The Strongest Beast Guarding System

Chapter five hundred and fiftieth one

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Chapter five hundred and fiftieth one

Lu Yang's spiritual consciousness is still relatively strong, if it were someone else, it would be impossible to resist an attack from fragments of the heavenly law. It's just that this time he also paid a very high price for it. Even if there is a repair function of the beast control system in the future, I'm afraid it will be difficult to recover without one in a year or so.

Of course, this is also the result of the Beast Familiar System not absorbing the fragments of the Dao of Heaven.

If Lu Yang can absorb the fragments of the Heavenly Book of Formation to the Beast Familiar System in advance, then the Beast Familiar System will also get a corresponding vitality. Maybe it may not be able to help Lu Yang completely block the attack of the Heavenly Dao Fragments, but it will definitely give him Provide a certain degree of defense instead of letting Lu Yang alone bear the consequences.

After Lu Yang passed the first test, he had the right to be baptized under the clone of the evil-eyed demon emperor. Otherwise, he would either be refined or killed. There was no fourth possibility.

Sure enough, after Lu Yang passed this test, the energy radiated from the evil eye demon emperor's body had begun to become much softer, and could almost be completely absorbed by Lu Yang.

But this feeling only lasted in his body for a while, and then changed again.

If those gentle energies helped him restore his damaged consciousness to a certain extent, now these energies are completely instilling the teachings of the heretic gods into his mind again, and what is even more powerful is that the teachings of the heretic gods It entered into his mind along with the energy that could restore Lu Yang's consciousness.

That is to say, if Lu Yang wants to restore his spiritual consciousness, he must accept these energies. Otherwise, not only will his spiritual consciousness not be restored, but he may be repelled by these energies, and thus suffer greater damage.

But by this time, the Beast Familiar System has been able to play a role in these energies, and can even absorb these energies and teachings smoothly without knowing it.

In this way, almost half a day passed. According to the acceleration effect of the beast control system, Lu Yang's consciousness has almost recovered, but there are still some hidden injuries, which cannot be recovered in a short time.

But these are not important anymore, because what Lu Yang has to do next is more than ten times more important than restoring his consciousness, because he is going to refine the clone of the evil-eyed demon emperor.

"Tianmo, Xiaomei, are you ready?" Lu Yang looked at the two pets in his pet space, and asked very seriously. You must know that once this refinement fails, even the Beast Familiar System will not be able to bear the harsh consequences, so he must be more serious, and this is also a game of life and death.

If it succeeds, even if it is to prepare for the early promotion to the heavenly rank, if it fails, it is very likely to meet the end of death.

"Everything is according to the master's order!" Hearing Lu Yang's words, Tianmo and Xiaomei showed extremely cautious expressions, but the final decision still fell into Lu Yang's hands.

But Lu Yang's choice was refining.

Because choosing to refine the clone of the evil-eyed demon emperor, although he may face temporary danger, once he succeeds, it will increase his life-saving bargaining chips several times in the follow-up journey. This is definitely a good deal, and even if he If he didn't meet the evil-eyed demon emperor, he might encounter more dangerous things in the future.

In short, in this journey of pursuing the way of heaven, there will be no smooth roads, and some can only be more and more dangerous game adventures, and there may even be a life test of a narrow escape.

"Okay, Xiao Hei and the Devouring Beast of Darkness, you should also get ready. This is probably your chance to be promoted to the ground-level battle pet. Let's start!"

Because the evil god is the supreme existence of the evil god sect, even if Lu Yang got the chance to be instilled with mana by the evil god, he still couldn't cross the threshold and look at the evil god.

But Lu Yang didn't do it to worship the squint-eyed demon god, but to refine the clone of the evil-eyed demon emperor, so he didn't care about it at all.

When I saw the Xieyan Demon Emperor for the first time, there was only one eye on the statue of the Xieyan Demon Emperor.

But this eye is filled with endless demonic light. In this divine light, besides the endless devil energy, there is also a lot of evil energy permeating it.

This time, when Lu Yang faced these eyes, the evil spirit inside became even stronger. It seemed that as long as Lu Yang's mind was a little unsteady, he would be invaded by the evil spirit and fall into the eternal purgatory.

In addition, the Xieyan Demon Emperor has six hands on his body, one of which is holding a long whip with sharp needles on it, as long as it hits the human body, it can Glue all the flesh and blood on this person.

The evil-eyed demon emperor held a black wooden stick in his second hand, and on the wooden stick was engraved the appearance of exorcising demons dancing wildly. It seemed that as long as the stick moved a little, thousands of Demons swarmed out of it.

The third hand of the Xieyan Demon Emperor held a steel knife. The steel knife was covered with blood-colored patterns, especially the blade of the steel knife had rows of sharp teeth on it. It seemed that as long as it touched a person, it could kill Opponents were minced and torn to shreds.

The first time Lu Yang looked at the evil-eyed demon emperor, he only had a general look, but this time when he looked at the evil-eyed demon emperor again, he was about to confront him.


As soon as Lu Yang's eyes met the evil-eyed demon emperor, he felt a burst of fire burst out from the evil-eyed demon emperor's avatar, and then the long whip in its hand was also drawn towards Lu Yang.

You must know that although this evil-eyed demon emperor is only a clone, it is a

Containing the supreme power of the evil-eyed demon emperor himself, it cannot be violated.

Now this first whip is just to teach Lu Yang a lesson.

Lu Yang knew that he had limited time to fight the Evil-Eyed Demon Emperor, the faster he could kill it and refine the fragments of the Heavenly Dao, the greater his benefits would be. With the arrival of the main body, even with just a hint of thought, you can see him kill. This is definitely not a joke.

"Finger of death!" Thinking of this, Lu Yang directly used the space rune to open the space, escaped the attack of the squinting demon god, and came to his body once.

Then he suddenly drew mana, and fused the death rune with the force. In an instant, he saw the posture of the skinny middle-aged man again, and the supreme way of heaven was constantly rehearsing in his mind. Finally, Lu Yang also stretched out a finger, merging all the mana and death runes into it.

With the continuous integration of the death runes and mana, Lu Yang saw all the black breath, which seemed to be shrinking continuously, and turned into a black light, which shot directly at the evil eye demon emperor clone.

If it was an ordinary spell, the evil-eyed Demon Emperor's avatar would simply dismiss it, but the spell Lu Yang used was a finger of life and death that combined the avenue of life and death.

As for life and death, not to mention the evil-eyed demon emperor, even the holy emperor cannot escape, so the power of this finger has surpassed the scope of ordinary earth-level beast masters, and has reached the heaven-level.

However, this Evil-Eyed Demon Emperor's avatar is not an ordinary character. It also has Heavenly Dao Fragments in its body, but it is still a physical Heavenly Dao Fragment, so it can also cast spells.

"Eye of the Evil God!" Following waves of weirdness being shot out by ripples, the Heavenly Demon probably understood the meaning of the Evil Eye Demon Emperor.

However, this is not the authentic eye of the evil god, but the eye of the evil god simulated by the way of the night sky, but the power in it cannot be replaced by ordinary spells.

As the two spells met in the air, bursts of distorted energy fluctuations appeared in the entire secret room.

Since this secret chamber sealing formation is specially designed to seal the evil god Demon Emperor's avatar, and was refined by the evil god himself, the energy fluctuations are not enough to destroy it, and it is even completely isolated in the secret chamber.

Now Lu Yang and the Xieyan Demon Emperor fought each other. Although it was only a tie, it was enough to make Lu Yang feel a little afraid.

Because he had obviously exhausted all his strength, but he didn't feel weak at all with the Xieyan Demon Emperor. This was the scariest thing.

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