Jiang Hui was startled, and quickly backed away, not because she regretted and didn't want to save her, but because she knew that if the other party was in a drowning state, she couldn't easily step forward to help, otherwise she would have to pay for it.

But it's not right for her to just watch like this, so he used the retractable rope to help the opponent break out of the water.

Huan Xian's side was very close to the clasp and also helped. After a while, a head emerged from the water, a head of soft black hair drooping limply on his forehead and temples, his face was covered with drops of water. It's miserable.

As soon as Zhou Xiuwen got his head up, his face was full of "scared".

Yes, the expression was really ferocious, and it looked like he was holding his breath.

No, friend, aren't you awake? Why didn't you give a response just now, huh? Jiang Hui couldn't help but muttered in his heart, but he quickly put up a hand, intending to use the rope to pull the other party's whole body up.

I didn't want the other party's head to come out of the water, and his mouth could speak, so he immediately yelled: "Come and help me, I can't hold on anymore, I fell."

Help, what can I do? ! Didn't you bring your head up already? Normally, breathing should not be a problem now. Could it be that you were injured in the rush of water just now?

"Just the thing in my hand... first fish it up, it's too heavy, I can't float it." The other party panted and complained in a tone, but it could be seen that the entire shoulder, arms and elbows were being pulled hard He refused to release things under the water.

Probably because the look on the other side is too "sinister". Jiang Hui didn't bother to ask him what he was fishing for, and if he could make him hang on to it at the risk of being drowned, he went up to help first.

Huan Xian was afraid that the water would not be overcome until now, so he could only sit on a shelf and act as a coolie pulling hooks and buckles. Jiang Hui was the only one who could really step forward to help.

She took the shrinking rope, and asked Huan Xian to install it on the wall at the other end as a fulcrum, and she was responsible for diving into the water to find the thing that Zhou Xiuwen said made him sink under.

I don’t know if I don’t look at it. When I dived into the water, I saw a square box. It looks dark. I don’t know what material it’s made of. It’s slightly reflective, but just by looking at the texture, I know it’s very heavy, and I don’t know what’s inside. .

Jiang Hui didn't want to soak in the water to study this problem, so she put the box on and floated up.

More than ten minutes later, Jiang Hui, Huan Xian, and Zhou Xiuwen sat in a row on the temporary shelf with their bodies wet, their legs drooped, and the parts below their calves were soaked in water, but their whole bodies were covered with water. out of the water.

Several people looked at each other in blank dismay, glanced at each other, there was a hint of irony, and inexplicably felt relieved - for the rest of their lives after the catastrophe.

The dark chest had been roped up, and was now suspended by ropes between two shelves. It was inevitable that it would fall, so they fixed it with several layers of ropes in different ways.

After tossing and tossing, several people were in a sluggish state and had to stop for a while to regain their energy.

As for the box... let's open it later, anyway, things won't run away for the time being. What they don't want to admit is that they're actually running out of swimming—even if it's only two paces. So just sit down for a while.

"Is this a supply point? Why do I feel that we have been driven all the way since we came in, and we don't know what we are doing. It is more troublesome than going outside. And where are the supplies?" Huan Xian couldn't hold on anymore. As if he didn't care about anything, he complained expressionlessly.

Indeed, Jiang Hui also felt that they did not get any benefit from putting this supply point at all. In just a few hours, it was even more tossing than going outside, and the resources I worked hard to get were not many, and it was exhausting all the way.

The simulation bra is also... I wonder if there is any chance to recharge the energy? They now have little hope for that.

After this round of flooding, they were even more hopeless.

Jiang Hui was also a little irritable. She twisted the legs of her trousers, which were soaked and irritated, but said nothing.

As for Zhou Xiuwen, he was still lying on the edge of that shelf, his soul was flying, and it made him feel uncomfortable to watch.

Jiang Hui felt a little better, so she called the other party a few times but there was no response, so she let him go and turned to Huan Xian, who was in better condition on the other side.

The eyes of the two fell on the box on the water.

Of course Jiang Hui didn't think that the box he picked up under such circumstances would be a useless piece of garbage, not to mention it was so heavy, it didn't feel right no matter how you looked at it.

After asking about Zhou Xiuwen's wishes, she and Huan Xian opened the box together, and... they were barely blinded.

Did they finally have a good luck? Or the competition party saw them working so hard to escape the room, and finally thought of rewarding them with some resources.

Did you guys finally remember that this is called a "supply point" to fill in the bug that there are no supply resources at all? ! Will the reaction be a little slower.

Speaking of which, Zhou Xiuwen was really strong, everyone was knocked unconscious by the sudden torrent, but he still remembered to grab something in his hands, and it was such a big box of treasures.

How did he know that this was the treasure box, and he refused to let go even if he was about to be drowned. This made Jiang Hui inexplicably think of the other party's experience of slipping his feet to avoid the attacker several times and walking with his colleagues on the road several times to pick up leaks.

It seems that being with the other party has always been lucky, no matter how twists and turns the process is, the end point is often just right, and people can't help but call the lucky one.

Jiang Hui had never felt that there was an inexplicable kind of luck in this classmate Zhou, that kind of lucky E player who was so lucky that he could reap some benefits even when the wind and rain fell on him.

It's really that people are more popular than people. In the same dangerous situation, she can only get a base of nutrient solution, and she has a whole box of supply resources in her hand, so she can't accept it.

No wonder it's so heavy...Jiang Hui and Huan Xian stared straight at the neatly packed bullet bags inside.

So if Zhou Xiuwen couldn't hold on just now and gave up without holding on tightly, he would probably miss this box. This is probably also the reason why the competition party specially found a dead black wooden box instead of using light and easy-to-storage marching packaging.

It was the first time that the group of them touched the supply resources when they entered the supply point. It is said that it is too late to dig into the bottom of the water to look for it. I don’t know if there are any.

Zhou Xiuwen seemed to have calmed down. He looked around and saw the bullets. He was a little surprised and said, "It's really a good thing." It's not in vain for me to pull so hard. "

Jiang Hui looked at Huan Xian next to him calmly, and seeing that the other person looked calm, he said to Zhou Xiuwen: "Student Zhou, let's share."

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