The strongest brain in the universe

Chapter 114 Evidence Collection

Except for the Warrant Officer Mace who is still in the rescue, more than half of the fifteen students who escaped from the attacked team were injured.

Three of them escaped in a panic in the forest and unfortunately were seriously injured in an accident and have been sent to the hospital for medical treatment. Six of them were slightly injured, but are still in shock. After treatment, they were sent back to the medical tent to observe the situation. There are also two students who sent Metz back, El Hillman and Jiang Hui. The former had a moderate dislocation of his shoulder and was taken home by his family, while the latter was unconscious due to both physical and mental exhaustion. It's the worst team in the game.

Fortunately, no one has died so far, which is already a blessing in this misfortune.

It is hard for the school to imagine what kind of blame and pressure the school would bear if someone really died in this training. Even they themselves cannot afford to kill those who are not fully awakened.

So the school and the officers with authority at the scene mobilized almost all the sergeants stationed at the school, conducted a carpet search in the entire training area, and called all relevant personnel to verify the testimony to find out the truth.

After all the people are properly arranged and things are arranged, they will have the time to gather together to discuss this vicious accident.

Yes, they define this as a vicious accident.

If it is said that human beings have developed so far, the first to be unstoppable is to count the star beasts before they finally dominate the interstellar. Human beings still have many enemies in the interstellar life, and some of them have been completely wiped out, turning into interstellar dust and no longer resisting them on their way of survival. Some are watching them from the far end, not approaching but never letting go, and they must be the first to take action once human beings are in crisis.

Others are still active in human life, and will pop up in their own ways from time to time to give humans a hammer blow. The star beast belongs to this kind, stuck in the life of the interstellar people like a thorn in the flesh.

Since human beings broke through the cosmic domain where the mother star is located, and immigrated to the alpha universe where they are currently settled, they have developed rapidly in the following time. In a short period of time, it has broken through the previous species restrictions and created an era civilization that belongs to human beings and is extremely glorious and prosperous.

But their lives are not all smooth sailing. There are still a certain number of star beasts in this universe. They are also explorers of this universe, and even came here earlier than humans. They are called beasts because they look very similar to those animals that exist on the human home planet, but their habits and combat effectiveness are much more ferocious, and they have a strong sense of territory. Some races will also actively attack humans, using humans as food that can be hunted. As a result, the human beings who had just immigrated here for a long time fell into a situation of fighting hard with the star beasts.

And people actually just want to find a planet similar to the parent star at first, to live and work in peace and contentment as in the past. But how could this turbulent interstellar environment allow them to settle down like this.

The star beasts who are used to traveling between the galaxies or wandering the planets to hunt have begun to target the human beings.

A war between humans and star beasts has begun, and they have begun a tug-of-war that lasted for several epochs. After all, human beings are endowed with unique and highly intelligent creatures. They are constantly stimulated to their potential in the constant challenges and pressures of survival, and they continue to evolve a physique that is extremely suitable for interstellar survival. and invention. Human civilization has thus gradually reached its peak.

And in this war, the scattered star beasts have gradually lost ground. Although their numbers and groups have not decreased much, they can no longer treat human beings as creatures that can be hunted at will like in the past.

There is no right or wrong in this battle... because perhaps from the perspective of the star beasts, humans are the invaders. However, it is difficult for the two to coexist peacefully, and naturally they can only end in prosperity and decline.

And the essence of the conflict between humans and star beasts is that the two races are competing for resources and territory.

Sometimes even if human beings want to coexist peacefully with star beasts, star beasts can't bear the fact that such a costly intelligent race like humans competes with itself for resources and attacks uncontrollably. And human beings are such an ambitious group from the bottom of their hearts. They may really want to live a stable life at first, but in the day-to-day evolution and progress, they have gradually mastered the power to dominate the life of the group.

After exploring the magic and beauty of this big universe, they are naturally unwilling to live on one or two small planets. In the end, they really dominated this universe and became the overlord of this region.

The star beasts have long been isolated from their habitable galaxies, and cannot enter the human realm at will.

But right now... under their noses, a group of star beasts inexplicably invaded and attacked a group of students who were not fully awakened. Isn't it a vicious incident?

Not to mention that they are in this small school. When the day breaks, the news can't be pressed anymore. When this matter is exposed, it will definitely become the focus of Planet 732. Therefore, they must find out the whole story of this matter as soon as possible, and give an explanation to the people, the military, the school and the parents of the students.

Stark had been busy here all night, but he was still worried about Jiang Hui's situation, so he took the time to look over there. When I come back, I still have to deal with that matter.

Seeing him come back, Major Hank above immediately signaled him to come forward and inquire about the situation.

Stark told Jiang Hui the information one by one, and the other party fell into a short thought after hearing it.

In fact, they have already learned the details of the matter from Hillman. However, the child is relatively young, and his focus is relatively erratic, and some things are not very clear. On Jiang Hui's side, it was clearer, and he added a lot at once, allowing them to confirm some points that were not clear one by one.

But these are secondary information obtained from the population after all, and what everyone wants to see now is completely objective first-hand information.

What is completely objective first-hand information? Naturally, it is direct evidence, traces of evidence collection, sound, video, and so on.

"The person who went to investigate and collect evidence hasn't come yet?" Major Hank tapped the conference table with his fingertips.

A young officer next to him whispered back: "It should be over soon. I just came back and there is only one point left in the informant." In fact, it was the site where Mace had the accident. That place is so important that they let him People protected him and sent a lot of experienced people to collect evidence.

But because there are too many details that need to be obtained, it has not been fully investigated until now.

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