The Strongest Beast Guarding System

Chapter 723: Perfect Holy Realm

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Chapter 723: Perfect Holy Realm

Bright Heaven gives people the feeling that a ball of warm sunshine is shining on the body.

However, unlike the destructiveness of the Dark Heavenly Dao, the Bright Heavenly Dao has an extremely powerful recovery effect.

For example, Thunder Heaven's Dao's attack range is the widest among all Heaven's Dao, so Dark Heaven's Dao is the most destructive among all Heaven's Dao.

Having the most destructive power does not mean that he has a strong attack power, but that he can continue to act on the opponent, and this continuous attack power can almost be overwhelmed to a level that even cultivators cannot understand.

As for the way of light, it is used to purify and eliminate various negative effects, such as expelling cold, heat, and poison. It can be said to be a special way of heaven.

Moreover, the strength of the Bright Heavenly Dao mainly lies in the elimination of all alien elements, so it is also a very terrifying thing for the Bright Heavenly Dao to reach its extreme.

Now that Lu Yang is walking in this holy capital, he is accepted here because he practiced the way of light. If he practiced other ways of heaven, then this holy capital would be his grave.

"That's the registration place over there, go there quickly, otherwise, if it's late, I'm afraid you won't be able to get in the queue, and you won't be able to register until tomorrow." Just after Lu Yang entered the holy capital, he saw You can see people running somewhere along the road. If you guessed correctly, the place they are going to is the registration place for entering the secret realm.

Lu Yang also wanted to sign up, so he followed them to the registration place.

Originally, Lu Yang was also mentally prepared. He felt that there must be a lot of angels going to the secret realm, but when he actually went to the registration office, he realized that there were not only many angels signing up for the secret realm, but too many.

On a square the size of a third-tier city in the past Luoyang City, it is almost full of angels who want to go to the secret realm. There are no less than 10,000 registrars in the officialdom who are sitting and registering non-stop. It just made Lu Yang crazy.

Seeing this, Lu Yang even had a strange feeling, is there no regular army in this bright world?

Otherwise, why are there so many volunteers? If you look carefully, there are at least hundreds of millions.

Of course, Lu Yang would not express such thoughts too easily, but found a place to line up.

Just when he was standing in the line, he suddenly saw a young seraph running up to him and said to him, "My lord, you are a holy angel, so your registration place is not here, but in the Angel Mansion! "

"Angel Mansion?" Lu Yang was slightly taken aback. This was his first visit to the Holy Capital, so he didn't know where the Angel Mansion was?

"Well, my lord, it seems that this is your first time in the Holy Capital, so let me accompany you to the Angel's Mansion." The seraph hurriedly led Lu Yang towards the Angel's Mansion. Yang talked about the principle of proof in the Holy Capital, and also answered Lu Yang's question that was not considered a problem.

It turns out that Bright World is a very democratic and voluntary capital, and the angels in it are born with the strength of the earth ranks, and they will automatically be promoted to the heaven ranks after they reach adulthood, that is, angels with two wings.

The angels here are all living in the free capital, and there are some permanent troops in normal times, but the number is not very large, and they are only used to deal with some emergencies.

Of course, there are only some dangerous places where a large number of troops are stationed every year. Otherwise, these troops are organized by relying on these angelic resources.

It can be seen how big the difference is between the holy world and the demon world.

Of course, the holy rank also has its disadvantages, that is, it rejects dissidents and does not allow any stains to exist.

To put it bluntly, the angels in the holy world are the best defenders of cleanliness. They are full of the habit of cleanliness. In short, every angel is full of extremely high requirements for themselves. If they are described by constellations, almost every one of them All have Virgo potential.

"This is the Angel Mansion, please sign up there!" Seraphim sent Lu Yang to the Angel Mansion and left.

However, the Angel Mansion here is not the same kind of existence as the Christian angels in Lu Yang's previous life, although they are only somewhat similar in appearance.

"Hahaha, someone has come to sign up, I'm really welcome!" Seeing Lu Yang walk in from the outside, an eight-winged angel appeared in front of Lu Yang. This is a real celestial master, a god-level existence.

"Thank you for the envoy!" Seeing that there is no other difference except for the eight wings on the envoy's body, it is so easy to approach, and it is almost a world away from the demon world, which is simply unacceptable to Lu Yang.

After all, he never thought that he would meet such an easy-going angel before.

"Hehe, everyone will be comrades-in-arms in the future, regardless of each other, and I like to make friends with young people. As long as you can show your strength on the battlefield, then the Angel Mansion will always be your best friend!" The envoy showed His friendliness was almost unmatched by all the great people he had met.

And he only talked about benefits, and didn't say any punishment.

"Obey!" Lu Yang quickly followed the angel to the place where they gathered.

There are almost thousands of holy angels there, and these angels keep a certain distance between them. The relationship is neither good nor bad, and the way they get along with each other is always so polite, even for the closest The same is true for my friends, making Lu Yang feel like an angel

The way of getting along seems to be the feeling of rejecting people thousands of miles away.

Of course, in the world of light, and even the holy world, such things have long been commonplace, and it is usually their recognized way of socializing.

"The jihad will start tomorrow at the junction between the holy ranks and the demon world. At that time, we will distribute the holy ball of light based on the standard of saving the most compatriots. After getting the holy ball of light, everyone can use their own light The holy ball is used to improve your own strength. Of course, you can also use the light artifact I gave you to kill the holy demon to get it. Now you can rest on your own." Before the battle, it is almost easy to mobilize here in the holy world.

Normally, there are often dances, evening parties, social gatherings, meet-and-greets and so on here in the holy world.

But now, after all, it was the eve of the war, so such activities were naturally cancelled.

After all, although the holy world is a free country, it is not so loose. On the contrary, every angel in the holy world maintains a high degree of awakening. Even if no one urges them, they all know what they should do. Even the usual practice is carried out independently, which even makes Lu Yang feel that even if there is no management organization here, they can survive independently.

When they were separated, they still gathered into small groups, and each small group was distributed according to a hundred holy angels, and the number of angels in almost every group would be neither too many nor too few.

Lu Yang also naturally joined a small team. This is not because he will choose, but because the whole small team naturally reserved his position.

As soon as they entered this small circle, all the holy angels began to introduce themselves, "Hi everyone, my name is Maria, and I come from..."

"Hi everyone, my name is St. Ann from..."

After introducing themselves one by one, when they arrived at Lu Yang's place, Lu Yang just nodded and said, "Hi everyone, I'm Lu Yang, Xianyunyehe..."

Although Lu Yang's introduction was too weird, all the angels didn't reject him at all, on the contrary they seemed to understand him very well.

"Nimma, this is the holy world. It's too incredible. It's a perfect world of mutual help and mutual understanding." Although Lu Yang couldn't believe it, the facts were right in front of his eyes.

Of course, he can also feel that these angels are almost 100% repulsive to those selfish angels, so as long as you show some bad habits, you will definitely be treated with strange eyes. On the contrary, some loose habits, no one Will not like it, and is even respected by the holy world.

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