The strongest brain in the universe

Chapter 121: The Curtain Ends (Part 2)

Jiang Hui's first reaction was not to avoid, but to think... This person is straight even when he is bending over.

Hillman didn't understand why he dodged cleverly, but the opponent's hand fell on his head in the end. Does this uncle know that a man's head is not allowed to be touched randomly, and his father would not touch him even if he wanted to.

The other party seemed to glance at Hillman because of his restless actions, and a playful smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "Old Hillman's child, no wonder..."

Hillman was somewhat confused whether the other party was referring to his grandfather or his father. But in his memory only those friends of his grandfather would call that.

But this lieutenant general doesn't look very old, he doesn't look like someone from his grandfather's generation.

Lieutenant General Mac just sighed softly, and then... pressed the opponent's head again.

Hillman: ...There is reason to suspect that the other party did it on purpose.

Then the elder looked at another person: "Then this is classmate Jiang."

Jiang Hui felt that the other party seemed to be sizing her up, but this kind of gaze was not aggressive, it was more like a simple look, so although she was a little uncomfortable, it was not uncomfortable.

In fact, Lieutenant General Mac was more impressed with Jiang Hui than Hillman. Not only because she saved Brad, but also because her mother is Jiang Yilin.

Maybe Jiang Yilin might not remember Lieutenant General Mace, but Lieutenant General Mace was very impressed with him. Because back then, he had taken a fancy to Jiang Yilin and wanted to transfer her to the third army for training, but unfortunately she ended up in the eighth army because of some things.

I don't want to hear about the other party again, but it is on the obituary of the empire commemorating the hero. Both the couple died in that war.

The flower in the army that the Third Legion secretly prodded back then fell to other legions because of a faction battle that had nothing to do with it, and finally withered silently on the battlefield like this - Lieutenant General Mace It's a pity.

He was not idle during the time he landed, browsing through the evidence and materials of this incident, and happened to also read the files of the two students who saved his youngest son.

He was naturally familiar with the Hillman family. The two grew up together when they were young, but later they parted ways because of the family business they each chose and went further and further apart. During these years when the two of them rarely saw each other, he had never seen this little Hillman. He only knew that the old Hillman had five children, and the one who loved the most was that the youngest one was still in school.

Unexpectedly, Hillman's precious son had the same temperament as him. This old friend has been covering up all these years so that everyone thinks that he is a profiteer with a deep mind and a natural ability to study and calculate others, but this youngest son's temperament seems to satisfy him, and it is still the kind of one-to-one restoration. It can be said that if Hillman didn't have to inherit the family business, he would probably have such a weak-hearted appearance.

So some things are just as they should be, and they cannot be changed no matter what.

Lieutenant General Mace didn't care at all about the large and small leaks made by the opponent halfway. He is a realistic person who pays more attention to the result than the process. Since the youngest son can survive, everything will be happy.

But he is not a deaf-mute who is blinded by everything. He got the video data no later than others, and has read it several times. Every time he watched it, he became more and more afraid of Brad's death.

Judging from this video evidence alone, the girl attracted his attention even more. And he happened to find that the other party turned out to be the child of his student. This world is really small, and there is no such thing as a book without a coincidence.

He was extremely grateful to this outstanding student who had missed his legion in the past, leaving such a child in this world, and it was the existence of this child that his child could escape death.

There is no necessary connection between the two, but such a coincidence belongs to the miracle of life.

He is grateful.

How much he had placed high hopes and strictness on this little son in the past, now he regrets how much he persecuted him like that. That child should have been led by him step by step into this world step by step, but because of his selfishness, he was forced to stumble along the way, and now he almost lost his life here...

But it's useless to regret now, the other party has already experienced so much that the damage has already been done. Right now, as a father, the only thing left in his heart is endless regret.

He didn't want to train the child any more. As if he had seen him die once, Lieutenant General Metz wanted to see him live safely. Those hopes and eager expectations of the past were also wiped out in a single thought.

Jiang Hui originally thought that the lieutenant general would ask them about the circumstances of their distress, at least something about the rescue of Warrant Officer Mace. But the other party didn't. Instead, they cared about their study in school, and even used his school experience as a model to propose a lot of small methods close to guiding direction and training.

Jiang Hui didn't know how Hillman felt about these experiences and guidance, but she benefited a lot anyway. Listening to this scene, she seemed to have a deeper understanding and definition of the military groups stationed in dangerous border areas of the empire.

She seemed a little shaken. As for what was shaking... maybe even she didn't know.

Just as Lieutenant General Mac wanted to ask the two of them about their future intentions after graduating from the Intermediate Academy, another family member in the room who had been silently accompanying him quickly left the background board, stepped up quickly, and bent over to support the back of the person on the bed.

"Brother..." The person on the bed yelled weakly, with half-closed eyes, intending to fully open them to understand the situation at hand.

woke up?

It can be seen that this patient has a strong nature in his bones, and even in such a bad situation, he is still very strong and refuses to show his fragility to the outside world.

Stark, who had been standing at the back, went out silently to find someone after he realized that the patient had woken up. This was the first time the other party woke up after being rescued.

The protagonist they were going to visit this time woke up, and the conversation between the few people naturally had no meaning to continue. But Jiang Hui found that Lieutenant General Mace didn't go to his child's side immediately, but turned slightly sideways, looking at him from afar, his brows and eyes were silent, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

And just waking up from a long and chaotic lethargy, Brad Mays seemed to be a little confused about the situation. He looked dazedly at his elder brother who seemed to appear here suddenly, and then looked around.

Before he could say anything, medical staff rushed in from outside the room, and seven or eight surrounded Metz. This one checked the blood pressure of the wrist, that one measured the radio waves, and the other one measured the ECG... all kinds of testing equipment were used to entangle people densely.

Jiang Hui: ...

She finally knew what it was like for the doctors to examine her after she was injured or unconscious. To be honest, this technique is even more skillful than tying pigs. The "pig" may be slaughtered without knowing what happened.

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