The Strongest Beast Guarding System

Chapter 554: Savage Arena

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Chapter 554: Savage Arena

"It's troublesome now. It's impossible to kill these stone men in the formation. It seems that we can only find the key stone man to solve the problem." Lu Yang glanced over and found that in his sight , or thousands of stone people, it is impossible to find the location of those stone people with the naked eye.

Suddenly he thought of the power of the flame rune. In comparison, the power of the flame rune is more destructive and powerful.

"Kill!" Thinking of this, Lu Yang directly released a large amount of flame rune power.

In an instant, with his body as the center, a sea of ​​flames surrounded him, and the flames engulfed all the surrounding affairs like a big hand.

With a "boom", as the flames exploded, a huge circular sea of ​​flames surrounded all the stone men.

For a moment, all the stone men seemed to be injured, and their bodies kept collapsing.

However, using so many flame rune powers at once put Lu Yang under a lot of pressure.

Suddenly, Lu Yang saw that among these stone figures, there was a stone figure protected by other stones.

Thinking of this, Lu Yang rushed towards the stone man.

If as expected, this stone man should be the brain of these stone men.

With a "bang", with Lu Yang's attack, the bodies of these stone men were directly torn in half by him, and finally turned into pieces and scattered all over the ground. At the same time, the entire army of stone men was completely turned into a pile of rubble.


I didn't expect these stone men to be really difficult. If there is no help from my little sister, I'm afraid I will waste more time on them.

After leaving the stone man formation, Lu Yang continued to move forward, and in front of him was a large and desolate plain.

According to his memory, there was another rune imprint in the place closest to him.

If he could find that token, he would be considered to have passed the exam and thus obtained many privileges and benefits of the golden mask special envoy.

However, there were huge boulders everywhere on this desolate plain, blocking his sight. At the same time, there were some potholes, which seemed to be deliberately dug out, lurking nearby, which made Lu Yang extremely depressed.

I thought that the token would be found soon, but now it seems that it still needs to go through a lot of twists and turns, and even waste a lot of time to actually find this token.

Besides, he only saw a lot of light clusters just now, and he was not sure what these tokens looked like.

"Huh?" Just as Lu Yang was walking on the plain, he suddenly saw a vague figure appearing in front of him.

Immediately afterwards, this figure appeared again, and this time it actually raised a black stone sword and slashed at Lu Yang's forehead.

When he appeared, Lu Yang saw a faint light the size of a fingernail on its forehead. If he guessed correctly, it should be a token.

"I thought what was this token? It turned out to be a cargo, so it would be easy to handle." Lu Yang could feel that this figure was transformed from the token.

Moreover, his speed was extremely fast, and this slash was directly in the rhythm of killing Lu Yang.

"It's just a beast of the Great Perfection of the Mysterious Rank, die!" Faced with this extremely fast blurred figure, Lu Yang directly blocked the dragon-slaying sword in his hand, and then heard a crisp sound.

Then the two collided hundreds of times in mid-air, and Lu Yang bounced each other away with a single sword strike.

His strength is too strong, the other party can't be his opponent at all, if the other party doesn't have any pain nerves at all, he might have been shocked to death by Lu Yang's powerful strength.

But even so, this figure was still shaken out of its original shape.

"It's actually a stone man, but compared with the previous stone man, its combat power has been significantly improved." Seeing the original shape of this stone man, Lu Yang couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

With a "bang", the stone man seemed to feel Lu Yang's pursuit, and his whole body penetrated directly into the ground, disappearing without a trace.

"What, you ran away? It seems that this token is really cunning!" What Lu Yan didn't know was that the relationship between this token and him was actually a competitive relationship. In short, as long as he survived, then this token would be die.

"Master, through the contest just now, I can feel that there are two levels here. I am afraid that the first level should be regarded as the initial test, and the second level is eliminated. And the figure you see should not be The stone man, like you, is another person competing for the golden mask." Xiaomei said to Lu Yang after some analysis.

"Oh? Is that so? It seems that I really underestimated the Cult of the Cthulhu. Maybe this kind of thing happens almost every time or even every day in the Cult of the Cthulhu. So we should be more careful." Lu Yang After understanding the beginning and end of this knockout match, they continued to walk towards the depths of the plain.

Now he doesn't need to look for that token anymore, because the so-called token is just one of his opponents, so now he only needs to wait until that opponent makes a move and kill him.


Just when Lu Yang was still vigilant, suddenly that figure appeared from behind him, and then a saber slashed out along his back.


The opponent's speed was extremely fast, even if he was on guard, Lu Yang's sword was only a tie with the opponent. If he was not on guard, he might be easily injured.

"Make it to me!"

As Lu Yang released the sky demon, black shadows directly wrapped this figure in a cloud of black air.

However, this figure was obviously also a beast master. Just as his body was surrounded by black energy, suddenly nine flames burst out from behind him.

Each of these nine flames looks like a poisonous snake, and it rushes towards Lu Yang's body with its teeth and claws. If it is bitten by this fire snake, it may cause disaster to the body in the blink of an eye.

Not to mention that if the body was bitten by nine fire snakes at the same time, it would be lucky not to be turned into a mass of ashes in an instant.

"Tianshui Bird King, it's up to you!" Lu Yang stretched out his hands, and streams of water sprayed out from his feet, directly cutting off the fire snake's attack.

Just after the nine fire snakes were wiped out, Lu Yang stabbed directly into the figure with a sword.


As the flames swirled out of the Dragon Slaying Sword, the figure was completely burned to ashes, and then a token appeared in Lu Yang's hands.

"Dizihao!" After Lu Yang grabbed the token, the scene around him also changed drastically, and finally appeared in a valley.

The location where he appeared this time was a huge arena, and hundreds of thousands of primitive humans actually lived around the arena.

These primitive human races were dressed in linen and held some extremely simple weapons in their hands, but their fighting spirit was something that the current human race beast masters had never had.

The one who appeared on the ring at the same time as him turned out to be another human beast master.

This person was not tall, and he wore the same purple mask as himself on his head. As soon as this human beast master appeared, a ray of light of different colors appeared all over his body, and finally these lights formed a phantom and fixed behind him.

"I am Tianzihao, you are Dizihao, there will inevitably be a battle between us, so you just wait to die." Seeing the arrogant look of this black shadow, Lu Yang felt a little ridiculous.

It's okay to be arrogant, but you have to have the capital to do it.


Lu Yang had completely lost his patience with this purple masked man, so before he could make a move, he rushed forward.

With a "whoosh", with the appearance of the Dark Devouring Beast, his figure was completely submerged.

At this time, he didn't rush directly to the purple masked man, but kept looking for opportunities around him.

Because he could tell that this purple masked man was probably a beast master who was good at speed, and he had to win by surprise in order to keep himself more cards.

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