"Student Huan, there are too many people here, is there anything else you are interested in?"

Huan Xian shook his head, he walked up and down several floors here, but didn't find anything of interest, so he just wandered around here casually.

Then I ran into Jiang Huifang on the seventh floor just now and went shopping like crazy. Huan Xian didn't make a sound to interfere at that time, but just waited here until Jiang Hui found him.

Jiang Hui checked the time, and it was already afternoon. She still feels that it hasn't been long, but the fact is that the whole morning has passed, and it is already past one in the afternoon. In other words, she spent four or five weeks here... that's quite an exaggeration.

The time she spent recycling here was too much, completely beyond her original expectation, and Jiang Huigang's thought of wandering around the old book section was instantly dispelled.

After being denied by Huan Xian, Jiang Hui and the two went downstairs, and successfully found the other two who were immersed in the sea of ​​books and remained motionless in the old book section. Afterwards, he contacted Hillman through the optical brain communication, and the other party had already gone outside one step earlier because he couldn't bear the crowd.

By the time everyone was supposed to settle the settlement, pack the bags, and gather together, the time had come to around two o'clock in the afternoon, and most of the day had basically passed like this.

Afterwards, the group had no other arrangements, so they discussed and planned to have a light meal nearby before going back separately.

Hillman volunteered to recommend a relatively famous restaurant nearby, planning to have a round of discussions with his friends, but he didn't expect a group of people to get together before they could find a place to sit down.

The first thing that went wrong was Zhou Xiuwen. An optical brain communication directly came in from the opposite side. It seemed to be someone like a housekeeper...not like that. Anyway, it was the voice of a young man, asking politely where Zhou Xiuwen was at the moment, saying that he had something to do at home and asked him to go back immediately. .

It was difficult for Jiang Hui to describe Zhou Xiuwen's expression at that moment, the relatively gentle temperament became sharp in an instant. Regardless of the eyes of the people around him, he asked immediately, "Is my father okay?"

The person on the other side denied it, and only said "his father has something to look for", Zhou Xiuwen seemed to be relieved, and then he said in a bit of embarrassment that he was with his friends...

Jiang Hui and the others naturally wouldn't mind. His father always called to say that there was something to do, but his side was just a gathering of classmates, so there was no need for Zhou Xiuwen to hesitate, so he persuaded the other party to get busy first.

Having said all this, Zhou Xiuwen didn't refuse, so he had to apologize to all his friends and left first.

I thought the one who had just left was an accident, but I didn't expect someone from Huan Xian's side to look for him, but the other party received a text message.

Huan Xian also left after receiving the text message, and then only Jiang Hui, Hillman and Clarence were left.

Very good, three people, the familiar one did not leave, very stable.

So for the rest of the meal, Hillman was the one talking. He chatted with Clarence for a while, and then asked about the harvest of Jiang Hui's recycling center.

Jiang Hui was fine, she was quite used to Hillman's style. The other party was always like this when they first met her. They only met once, and when they met on the road, they became so familiar that they insisted on dragging her to eat together and ask for homework. embarrassing' state.

Jiang Hui never expected that Clarence could really stand up to Hillman's character. The other party didn't know if he couldn't deal with it or he actually liked this kind of enthusiasm in his heart. Anyway, he was very face-saving, and he didn't care about others. He could make a remark from time to time, that is, he was rather indifferent.

But Clarence has always been so cold, and his coldness can be divided into degrees, which is already very friendly.

Although everyone can chat well, after all, they are not the kind of bad friends who are extremely speculative. When it comes to eating, they really focus on cooking. Not long after eating, the group left and went back to their respective homes, and they will meet again tomorrow after the Open.

This time, Jiang Hui didn't refuse Hillman's ride, and took the other party's private airship back to the Fourth Ring Road, while the other party sent Clarence back to his residence in the First Ring Road.

The whole day was like running water, as if she hadn't done anything, but she had almost done what she wanted to do, and Jiang Hui was very satisfied with the result.

She touched the space button on the inner button of the jacket, and thought of the mecha materials piled inside, she became inexplicably excited, and her pace became faster and faster.

When Jiang Hui had just passed the authentication of the intelligent robot at the front desk, Optical Brain suddenly received a text message from Huan Xian.

The other party simply asked if they had returned home, and asked them to pay attention to safety on the road. Jiang Hui didn't think much, and replied briefly, and then there was no reply from there, and he should be busy.

As for Zhou Xiuwen, he was obviously busy, so Jiang Hui never thought of sending him a text message. I just don't know why the other party was hastily called back because of some urgent matter. Although the tone of the person who heard the message was not urgent, the tone and context seemed inexplicably serious.

Standing in front of the authentication gate of the porch, Jiang Hui suddenly paused in her footsteps. That's right, she said... The person who contacted Zhou Xiuwen today gave off an inexplicably familiar feeling. But she was very sure that she didn't know this person. It was the first time she heard this voice, so why did she feel familiar——

Just now, Jiang Hui suddenly remembered that he didn't think the other party's voice was familiar, but the tone...the tone and language habits were familiar.

That person's tone, intonation, and even language habits feel very similar to Stark, as well as Captain Zou Yi in the class next door, and even similar to many officers and teachers in the individual department of their school—a typical soldier style. The person who contacted Zhou Xiuwen today was obviously a sergeant, and he was of a more serious personality.

But the other party's tone towards Zhou Xiuwen seemed to be relatively respectful, even respectful, not polite like a typical elder towards a young man.

It is impossible for Zhou Xiuwen to have a military rank according to his age. Moreover, the other party was studying at Beska Intermediate Academy with them. He was obviously an ordinary student. How could he be treated so respectfully by an officer with a strict personality?

That person sounded like Zhou Xiuwen's father's subordinate, not just an ordinary subordinate. Could it be that Zhou Xiuwen's identity...is quite high?

Jiang Huiman thought for a while, thinking a little far, and then realized that he was completely off topic, so he quickly turned back and continued to authenticate and log in.

What on earth is she thinking? It's a far-fetched matter, so let's take care of my own affairs first.

There are still a lot of things from Taobao in the space button waiting for her to sort them out. I can't get it done tonight... I can't rush back to pick things up after watching the game tomorrow.

Work should work...

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