‘Still too reckless. ’ Unconsciously, Stark also showed a little helplessness on his always serious face.

There were bursts of laughter from a corner of the teacher's bench.

"How did she come up with such an idea? She obviously hasn't figured out the situation yet, and those two idiots actually listened to her." Captain Lynch couldn't help laughing on the spot.

"Pretending to be smart." Zou Yi snorted lightly, but it was rare that he didn't say anything unpleasant.

After all, every move of the students is under their noses, and their performance in the competition naturally falls into their eyes.

Although it is natural for everyone to pay more attention to their students, Jiang Hui, as the leader in this competition so far, must be the center of attention of many teachers. Everyone has noticed her performance along with Huan Xian and Zhou Xiuwen.

Jiang Hui's performance was not flawless, it could even be said that there were many flaws, but as a young man who had not received formal training, it really exceeded their expectations by a lot.

Shooting, rough design arrangement, adaptability, decision-making and even cohesion are pretty good. Although none of them can be said to be at the top level, it is already extremely good for a freshman who has not been formally trained and enrolled. Rare and outstanding.

What's even more rare is that at the same time, she also has enough resilience and determination. This is the quality that all the teachers see in each other is more precious and difficult to cultivate.

In addition to having excellent combat ability, a fighter should also possess sufficient toughness—enough toughness to support him to carry forward for a long time, toughness to let him go forward bravely even if he is covered in blood and pain.

And this young man seems to have such qualities by nature, silent and tough, but what she does is more powerful than any noise. Tell her that she is still unwilling to give up her teammate who has become a burden even when she is in danger.

Even the nitpicking Zou Yi couldn't say anything about such a performance. After all, he was once a warrior who galloped on the battlefield, even if the flames of war he was bathed in were not as far away as Stark's monster, he was still one.

He can sneer at the illustrious Stark and fight for power when he is fine, but he never underestimates the other party's contribution to the empire as a soldier. Whether his personalities don't match or not, he has always had the highest respect for his comrades who are also soldiers of the Empire.

But Zou Yi is also proud and conceited, so he is never willing to bow his head.

His distorted emotions and mentality are also reflected in his views on Jiang Hui.

Seeing that the other party was far ahead of his favorite student by virtue of compensation points, Zou Yi was naturally angry at first, and preconceived that Jiang Hui took away the honor of the first place just for tricks.

When he really calmed down and looked at the other party's previous performance records, and saw the other party's performance this way, Zou Yi had to ask himself and admit that the child had unquestionable talents.

Even his favored students are not as good, at least his students can't do everything. Therefore, even with the factor of compensation points, the opponent's chief position is barely well-deserved.

After Zou Yi admitted this awkwardly in his heart, the more he looked at Jiang Hui, the more he felt relieved. Why did such a student not belong to his class but belong to Stark? Obviously this is an incompletely awakened person with A-level spiritual power, so why not classify such a high-potential awakened person into the best-qualified group.

Among them, it is absolutely unbelievable to say that there is no Starkey's operation Zou Yi. Thinking of what the other party said to Karl and his son in the principal's office earlier, Zou Yi became even more awkward. He always felt that what should belong to him had been robbed, and at the same time felt that the little guys in his class were not up to date. I can't get ahead, and the scenery has been robbed by others, which is really annoying.

So when he saw that Jiang Hui's wrong judgment brought Huan Xian and Zhou Xiuwen into an unknown and dangerous situation, he felt strangely happy in his heart, and he finally caught the child's fault.

It turns out that this is also a reckless little guy, it seems that he still thinks highly of him.

The track in this supply ground is vertical and horizontal, and the layout of the terrain is also extremely dangerous. The three of them ventured to sit on the box without saying anything, and fixed themselves on it. Is it really going to slide down the slope of the box, hang down at a right angle, or even hang upside down? This is too thrilling, right?

Wouldn't the whole army be wiped out if it wasn't fixed and fell down? At that time, there is no need to fight with others, they will be eliminated directly like this.

This is why the teachers felt a little funny. Because they watched Jiang Hui move forward calmly along the way, no matter when and where there seemed to be no waves, no panic at all. After watching it for a long time, I really feel that it is a bit boring, and I always want to see when the other party will make a mistake.

"However, this idea is also wonderful, maybe it can be useful." Lieutenant Zapp looked at the three people who had started to turn up and down with the box, and was quite interested.

"Will this be too unsafe? They are too impulsive, and the protective ability of this simulated corset is unknown. It is really dangerous." Teacher Tan was indeed a little worried. He spent almost all of his life in the laboratory, never really joined the army, and could not understand the mentality of those real sergeants.

Watching a few people follow the box up to the rocky mountain with a height of tens of feet, and then uncontrollably go down the slope, Teacher Tan's heart was lifted along with the ups and downs of the children.

When Professor Denis designed this, didn't he expect that there would be bold and naughty children operating it like this? It's just too dangerous.

They have no other protective equipment on their bodies. If they fall, they can only rely on the simulated corset for protection. And the simulated corset is still just a protective tool that has been modified to the standard B-level, and it doesn't even reach the lowest level of the military standard. What if something happens?

Teacher Tan looked at Stark, intending to get the approval of the subject's class teacher, but never thought that Stark didn't listen to the well-intentioned laughter and discussions at all, and only concentrated on looking at the three embarrassed people on the screen. Thoughts.


"That guy must have thought of it. It's really funny, and he didn't warn his teammates. Don't forget that he himself wants to sit on it. Isn't this knowingly committing crimes?" Looking at the three people sitting unconsciously, After getting into the box, he cleverly added a layer of fixed protection to himself, which made Min Hao very angry.

He was different from the others, he had a few conversations with that boy Huan Xian before, and he had a vague understanding of the other person's character. Apart from the terrifying abilities that a living person should have, this person actually has some evil tastes in his nature.

This man must have done it on purpose.

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