The strongest brain in the universe

Chapter 291 Standard Mecha (Part 2)

Stark was still as calm and oppressive as ever. The atmosphere of the whole scene was different after he came, and there seemed to be a little tension in the air.

Although this is their class teacher, after the military training and comprehensive explanation and review, the other party spends no more time with the second class than the teachers of other subjects, and there is probably an extra monthly summary meeting.

...Actually, you can't say that. Thinking about it, they still have close contact with this class teacher. That is the formal military training and the comprehensive explanation and review class in the first two weeks of school. This teacher picked out and analyzed each person's performance in the playback video, and then praised or criticized it frame by frame.

Of course, the former was almost nonexistent, and he clearly praised two people, twice during the whole process.

Once, when Jiang Hui injured his leg in order to rescue Huan Xian, he slightly praised Jiang Hui's chain reaction of exceeding the standard at that moment. Then the key point was to scold her severely, saying that she was overestimated, hurt the enemy one thousand and self-damaged eight hundred, reckless and so on. Anyway, compared with the criticism later, the two compliments he said casually before seemed to be incidental, and the compliment was forced.

The other time was to praise Clarence, who launched a relatively perfect ambush against a team during the solo period. Although the deficiencies were inevitably pointed out and criticized later, there were more praises.

Except for a moment of performance from these two, the rest are pretty much all criticism. Even some of Jiang Hui's performances that are almost unmistakable in the eyes of others were cut out and criticized by the other party.

The problem is that people are not finding fault, what they say is true, and everyone is naturally convinced.

Anyway, after the comprehensive explanation and review, they didn't see the head teacher very much during the two weeks, and the other party gave them a lesson on strategy theory and disappeared again. However, it is said that all practical classes in the future will be taught by the other party.

The information posted on the school's official website, just part of the resume is already eye-catching.

The other party will give them mecha enlightenment training, and everyone doesn't know whether they are happy or worried.

The joy is that they can have a powerful mecha teacher to teach the course, and they can learn more skills. What is worrying is that everyone is afraid of being criticized mercilessly by this person again, that mental attack... No, there is no mental attack at all, they are just talking about the facts to make you feel ashamed. Anyway, it is very shocking.

The other party glanced at the serious-looking students in the arena, and his slightly cold gaze passed over everyone's heads. The students who were still full of excitement just now felt their brains go cold, and they all calmed down.

"Calm down." Stark asked lightly.

"Yes." Everyone responded loudly reflexively, as if they were still in military training.

"Very well, now that we've calmed down, it's time for us to go to class."

"Follow me." Stark signaled the students to follow.

It turns out that I didn't take mecha class here.

Everyone in the second class followed Stark and approached a ring-shaped building. It was not high, and it looked very low compared to the large buildings commonly seen in the interstellar space. Without a roof, the top looks low from the ground.

But facing such an unattractive building, the group was extremely excited. They all recognized it, this is the school's specially built mecha battle arena.

If it weren't for Captain Stark still ahead, they might not be able to resist continuing the lively topic just now, because through the open door they happened to see several pairs of metal structures with a height of more than ten meters. The outer layer of the armor's legs has the unique luster of silver and fine steel.

It was not until everyone passed through the special gate that they could clearly see the original appearance of these mechs.

I saw dozens of humanoid mechas with the same shape standing quietly in the extremely spacious battle field. Although they are all curled up and "squatting" on the ground in some strange shape, the overall height is still more than 20 meters. I don't know what the height will be when they stand up completely.

Even if they are only the lowest standard military-specific mechas, even if these mechas have not been injected with their "soul" at this time. However, when they were quietly placed together as if they were waiting for someone, it still gave this group of students who had not received formal training a kind of spiritual shock for a moment.

This is the mech, which may become their partner in the future. They may one day drive such powerful and shocking beings on the battlefield, trying to defend their homeland, even if their egos are so small.

Many people present have remembered this scene for many years——

"What are you doing in a daze, why don't you hurry up? Wait for me to arrange it for you?" Stark said to the students standing behind in a daze.

Go directly, no need to arrange? Everyone in the second class was a little dumbfounded.

Obviously, before the shooting class, the teaching aids and guns had to be distributed one by one, but now that everyone is arranged to use mechas, they will directly let them choose by themselves?

Uh, well...they all look the same, so there is no need to choose a standard thing.

Jiang Hui roughly judged that Hillman's news should be correct just by looking at it. These are all D-level general-standard mechas. The standard is the same as the official data, and there is no error at all. It is indeed an assembly line product produced by a military factory.

But for most students who don't know why, these mechas are still different. After receiving the order, everyone thought that they had to choose quickly and get the one that was the most pleasing to the eye, so as not to lag behind others.

Then a group of people rushed towards the mecha group at a speed of almost a sprint of 100 meters, and disappeared in place with a swipe of the ground.

Stark's class teacher didn't care about the chaos of the crowd this time, and just looked at them with folded arms, but he was also reminding everyone to choose civilly, otherwise they would never want to take his class again.

So everyone dare not go too far, saying that it is a robbery is actually a child's play to occupy the hills.

Those who don't know much about mechas either hug the mecha's legs or stand in front of the mecha to occupy a place. There are also people with relatively good physical fitness who climbed onto the fuselage in two or three strokes, overlooking the people who are rushing out of the fire below, showing their sovereignty.

But more often, they don't know what to do, and they reason in twos and threes that "this mech was the one he/she saw first".

As for Jiang Hui, he was quite serious about whether he was in a hurry or not.

She didn't compete with others, but just followed along the way, and finally picked one in the corner of the front row.

After making sure that no one around was interested in the mecha she had chosen, Jiang Hui stood in front of the mecha and recalled how the back compartment of the mecha model in the initial unset state was opened in the next book...

Jiang Hui released a ray of mental power and poked a hole on the back of the humanoid mecha. Yes, she poked that spot with her mental strength.

"Crack" sound——

The rear hatch popped open automatically.

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