Jiang Hui was very difficult to explain, but this was obviously not the time to talk about these things. After roughly bandaging the other party, she immediately put her back on her back.

"I..." Clarence was interrupted by Jiang Hui before he could finish his sentence: "—I, what me! Okay, put your hands on me, you are much taller than me, please lend me your strength, or else you will arrive It will be bad if it falls down in time."

Clarence was a little dazed. He didn't expect Jiang Hui to carry him on his back without even saying hello.

He didn't guard against Jiang Hui, and after hearing the other party's reminder, his hands also changed from subconscious pushing to leveling. Because he found that the change of his center of gravity at the moment was not quite right. If he pushed it a little more, he might really fall down.

"We have to find a way to go up quickly...or find another exit that is closer." Feeling that the other party's hand was holding her shoulder cautiously, Jiang Hui felt relieved and looked at the surrounding environment.

They fell from the upper plate, and the height was not low. Although the average physical fitness of the interstellar people is considered strong, many of them were still fainted by the fall. So until now there are still two or three such people lying on the ground, or relatives, friends, or well-meaning people are surrounded by them, trying to wake them up.

Some people have already woken up on their own, holding their heads on the railing next to them, and walking in the direction of the passage above.

In fact, this is still quite dangerous. Because the auditorium in this field is designed to protrude obliquely, and the floor plate of the sidewalk is made of reflective and shiny material, if there is a beam of light directed towards this side, the situation above can be clearly seen at a glance. This was originally intended to allow the audience to see clearly, but now it has become an obstacle for everyone to survive.

It's fine to walk on it normally, but it's a bit too prominent in the current situation. Those terrorists were going crazy, shooting innocent people indiscriminately, and the directions and angles of the shooting were also irregular. Who knew if they would shoot at these people at the first sight? !

Moreover, the uppermost part of this pedestrian passageway is almost damaged for some reason. There is a gap with a very tricky direction and angle. If you want to go to the top without help...it is very difficult.

Jiang Hui turned around and looked to the other side. There were two sidewalks on the left and right from their side. In fact, that side was not a good choice, because the sidewalk over there was more damaged, and it was smashed into potholes. It was obviously not easy to walk, especially Jiang Hui who was carrying a person on his back.

But the unevenness also has its benefits. A large pile of equipment and building materials are piled up on the other side of the passage, which is used as a cover, and it is much farther away from the chaotic battle point than the passage on the other side...

In fact, Jiang Hui didn't have such a mysterious ability, he just judged it roughly with the naked eye. It's just that since Jiang Hui came to Xingji, her "intuition" is often accurate, and she often achieves unexpected success by following her ideas several times. So in such a critical situation, Jiang Hui still chose to believe in himself and chose the other side.

Climbing up a piece of rubbish with people behind his back, Jiang Hui looked around nervously, wishing to have two more pairs of eyes and two pairs of ears, to take in all the movements around him, for fear that he would miss a little bit and cause the two of them to go out together Condition.

Forget it herself, there is a young man behind her back, Jiang Hui doesn't want to be this sinner. But in the other party's situation, she also had to make a choice for him.

She whispered to Clarence on her back to pay attention to the surrounding situation. Because she was in charge of climbing and was carrying people on her back, no matter how keen her intuition, hearing and vision would be, there would definitely be some blocks, so it would be better to have Clarence's help.

The blink of an eye can save or kill a person, and in such a fatal situation, we must not relax half a minute.

It seemed that the person on his back nodded silently, and Jiang Hui didn't ask any more questions. She's had a similar injury before and knows how much it hurts. What's more, she didn't have blood coagulation powder on hand, he used up all of them last time, and didn't think about preparing them afterwards. So Clarence's leg injury was really treated simply, without any pain relief effect. The other party is probably in pain at the moment, and he may not want to talk anymore.

But Jiang Hui didn't doubt the other party's ability and determination at all. Just as Clarence acquiesced to Jiang Hui's seemingly unwise choice, at this moment Jiang Hui must absolutely trust Clarence.

From then on, Jiang Hui began to climb up.

It was really difficult to lead a person to climb this pile of high and low construction waste materials, far more difficult than she imagined.

A few who had fallen with them followed, but gave up after a short climb, and turned to the other side.

Jiang Hui saw that there was no one on the plane where everyone fell down just now, and those who could walk or not walked up the pedestrian passage in a panic, wanting to leave quickly.

Although it is easier to walk over there, it is closer to a chaotic battle point, which is particularly thrilling, and broken building materials and debris will be scattered from time to time. Some people were unlucky and were knocked down within two steps, so many of them also stumbled when they walked.

On the contrary, there are no scattered "attack targets" here for the time being chosen by Jiang Hui. It's just that his own road is difficult to walk, especially the lower to middle sections are the most difficult to walk, none of them.

When the people over there were almost halfway gone, Jiang Hui was still stumbling on the third of the way, which made her start to doubt whether her choice was correct.


Hearing some movement, Jiang Hui looked down and found that several people turned back to the sidewalk here. One's head was cut by something, blood was flowing, the wound was covered by hair, and the appearance of the injury could not be seen clearly, except that the lip color was very white.

Jiang Hui pursed her lips and continued to climb up.

Then after the first section of the road was relatively rough, the middle section of the road suddenly became much easier to walk, and Jiang Hui and the others were much faster than before.

"Hurry up! They're moving this way." Clarence behind him suddenly said.

Jiang Hui was startled, and looked towards the nearest chaotic battle point, as expected, he moved a little. Moreover, the battle over there became more and more intense. Various weapons collided and shot out strong lights, and the momentum became louder. It was much more intense than what I saw at the beginning. It should have moved over here while fighting.

She followed the angle of sight, and even saw an unlucky man on the other side of the sidewalk being hit in the head by an unknown object flying from a distance, and immediately squatted down. It's really dangerous over there... very dangerous.

Whether it was Jiang Hui or the person who changed the road later, they couldn't help speeding up the movements of their hands and feet when they saw this, wishing they could climb up to the platform where the exit was right now to get rid of the current situation.

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