The Strongest Beast Guarding System

Chapter 564 Another old friend

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Chapter 564 Another old friend

"You can wait for me outside, first let me see the information inside." Feng Xue Wushuang waved his hand, and grabbed the black storage bag containing the information in his hand.

Not to mention Zhu Zhitong, even Lu Yang didn't know what information was in it, so when they walked out, even Lu Yang was very tangled in his heart. After all, he couldn't be sure that after Fengxue Wushuang saw the information, What will happen, and he doesn't know anything about the information inside, if there is any problem, I'm afraid they won't even be able to run away.

So the time passed little by little, one hour, two hours, even Zhu Zhitong felt a little pressured, almost a day later, Feng Xue Wushuang walked out of the barracks.

After looking at Lu Yang, he said slowly, "I have already read the information, and I also got in touch with the imperial city overnight, I think your information should be much more precious than the information Zhu Zhitong gave back then. , you should be able to win this opportunity, here is the token for you, you stay in Snow Wind City for a few days, if there is any news, I will notify you."

For some reason, Lu Yang always felt that Fengxue Wushuang seemed very tired, as if the news not only gave him delicious protection, but also extremely strong pressure.

Then he looked at Lu Yang again and asked, "By the way, have you read the information inside?"

"No, is there something wrong with the information?" Lu Yang asked a little strangely, and he really hadn't read the contents.

"That's good. Remember not to mention this matter again. The content inside is simply too incredible. Fortunately, I opened the information. If you know about this matter, I am afraid that it will be blocked by countless Wang Jie." The beast master chased him down." Feng Xue Wushuang said deeply tired.

"Let's go, after this matter, I should go back and recuperate for a while." Feng Xue Wushuang took a deep breath, as if he was really under a lot of pressure.

However, Lu Yang understands that with Fengxue Wushuang's current status and strength, there is no need to cheat in front of them, not to mention the relationship between him and Zhu Zhitong is also a real friendship for many years, so this information is absolutely nothing Shocking secret.

"Thank you, senior." Seeing Feng Xue Wushuang walking ahead to open the way for him, he hurriedly followed.


As the snow-white phoenix bird descended from the sky, Fengxue Wushuang was the first to walk up to the phoenix bird, and then Lu Yang followed and sat on the seat on the phoenix bird.

As the phoenix bird took off, a large cloud of fog blocked their sight, and in the blink of an eye, the phoenix bird had already flown to hundreds of meters, or even thousands of meters, at an extremely fast speed. Move closer to Snow Wind City.

After about an incense stick, they arrived at the gate of Snow Wind City, but Feng Xue Wushuang didn't stop, and directly penetrated the city protection formation and entered into Snow Wind City.

In Snow Wind City, Fengxue Wushuang is probably the only person who can have such authority.

"Okay, you live here, and I will come to you as soon as I have news. Of course, during this period of time, you can also use the token to enter and leave Snow Wind City at will, but it seems that Snow Wind City is not peaceful recently, and there are often evil gods You'd better be careful about the people who teach you." After speaking, Feng Xue Wushuang left the inn on his mount and disappeared into midair.

"Senior, what kind of information do you think the witch envoy can give me?" Lu Yang looked at Zhu Zhitong and asked strangely.

"I don't dare to say the specific information, but at least this kind of information may have a very close relationship with Fengxue Wushuang, and this information is likely to happen in a short time, otherwise, Fengxue Wushuang would not be like this Put us down quickly and leave." Zhu Zhitong looked at Feng Xue Wushuang's back and said somewhat regretfully.

After all, Feng Xue Wushuang was one of the very few close friends of his in the past, and now they separated after only talking a few words together, so he naturally felt uncomfortable.

"In this case, I should walk around more, maybe I can find something." Although Lu Yang is not sure what he thinks, but he feels that if he can walk around casually, there may be some gains. Besides, Feng Xue Wushuang also mentioned the Cult of the Evil God, so he felt it was even more necessary to take a look.

After all, he has undergone special training in the Cult of the Evil God, so as long as there is a place where the Cult of the Evil God appears, he can still feel some sense.

"Huh?" As soon as Lu Yang turned around, he saw a black figure disappear behind him. That black shadow was extremely fast. If it weren't for his reaction speed, he might not be able to find that black shadow even if it disappeared completely.

However, he could still detect a shadow of the evil god sect from that figure.

Could it be that the cult of evil gods has already set their sights on him?

Lu Yang felt that the fact that he was being targeted by the cultists was most likely caused by Feng Xue Wushuang, and Feng Xue Wushuang seemed to have reminded himself.

"It seems that I will definitely have some dangerous experiences in this Snow Wind City." Lu Yang took his token and opened the best room in the inn, and entered the state of cultivation.

But at night, instead of staying in the inn, he sneaked out through the window of the inn.

As soon as he left the inn, he felt that he had been followed by others.

Probably walking in a relatively hidden alley, the black shadow had just caught up with him, and Lu Yang used Void Tear to appear in the alley.

Beside Sombra.

Seeing Lu Yang appearing beside him, Soi Ying was not afraid, but bowed and smiled, "My friend, it is my master who wants to invite you over to talk about something."

"Talk about something? Who are you guys, cult?" Lu Yang still didn't know what the other party meant, so he didn't intend to follow him.

"Evil God Sect? Haha, our director disdains to associate with the Evil God Sect, and he only pretended to be the Evil God Sect to confuse Feng Xue Wushuang before." Hei Ying said very sincerely.

Lu Yang felt that this black shadow didn't seem to have any malice towards him, so he agreed.

With the shadow leading the way, they soon came to a courtyard. In the courtyard, Lu Yang looked inside, and there was an old man in a black robe sitting.

The old man couldn't see his facial expression at all, as if his facial expression was already stiff, which made Lu Yang feel very strange.

"What's your name, senior?" Although Lu Yang was a little annoyed at this man's sudden finding of himself, he could tell that this old man was at least as powerful as Wang Jie, but he didn't understand why this old man wanted to find him.

"Young man, if you guess correctly, you are Lu Yang." Before Lu Yang could speak, the old man asked first.

"The junior is Lu Yang, what's the matter with the senior?" Hearing what the old man said, Lu Yang asked a little strangely.

"Hahaha, I actually don't have anything to ask you for, I just think we are destined and want to call you over for a talk." The old man said very politely.

"Looking for me? But we don't know each other." Lu Yang was still sure of what the other party meant.

"Hahaha, in fact, I also want to find that old thing in your body. Okay, come out, I was wrong at the beginning!" The old man said helplessly.

"Hmph, you also know that you are wrong. Do you want to make up for it now?" Zhu Zhitong was willing to walk out of Lu Yang's body after hearing the old man's words.

"Lu Yang, when Zhu Zhitong wanted to ask for help, I was the first one to find him. Unfortunately, I didn't want him to take risks, so he went to Fengxue Wushuang. As a result, Fengxue Wushuang used this information to skyrocket. Zhitong also got what he wanted, but he paid enough for it.”

"Actually, I'm thinking now, if I hadn't been so stubborn back then and was willing to help Zhu Zhitong, maybe he wouldn't be what he is now." The old man looked at Zhu Zhitong and said with a sigh.

"Fart!" Zhu Zhitong stared at the old man.

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