passed Hu Cheng's test. It is not very likely that he killed the disciples of the Zhou family. Yes. We have to guard against this matter!" Murong Duoqian made some calculations before continuing, "From today on, we will pay close attention to Hu Zhan's movements, and at the same time do not have any conflicts with him. I think this Hu Zhan is really It's too mysterious, if we fight against him, I'm afraid it will have a great impact on our entire plan!"

"I obey!" Murong Chengli immediately responded after receiving his father's arrangement.

Naturally, Lu Yang has no interest in paying attention to what these people say about him. After all, his current strength has reached the earth level, and his combat power is comparable to that of the heavenly rank beast masters. These ordinary earth rank beast masters and Xuan rank beast masters In front of him, teachers are just children, little friends.

There is no need for him to care too much about those who are weaker than himself, otherwise, it will only make him lose his status.

Now he returned to his residence, and soon entered the state of cultivation.

"Huh? Is there someone?" Sensing the aura of an earth-level beast master, Lu Yang almost woke up from his cultivation state. When he wanted to perceive this earth-level beast master, the other party had already quietly left.

"Who is this? It's Hu

Are Cheng's subordinates from the City Lord's Mansion, or from the Cult of the Evil God? "Lu Yang thought for a while, but there was still no progress, so he entered the cultivation state again.

After about an hour, the dinner party was ready.

Among these people, there is no one from the Zhou family. I'm afraid they should be dispatched out of the overall situation to find out the cause of the Zhou family's disciple's death.

I just searched for an hour, but there seemed to be no movement at all. Could it be that some accident happened?

Just when the banquet had begun to proceed in an orderly manner, seven or eight blood-stained beast masters suddenly ran in from outside, one of whom was the head of the Zhou family, General Zhou.

"City lord, we went to the forest to find the cause of the dog's death, and unexpectedly encountered an ambush from the evil god sect. More than 30 Zhou family elders, almost half of them died. If I didn't have a magic weapon for protection, I'm afraid all of us would have died. It's inside." Zhou Zhang's face was ashamed, and he fell to the ground and passed out.

"How could this be the case? Immediately find someone to heal the Patriarch of the Zhou family. Everyone else has to cheer me up a hundred times to prevent another sneak attack from the evil god sect! Today's dinner will be held as usual, but after the dinner, the army will enter the first level of alert! "Hu Cheng sat in his seat, and quickly made a series of other countermeasures.

His series of actions quickly stabilized the members of several families.

After all, when the Zhou family went out unexpectedly at night, they thought they were very strong. They never thought that there were more and stronger people in the Cult of the Evil God than them, and they brought the shit out of being killed by them.

Of course, now is the enemy, and no one dares to say such depressing words.

"Hahaha, everyone, what happened to the Zhou family just now was just an episode. Now that the enemy is in front of us, the evil god sect is ready to move again. Some families have overestimated their capabilities and made outrageous actions, ignoring our overall interests, and they should learn some lessons. Yes. So I hope that in the next hunt, the other three major families must unite together, I dare not say anything else, at least I, Hu Cheng, can guarantee everyone's safety." Hu Cheng raised his glass and said with a smile.

"Thank you, General, for your love!" The three major families and the Murong family raised their glasses and toasted Hu Cheng.

You must know that in the first-level main city, they don't have a land-level beast master, but this time Hu Chenglai brought them hope and added decisive power to them to suppress the cult of evil spirits.

In other words, in the situation just now, if Hu Cheng had participated, the Cult of the Evil God would definitely not dare to be so arrogant.

Can't remember the URL, you can search on Baidu: [Wanben God Station]

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