The Strongest Beast Guarding System

Chapter 568: The Exclusive Energy of the Beast Familiar System

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Chapter 568: The Exclusive Energy of the Beast Familiar System

"It seems that I need to check these places one by one." Lu Yang understood that if this treasure is really so easy to find, then the price of these maps will double.

So there is a certain probability here, but judging by Lu Yang's judgment, it would be good if three or four of them are true. Of course, this is only his own judgment.

After staying in the inn for a while, Lu Yang left the inn, but this time he walked out of the inn in a different form.

After leaving the inn, Lu Yang searched according to the address on the map. After searching for a few places, he finally found a more reliable place. Unfortunately, this cave seems to have been destroyed by the beast master nearby. Exhausted, I'm afraid it has become a ruin.

Knowing that there was no hope, Lu Yang began to search again.

After almost two hours, Lu Yang searched for dozens of places, and at the time of the 120th search, Lu Yang finally found a huge cave.

Although he didn't know what was in the cave, Lu Yang always felt that there must be some surprises waiting for him in the cave, so when he found the cave, Lu Yang continued to explore along the cave.

But this cave is very deep, the deeper into the cave, the more Lu Yang can feel the chill inside, this is what really puzzled him.

It's just that he doesn't understand it, and if he wants to find the secret of this cave, he must continue to go deep into the cave.

Just as he kept moving forward, a fork in the road appeared in front of him. Without thinking about it, Lu Yang chose one of the fork roads.

At first Lu Yang wanted to use the beast control system to solve this problem, but after he used the beast control system, he found that the beast control system was useless here at all, and there were even some energy magnetic fields in the cave , can repel the beast control system, making the beast control system unable to work normally. This is something that has never been encountered before.

After all, even if the Beast Familiar System didn't work in the past, it was just that the function was not achieved, but now it is completely out of order, which made him a little incomprehensible.

But after feeling this situation, Xiaomei cried out in surprise, "Master, I'm afraid you don't know, the beast control system itself also consumes energy, although the spar can provide the beast control system to a certain extent. energy, but after all, the conversion rate is too low and the demand is huge, which is why I haven't digested the Heavenly Dao fragments."

"However, if the master can find the source of the beast-controlling system in this cave, he may be able to solve this problem, and even completely digest and absorb the fragments of the heavenly dao in the beast-controlling system. At that time, even if he really encounters a heaven-level killer, Possessing fragments of the Dao of Heaven is equivalent to having two more ways to save one's life." Xiaomei's voice was trembling, which shows the attraction of this kind of energy to her.

"Well, since that's the case, let's look for it." Lu Yang didn't refuse either, but took Xiaomei to shuttle through these caves continuously.

After walking for an unknown number of times, Lu Yang finally felt the position with the strongest energy. After walking for about an hour, Lu Yang finally followed Chamomile to a huge plain.

According to Lu Yang's own intuition, this plain is at least several kilometers deep underground. On this plain, although there are also big trees, the big trees here are all light black in color, as if they can grow without light at all.

In addition, there is a large piece of black spar on the plain. If Lu Yang guessed correctly, the energy stone that can affect the beast control system is the black spar of this pair of shoes.

"Huh huh..."

Just as Lu Yang was approaching these black crystals, a black centipede suddenly appeared in front of Lu Yang.

With a sound of "woo", with a big mouthful of mist sprayed out, a large piece of mist sprayed out from the mouth of the black centipede and went straight to Lu Yang's head.

Lu Yang stepped back violently, and saw that the black mist covered everything he saw, and a large area of ​​highly poisonous rune power kept rolling on the ground, as if as long as Lu Yang touched these The liquid will be melted by these liquids.

"Another celestial beast!" Feeling the powerful aura of this celestial beast, Lu Yang kept backing away, but some of the poisonous gas from the celestial beast's mouth still touched him.

However, Lu Yang is a rune master, so naturally he would not be fascinated by such a little bit of poisonous gas, but was expelled by his body again.

This is just the beginning. If time goes by, Lu Yang can't guarantee what will happen to him, and he may even be eaten by this heaven-level beast.

"Quack quack, ignorant human beast master, you can contaminate the treasures here? You'd better get out of here, otherwise, once I get angry, killing you will be just a matter of effort." The centipede gritted its teeth. He grinned and threatened Lu Yang, but he felt that the threat of this centipede seemed a little too weak. On the surface, he seemed not afraid of Lu Yang, but in fact he was caring about it somewhere.

"Oh? What's the reason?" Sensing the strangeness of this centipede, Lu Yang also murmured in his heart.

But at this time, the Beast Familiar System has lost its function and cannot provide him with reference opinions at all, so now he can only judge by himself.

"Could it be that this crystal ore formed

? "Lu Yang looked at the centipede.

It is at least hundreds of meters long and two to three meters wide. It is almost the same color as the black spar, and when it appears, it is as close to the black spar as possible, as if once it leaves the black spar, it will be affected. It hurts the same.

Seeing this, Lu Yang probably already had some ideas in his mind.

"Xiaomei, if I get close to those crystals, are you sure that you will digest and absorb them immediately?" Lu Yang asked tentatively.

After all, this centipede is a celestial beast, and its combat power is much stronger than many ordinary celestial beasts. It is not something he can deal with, so he must kill it with one blow, otherwise, once the action fails, it will definitely There will be many dire consequences.

"Master, don't worry, if it's the kind of energy just now, I'm sure to absorb enough energy to refine the fragments of the Heavenly Book and Heavenly Dao of the formation, and then I will have the opportunity to help you connect with this heavenly beast Already." Xiaomei roughly calculated and said.

You must know that the anti-interference ability of the beast control system is very strong, but it fails here now, which means that the energy here has far exceeded the load of the beast control system. From this point of view, if enough energy is absorbed, it can still In a short period of time, the fragments of the formation method, the book of heaven and the way of heaven were refined.

"Since this is the case, then I'll give it a go!" Lu Yang looked at the centipede who had been staring at him, and finally made a choice.

"Zi la la..."

As he tore through the void, a space crack was torn open by him, and then he stepped in, and suddenly appeared next to the black crystal ore, and then he stretched out his hand to grab the crystal ore in his hand.

Then he saw that most of the crystal ore was absorbed by his body at once, and then Lu Yang saw a huge vortex suddenly appeared in his mind, this vortex was generated after the beast-familiar system absorbed the black spar energy.

And in this vortex, there is actually a fragment of the Dao of Heaven, which is the Heavenly Book of Formation. As the Book of Formation is continuously melted in this energy vortex, a large amount of content about the formation appeared in Lu Yang's mind, and even If many formations are arranged, the yellow rank beast master can be easily killed, but I don't know that such formations will inevitably require higher-level crystals, even emperor-level crystals, so even if Lu Yang can arrange The formation method, but also because of the lack of resources, is also impossible to do. It is really possible to kill a few heavenly beast masters if it is done well.

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