The strongest brain in the universe

Chapter 282 Contradictions

We have been together for so long and have not had any conflicts. Why did we just win a battle but have conflicts?

Or these two... It's a bit surprising.

Jiang Hui knew about Clarence. He is very arrogant, and will not give a second glance to things that people who don't like don't want to do. Regardless of the fact that the other party was not very familiar with Jiang Hui's attitude before this time, everyone can imagine that Jiang Hui is already the one with the best relationship with him in the second class, although this "good" has yet to be defined.

It was hard for Jiang Hui to imagine how this person was having a temper with another person.

As for Huan Xian, he is more complicated, he is not as mature as a young man, when he encounters problems, he is more likely to find a solution instead of entanglement, and then he will choose to digest the excess emotions alone, and rarely reveal his emotions outside.

I didn't want to turn around and see that these two equally mature people suddenly had conflicts, so what was the reason?

It can be seen that Zhou Xiuwen, who was caught in the middle, seemed a little speechless. Jiang Hui and Hillman, who jumped in, gathered here as if fleeing: "You are back."

The other party looked at the two of them, and then his eyes fell on Jiang Hui's legs. The brisk eyebrows faded instantly, and then he frowned: "Your legs..."

Jiang Hui waved his hand: "It's okay, the blood oozing out seems a bit exaggerated. Just now, Mr. Hillman carried me on his back all the way, so he was very careful and didn't get hurt again."

Zhou Xiuwen also watched Huan Xian treat the wound before, and he saw that the wound was long and deep. It is estimated that the medicine will not heal for a while, and it can only be truly healed when it is treated outside. Huan Xian's technique is already impeccable, but in such a rough treatment environment, some wounds will inevitably appear. This amount of bleeding is actually within the predictable range, but it is impossible to say that there is no pain or feeling.

Zhou Xiuwen opened his mouth, but he seemed to remember something, but he didn't say anything in the end.

Over there, the two people, who could be seen as enemies with the naked eye, had ended this confrontation that made people feel more and more disturbed at some point, and they came together peacefully.

After Huan Xian walked over, he consciously helped to treat her wound. Sure enough, it still depends on the professional. The last time she pricked herself, she did not do it properly, but after walking for a while, there was a lot of blood on the leg of her trousers. It can be seen that her impromptu self-study is really not very good, and in the end she still has to help Huan Xian.

To be honest, the interstellar child is really different from the previous Blue Star. If such a deep gap happened in Lan Xing, he would have been sent to the hospital by hula la, and he would probably have to go to the emergency room. The tetanus needle would take two weeks of fishing, and another two or three months. Not necessarily the good one.

But let's put it aside, although everyone felt that the injury was serious, everyone seemed to be very calm.

A guy like Zhou Xiuwen even observed her wound very intently, saying that a certain muscle or cartilage was injured. God knows that although she can barely bear the pain, it's still a bit too much for her to observe her bloody musculature with her own eyes. She forced herself to look at it for a while and felt a little hairy.

The process of squeezing and scraping off the blood was very painful, but it was much more painful than leaving the wound in the air, but it felt much dryer after the treatment and sprinkled with the appropriate medicine powder. It's not like the bloody feeling that the gauze is soaked in blood and almost grows with the wound as before.

This skill is really amazing. In the future, if there is a corresponding first aid elective course, Huan Xian probably can get that top score without taking it.

She also lost a lot of opponents in this game, so she can survive here, and when she gets rewards and bonuses, she must treat these guys to a good meal. Jiang Hui thought boredly.

"What were you talking about just now?" Jiang Hui asked directly.

After disposing of the medical waste, Huan Xian, who was disinfecting very carefully, suddenly paused, and then continued to clean up in a slow manner.

Zhou Xiuwen, who was sitting almost with his back to Jiang Hui, turned his head sideways and looked behind the girl with a bitter face. Why did you ask classmate Jiang? I've dealt with this matter. The two seem to have reached a consensus. Now that you ask me like this, what if there is another conflict between the two of you...

He didn't want to go through that silent and sharp confrontation just now.

What are the two arguing about? In fact, it can't be called arguing, it's just that they have so many different ideas about the next action.

This has to start more than ten minutes ago.

Not long after Holly and the others were eliminated, Jiang Hui and Hillman hadn't reached the trench yet. Clarence suddenly proposed to go out to the team alone and spend the rest of the game.

Saying that the overall situation has been settled now, and no one can threaten them anymore, Clarence wanted to fight hard again. The difference between him and Hawley is not much. Considering the number of people left in the field, he still has some chances, so he wants to go out to the team and fight alone.

I didn't want to, but Huan Xian objected. No reason, because if Clarence just wants to chase the second place, he can understand this, and Huan Xian has no intention of chasing a first or second place on the list. If Clarence has this need, as teammates, they will naturally do their best to help him win the second place.

After all, no matter how good Holly is, he has already been eliminated, and his results have already been fixed. It is not impossible for Clarence to try harder to pull him down.

So why does the opponent want to go out alone? Didn't he think that in this game, his own fate was already connected with the whole team, if Clarence left the team alone and was hit hard by the enemy and was knocked out, then the rest of their team would also be eliminated inexplicably.

This is what none of them want to see.

Therefore, Huan Xian felt that Clarence's trip was a bit superfluous, and tactfully expressed his incomprehension, and his words were relatively cryptic.

Then it doesn't matter if he doesn't say it, this objection is unknown which point hit Clarence's strong and sensitive self-esteem.

He felt that Huan Xian was mocking the shot he shot for Mu Kun not long ago. This was the only lost chance for their R186 team to survive. Before that, even Hillman, who was relatively weak in overall ability, had never caused the team to lose a single cent, but it fell on Clarence himself.

Regardless of whether it was carelessness or a loss in strength, Clarence could not deny that he lost this round again, and it was also the second defeat after he was forcibly captured by the T186 team.

But he is obviously... obviously stronger than many people, why is he the one who failed in the end? This dealt a huge blow to Clarence's self-esteem.

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