Lin Maowu frowned and said to Nancy: "Please pay attention to the line on the R117 side, they rushed a little too hard and exposed too much."

Nancy seemed to have heard it, but didn't seem to hear it, and continued to aim at a point ahead. But Lin Maowu could see clearly that the other party didn't take his words to heart at all, and even had a hint of secret assistance.

Lin Maowu frowned more and more as he watched.

"..." Nancy raised her eyebrows and looked at the person who stopped her very unfriendlyly. The other party's hand clasped the barrel of her gun in such a reckless manner, causing her shooting line to deviate.

"...Captain Lin, I think I just joined your team as a temporary member, but the content of our agreement does not say that I need to obey your orders. My team also does not have such a requirement for members who change to the team. Wouldn't it be too much for you to do this?" By this time, Nancy could no longer hold back her temper.

She is not a weak-tempered person, she can even be said to have a hard-tempered temperament and is extremely assertive. Unless she changes herself, no one else can shake her mind.

She cooperated and obeyed Lin Maowu along the way because she understood her need to change here, and at the same time agreed that Lin Maowu's command was beneficial to the entire team. But this does not mean that she will blindly follow the other party's instructions.

Nancy did not forget that she was placed in this team as a hostage in order to protect and strengthen the connection between the three teams. But her roots and the team she should really protect are still the R117 team.

She has a tacit understanding with Captain Tadel. Although it can't be said that they are complementary, they have often been unconsciously synchronized since the cooperation. Even though she now had to separate from her belonging team and go to another unfamiliar team for her plan, she knew Tadel's decision at a glance.

If the other party wants something, she will naturally help him succeed.

As for Lin Maowu's idea, it was out of her consideration, and their cooperation had only reached this point.

But I didn't expect that she didn't want to say something that would damage the relationship between the two teams, but the other party inserted a hand in without politeness, forcing her to tear her face directly.

Lin Maowu didn't care about the other party's impoliteness at all. In fact, he also didn't regard the opponent as his own team member. They were all temporary needs, and naturally it was impossible to really pay for his own interests.

But it doesn't matter who you use, even if the other party has his own selfishness and the group he wants to serve, for Lin Maowu, it doesn't prevent him from using the other party to achieve his goal.

So he said a little more patiently: "Student Nancy, you have to understand that I don't want to harm you. It's just that your crazy rush will further expose the position of your team. And the people in R186 are not ordinary Sagittarius, you are taking too much risk."

Not to mention this, when Lin Maowu said this, Nancy immediately became a little angry: "But after more than half a week, I still can't attack, is it interesting to continue like this? Don't forget our original plan It is to let them confuse themselves and expose their flaws."

"But it's us who are worried about being exposed after so long. Is it necessary for us to continue like this? It's better to change the method or change the policy as soon as possible. If we continue like this, we will only fall into an infinite passive state." The girl is a little cold and authentic.

Because this chaotic battle is completely different from what she imagined, entering a completely unfamiliar team, facing strangers, and facing a group of enemies who don't know the details, and she must always be careful to guard against the temporary teammates around her... Everything puts a lot of pressure on Nancy.

And Lin Maowu's unfathomable inscrutability gave her a deeper layer of fear and defense.

Lin Maowu's lip line was drawn flat, he didn't want to get along with this member of the different team who had a different way, and he thought to himself that it was almost time to change the members anyway, so he was about to say something.


Suddenly Nancy's face turned pale, her whole body froze, her hands, feet and whole body were locked, and she lost her ability to move. Her back was weakly leaning against the stone, and finally she slowly slipped and fell to the ground.

Her consciousness was a little chaotic, and she heard chaotic voices from a distance, among which Tadel's roar that stopped abruptly seemed to be faintly sandwiched.

Then Lin Maowu appeared in her low-level line of sight, and the other party said indifferently: "I'm sorry, my people are still on the other side, so I can only do this."

At the same time, because of being hit by a bullet from an unknown location, Tadel became stiff and lost his ability to move. In the end, she only had time to look at Pafra, who seemed to be a little surprised by the situation in front of her, and suddenly had a terrifying thought.

Never be...

However, it was too late, Pafula didn't do anything, but Lin Maowu, who was hundreds of meters away, did.

It wasn't until the moment before she lost consciousness that she suddenly realized that the so-called three-team alliance was probably a scam from beginning to end, a lie fabricated by Lin Maowu to make the other two teams work for him.

The triangle seems to be a stable structure, but after all, it goes the other way. Even if one side is missing, the remaining two sides can still form a relatively stable structure, and it can even be safer and parallel and non-intersecting.

They were abandoned.

Lin Maowu was worried that the people from R87 would take the opportunity to tear up the contract and make a move, so he shot Nancy first and ruined R117's last chance. After removing the unstable factors, he seized the opportunity to go to Pafula's side when he saw something was wrong.

Aris and the others were a little farther away, and they lost the opportunity if they didn't react in time, so they could only watch helplessly as Lin Maowu tore up the contract and relocated Pafula to his team, forcing a new team. A "new contract" - although the other party was completely unprepared, it was clear that Lin Maowu succeeded.

Such a series of events happened within half a minute, changing rapidly, and even some members of several teams were unable to react.

It was too late when Aris reacted wrongly, and his sister went to Lin Maowu's team again.

This is not a problem. The problem is that the other party used such a turn-on and denial method to eliminate Tadel's team not long ago, and then pre-emptively detained Pafula. This all made Aris feel the capriciousness and unscrupulousness of the other party.

Aris even felt that his group might be within the scope of his calculations, and if necessary in the future, the other party would use means to get rid of them without hesitation.

In this way, Pafra fell into the opponent's hands and became a kind of coercion. The opponent will definitely use this to deepen the bond between the two teams until he doesn't need them.

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