This question... Jiang Hui and the others are also thinking about it, but they have to think more about being targeted prey.

Completed five-range shooting in one breath, and still such a long-range shooting that consumes a lot of energy, Jiang Hui was physically and mentally exhausted, and some of them couldn't get up in one breath. But I have to say that this process was very fun, and it made people feel like their blood was boiling.

It's just that she still has enough sense to tell her not to indulge in immediate interests, as powerful enemies are not far away from them and are eyeing tigers.

They already have 40 stars at this energy point, and there are only more than 30 stars left before the end of the second round of recharging. They thought they would meet Holly and the others directly like this.

But Jiang Hui thought about it, and finally felt that now is not a good time to match up.

After experiencing Huan Xian's previous point, Jiang Hui reflected a little bit, and felt a lot more relaxed, but the fundamental problem was not solved, so no matter how much he thought about it, he still had to worry about it.

"Let's get out of here." Jiang Hui said in a deep voice.

Hillman and Zhou Xiuwen looked at each other, the former seemed indifferent, while the latter showed some thought.

Huan Xian and Clarence looked at Jiang Hui in silence, without responding immediately.

They haven't come yet.

What Huan Xian said was right, she was not afraid of Holly, or it should be said that he was not afraid of anyone in the arena. Wanting to win is one thing, but she is not afraid of failure, she just doesn't want to lose in the muddle.

If a battle with the opponent is inevitable, then they must always be prepared to strive for the greatest chance of winning for themselves.

Obviously, now is not the best time to fight.

Even if this round of recharging is over, there are still about seven weeks left for the competition, and there are still more than 200 contestants in the field, which is still too far away from the end.

They can fight Hawley's team, and if two tigers fight, one will die. If they win, they will die. If Holly wins, they will be eliminated in all likelihood. It seems that this is the only result.

But they beat you to death here, isn't the space vacated for others?

Those contestants are probably looking at the map at this moment, hoping that they can fight Holly, and it is best for the two sides to die together so that they can benefit from each other. Isn't this just making a wedding dress for others? !

Jiang Hui felt that they had to hold on to the back no matter what, at least let her hunt eight more teams before they could match up with Huo Li and the others.

So staying here and waiting for the R256 team to come to the door will be very passive, completely losing the initiative, so... have to go.

The simulated corsage has been charged with an average of about 80% of its energy. Even if they can't find a suitable place to charge it for the remaining half a week, the remaining energy is enough for them to go to the back.

So now is a good time to evacuate, Jiang Hui thought about it for a while, and finally made up his mind.

But before that, she needs to get the opinions of her teammates. If they don't agree, there's nothing to do. After all, advancing and retreating together is not just a sentence.

In case they were unlucky and Holly brought someone to kill them halfway through the talk, then there was no need to worry about this issue, just fight directly. Everyone has a real fight and will know who can stay until the end.

Jiang Hui prepared a lot of reasons and planned to show them to his teammates, but he didn't expect the last sentence to come in handy.

"Okay." After a series of past agreements, Clarence nodded happily.

Okay, it seems that even the effort of persuasion has been saved.

Jiang Hui was not hypocritical, and hurriedly called everyone out of the trenches, buried them on the spot, and moved up the turf and shrub branches for cover, and hurriedly ended the aftermath work.

In fact, the correct way should be to step on the ground, then fill it up, and the surface should also be treated. The vegetation, sand and stones for cover should be kept in a natural state as much as possible, so that latecomers will not easily find these good pits they dug, even if they find bad ones. It is too clear how to use it. In order to avoid another sense of being an enemy, it is just that time is not enough, so it can only be done to this extent.

They also look like forty stars in charging, and the people of Hawley are probably going to be here.

Ask Jiang Hui why he thinks that Holly's people must come here, is it possible that he went to the charging point in another area, but it hasn't been revealed yet... No, if there is another energy point There is nowhere to go when there are many stars, only it takes so long to travel from L7 to this extremely remote L11.

It's just that such a long distance is coming to an end.

The R256 team may appear in front of him at any time, meet...not meet, only in a moment.

Jiang Hui was vigilant and watched his teammates simply bury these trenches. He was a little nervous but relieved and led them away from L11 and disappeared on the sky map.

There are still about thirty-four stars before the end of the second round of filling.


"Damn it!" Mu Kun looked at the R186 team that disappeared on the map in an instant, buttoned the laser light gun, tightened it unconsciously, and made a clicking sound: "These cowards escaped at this time."

"Boss, do you want to chase after them? They won't be far away."

It has to be said that the timing Jiang Hui chose to evacuate was very delicate. It just so happened that the R256 team was already close to the range of L11, and two or three kilometers away they would enter Jiang Hui's sniping range.

If Jiang Hui and the others run a step slower, they probably won't be able to walk.

It's just that Jiang Hui took the first step. Even if they arrived at L11 now, they still couldn't locate the R186 team. This group of difficult prey disappeared from the map again, and they lost their whereabouts again—when they spent nearly a star. After tracking.

Mu Kun is a violent person, she can't accept such a result, and she hates this group of cowards who can only hide and hide.

You can't take a step slowly, huh? ! If you have to pick this moment, you are simply playing them like monkeys. She looked like she couldn't lift it up in one breath.

At this moment, Mu Kun can only hope that their captain, Huo Li, can't bear this kind of trickery, otherwise he really has to endure it.

"Captain, shall we... still go to L11?" It was rare for Xiao Li to stand in the same position as Mu Kun. The two were not at odds on weekdays, probably because they were equal in ability but at odds in temperament, and sometimes they often deliberately sang the opposite tune.

Because he also saw that it was wrong to continue like this, whether it was because of cowardice or strategy... The group of people in R186 had no intention of confronting them head-on, at least not now. Under such circumstances, if they choose to go to L11 according to the original plan, it means that they accept this trap for the time being and ruin the previous arrangement.

If not... what should they do? Xiao Li, who had always listened to and believed in Holly, was a little confused.

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