"Did you see it just now? It's really powerful, and that's a whole hand." A student dragged behind the line and said to his companion excitedly.

"I saw it, I saw it, you said it's the third time. Isn't it just one hand? Look at the classmate Lafitte next to him. When he moves his arms, he doesn't seem as excited as you."

"That's different. Lafitte's grades are excellent, and this performance is expected. I am different. I thought that I might not be able to succeed until the end of the course." The man You Zi was very interested say.

"Can you think about others when you're happy? Thanks to me, I'm still happy for you. Can you take my feelings into consideration?" It was obvious that his companion was the kind of person who didn't succeed until the end of the course.

"Sorry, I didn't do it on purpose. In fact, it's also my luck. Didn't Stark's class teacher say that, most of the students are in the same situation when they first come into contact with mechas. He has always been strict, so this is not to comfort everyone If so, the next mech class will be scheduled for next week, and we will have mech practical classes every week in the future. There are plenty of opportunities, so you can rest assured."

"Speaking of which, we are all trivial. Do you know anyone who has successfully driven the mecha?" Although they talked excitedly, in fact, they only drove some parts of the mecha, and most of them succeeded. Students in the auxiliary compartment can do it.

However, they are still some distance away from officially driving the mecha. To really drive the mecha, at least it needs to drive the fuselage to stand up straight. It is a pity that in the past three hours of the course, very few people were able to do this.

"That's just a few. Clarence, Tadel, there seems to be one more... just the one who got the first place in our class, the one named Jaidi, the one with a bad temper."

"Did you count one less? It was intentional, the most powerful one was not counted." Another student doubted.

"Is that still counting? Didn't everyone see it?" She was different from everyone else, she succeeded at the beginning, and he was too embarrassed to draw people in for comparison, feeling that she was not at the same level at all.

"Do you think she has previous experience in piloting mechs? It doesn't look like she has no experience." The student was a little skeptical.

"Come on. Not everyone has mechas. Even if there is such a background in the home, it will not allow those who are not fully awakened to touch such things at will. Besides, haven't you experienced it yourself? How difficult is this mecha? Open? There is almost no possibility of clearing the level if you explore on your own... Huh, just admit that he is a powerful person."

"Let's go, let's go, look at you, you have been left behind for speaking so seriously. After a while, the good seats in the canteen will be taken up by those guys again."

"Huh? Didn't Jiang come out? I think she's lagging behind, so I wanted to ask her for advice."

"Maybe the head teacher asked her to speak." The classmate across from her raised her eyebrows, gave her a look of understanding, and made a mouth shape of "open small stove".

"You're the only one who can guess? If you're envious, you can stay. I think if it was you, don't talk about extra lectures, just look at Stark's class teacher's face a few more times, and you will be so frightened that your legs will go limp."

The two walked further and further away in harmony with the sound of discussion.

As for the Jiang Hui they talked about is still in the battle hall, almost all the students in the second class have left, and only Jiang Hui, Stark and the vacant mechas are left in the huge mech battle hall.

After Jiang Hui stayed, he spontaneously helped clean up the venue. Immediately after seeing her looking at a mecha that was obviously not closed properly, wondering if some frizzy classmate left the hand tail, she hesitated whether to help fix it, but was stopped by Stark.

The other party waved at her and let Jiang Hui go over.

Jiang Hui called "Uncle Tang" in a somewhat obedient manner. Stark is a person who pays more attention to the relationship between elders and children. Usually, because of the teacher-student relationship, she obediently calls the class supervisor or teacher according to the students' seniority. But if she yelled like that after class, the other party would correct her seriously.

In fact, it would be more appropriate to call him uncle on the side of Xingji, and the other party also called himself that. But this title is too visual for Jiang Hui, a blue star soul who has grown up for a long time, so she simply saved a word and called Tang Shu. The other party didn't feel anything, so he accepted it.

Stark nodded as a response, and then straight to the point asked her how she felt about today's class, the general senses and problems she encountered when driving the mech for the first time. The question was so detailed that Jiang Hui wondered if the other party deliberately kept her here just to make a fuss.

Naturally, Jiang Hui didn't mind. After all, the mech practical class is only such a long time, and there are limited things to learn, so it is definitely good to learn more.

Although Jiang Hui has already performed a relatively successful initial operation in class, he still has a lot of questions after repeated operations. If he doesn’t ask Stark, he can only look back for information or find answers from experience. up.

It's good if someone is willing to answer her questions.

But when it comes to the answer...in fact, it's not so detailed.

Stark is not a very meticulous teacher, which can be heard from the opening remarks of the other party's class. He is an empiricist, and he advocates exploring by personal ability, and finally forms his own style.

Therefore, when Jiang Hui asked him questions, the other party preferred to guide her to think, or to explore around the fundamental associations that generated the questions, and seldom answered her directly.

At the end of the question, Jiang Hui answered a lot of questions in his mind, but the questions seemed to... more and more.

Alas, forget it, as long as you learn it, you can't ask for so much else.

Seeing that Jiang Hui had almost finished his question, it took a while for Stark to ask why he came today: "How do you feel about operating a humanoid mech today?"

how do you feel? Jiang Hui was stunned for a moment, it was difficult for her to answer this question. She has only been in contact with mechs for a short time, so how can she talk about her feelings.

If you want to ask her how it feels to control the mecha today, you can answer a few words, but when it comes to the humanoid mecha, this category is too narrow, and the direction is unclear, making her somewhat confused about the purpose of the other party's question.

Jiang Hui couldn't hold Stark's purpose for asking this question, and looked at the other party suspiciously, but saw that he was not looking at her at the moment strangely, but at the only mecha that was not parked, with a slightly drift away.

Jiang Hui opened his mouth, but inexplicably felt that he should not say anything at this moment, so he simply closed his mouth and fell silent.

I don't know how long it took, it seemed like a long time and it seemed like a while, Jiang Hui felt the other party look away. His tone seemed apologetic: "It's getting late, you should go back first."

Jiang Hui nodded, and was about to turn around and leave, when he heard the other party's words behind him: "The last batch of your father's relics has been approved by the military and returned. It will probably be sent to the permanent residence next Wednesday. The galaxy is coming, and I will send it to you when the time comes."

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