If you are not very sure that there are no ingredients in the practice field, the two of them are holding a tube of nutrient solution in their hands. Just looking at the postures of these two people, Jiang Hui might have thought that the group of them were camping.

She subconsciously let out her mental power and slipped around here, rubbing her forehead: "...Why didn't you wake me up after dawn for so long?"

Although it was a question, Jiang Hui said it more casually, more like a kind of embarrassing self-blame. Zhou Xiuwen had only slept for more than a week, and Huan Xian didn't even know if she had fallen asleep. Instead, she lay alone for more than three weeks, and finally woke up leisurely. Well, how can I embarrass her?

"Sleep, sleep, it's nothing, just the two of us watching. You have to trust us, isn't it good now?" Zhou Xiuwen said with a smile.

"There has been no movement around here, and no one has come." Huan Xian said calmly.

The other party didn't know if it was because he didn't rest well or didn't rest, and he seemed really in a bad mood. In fact, they were not directed at them, but one could tell by looking at this person's face and demeanor.

Today, the other party couldn't even show the playful look he used to pretend in the past, so he just kept his face tense, with a calm expression, not knowing what he was thinking.

If it were someone else, in such a situation, they would probably think that the other party was angry at her for oversleeping, but Jiang Hui didn't think so.

She has seen the other person's true appearance hidden in the deepest place before, and she also knows that since she met the other person, the foolishness, laughing and scolding, lively or contented or approachable, are all the other's external masks.

The real him has very little emotion, just like a piece of white paper.

So the opponent's current state may be closer to his nature.

Looking at Zhou Xiuwen's smooth and unobstructed communication with the other party, one can know that Huan Xian probably has no resentment at the moment, maybe it's just that he didn't sleep well.

"Yeah, it's very strange. I was in the practice field before, and I was able to meet the enemy within three or five steps, but I could hear some voices after walking for a while. But after I came out this time, the whole field seemed to be quiet , everyone seems to be hiding, and there has been no movement for so long." Zhou Xiuwen continued Huan Xian's words.

The level of mental power of both of them is not low, but in such a situation full of flaws, they dare not really relax. They both secretly raise their vigilance and pay attention to all the movements around them.

It's just strange that until the night fell and the sky had brightened for more than an hour, there was still no trace of people around. Those contestants who used to fight to the death and fiercely snatch each other's heads seemed to have disappeared at this moment.

Such a situation is not within their imagination.

No matter how vigilant the two of them are, they can't use their endless energy towards the air, right? ! After being tense for a long time, they also relaxed a little bit.

So while watching carefully, the two seized the time to rest for a while, trying to preserve their energy as much as possible. After all, no one knows what will happen next.

But for Jiang Hui... the other party has worked hard all this way, and has been dragging them in the water without giving up. The energy consumed by the other party is incalculable. Zhou Xiuwen and Huan Xian felt embarrassed and wanted to buy more time for them to rest.

So neither of them chose to wake her up until Jiang Hui woke up naturally and got down from the high ground tent.

Hearing this, Jiang Hui also felt a little strange, but then he thought about it and thought it was nothing, and guessed wildly: "Could it be possible that they are also... sleeping?"

Zhou Xiuwen and Huan Xian were stunned for a moment, apparently never thinking of this possibility.

Jiang Hui just said it casually at first, but the more he thought about it, the more he felt it was true.

Really, it's been more than 20 weeks, and all the contestants can say that they didn't sleep for a day and a night, even an iron man couldn't bear it. The three of them have to sleep, don't the others need to sleep?

After going through the intense race in the supply field, those people might also want to rest for a while, so they stopped one by one and stopped moving around.

Jiang Hui thought to himself, this is a rare balance point, so he also said to Huan Xian: "Would you like to go to sleep for a while, I saw that you didn't fall asleep all night last night. It's nothing serious now. Zhou Xiuwen is fine just looking at it, you should go up and lie down for an hour first."

Unexpectedly, the other party shook his head, but a smile suddenly appeared on his expressionless face: "No need, even... I can't sleep. It should be able to hold on, and if we all have enough rest It's not as easy to go as it is now to go."

That's the truth, Jiang Hui knew. Is it really okay if the other party doesn't have to sleep? She couldn't help but worry about the other party's state.

This time, Huan Xian didn't answer her words, instead, he cast his eyes on the pile of guns next to him, and changed the subject abruptly: "Then what should we do about these?"

This was also the question that Jiang Hui had been thinking about in the first half of the night.

How to deal with these things?

The marching bags of the three of them were almost full, and the guns that could be strapped to their bodies were limited. Anyway, this big bag must not be taken away. However, it is really unwilling to ask them to leave things here for others.

It's not that they are selfish, but that competition is extremely competitive. Your inexhaustible resources may then be cheaper for others and become a weapon for others to kill you. This is very realistic but also true.

But it's really impossible to take them all with you, it's too cumbersome. Is it possible to take out the bullet nutrient solution in the marching bag and pack a bunch of firearms that I don't know if I can use them until the end of the game? If you think about it with your brain, you know that it is more reliable to choose the former.

She thought about it for a long time but didn't come up with an idea, and she simply forgot about it when she rested in the middle of the night. When I woke up in the morning, I might have subconsciously escaped and didn't remember it. I didn't expect Huan Xian to point it out.

Jiang Hui shrugged his shoulders, and said in a confused way: "Then do you have any good solutions? We can't just dig a deep hole and fill it in?" It seems that it is indeed a reluctant method, but it is a bit too laborious up. And if you meet someone with a flexible mind, you will probably find out immediately, and the matter is tantamount to nothing.

Zhou Xiuwen shook his head and said that there is no good way.

The two naturally turned their attention to the person who asked this question, and just in time they saw that the other person reached out to untie the knot on the package, revealing all the guns inside.

What are you going to do now, is there really a way? Jiang Hui looked at him suspiciously.

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