Nie Erqi shook his head, this guy is really... always so serious, talking to him often feels like being thrown cold water.

I really don't know how the former Jiang Hui tolerated him? This person still can't get used to the temper of the elder and young master, but he doesn't know that he has a big temper, and he doesn't even give people a look when he doesn't like things that he doesn't want to pay attention to.

That is to say, he has worked with the other party for many years, not to mention whether there is any sympathy for each other, but there is still some friendship.

Fortunately, the other party's attitude seems to have softened a bit in recent years, and he has become a little more humane. It is probably because of that person's departure that he nostalgic for his already pitiful friendship.

But he is not. In fact, his relationship with Stark was not very good before, and he could even be called a bit tit for tat. Well, in fact, he unilaterally had a slight opinion on Stark. Even if you have the ability, there is no need to hold your head up so high, because you have never seen others in your eyes, thinking that he is too proud.

But after getting along for a long time, Nie Erqi also found that this person is not as arrogant as he imagined, he is really a person who talks less and does more. He is more willing to "do" than "speak", so his opinions on this person have gradually decreased, but conflicts still occur from time to time because of personality issues.

It wasn't until later that he encountered difficulties and suffered a big loss, and almost lost his life in it. However, Stark, who seemed to be indifferent to him on weekdays, risked his life to save his life, and almost broke his two arms for this reason. Since then, he still has some respect for this colleague in his heart.

Later, the person he admired when he was young died, and Stark's best friend also died—in the same war, in the distance of the flames.

Never before had the two of them felt so much alike as they do now.

Stark, who lost his friend, became calmer and calmer. Although he completed the task as always, there was nothing wrong with it from the outside. But as a colleague who has worked with him for many years, how could Nie Erqi not have noticed the trance that the other party had hidden so deeply? Jiang Hui's death really left a lingering shadow in the other party's heart.

Perhaps it was also to comfort each other, Nie Er Qiqi approached Stark cheekily, and the atmosphere between the two was much more amicable than before.

A few years ago, Stark left the frontline battlefield because of his friend's dying request, and also left the Vanity Fair in the capital, and went to a small planet in the galaxy alone to serve as a small teacher. Nie Erqi missed this colleague every day. Come, I will take the initiative to contact the other party from time to time.

Hearing his arrival this time, Nie Erqi happened to be going out on a mission, so he volunteered to give Stark a ride and send him back to Star 732.

The two were silent for a while, and the young man in front suddenly said, "Have you packed everything?"

Stark, who was standing behind the observation stand with his hands behind his back, paused, fell silent, and said in a flat voice, "It's all packed." As if to prove his words, he raised his hand and patted a small box on the observation platform.

This is an arm's length wooden box, not high, with a thin layer and narrow, in fact, it looks a bit like a box rather than a box.

Stark put his palms together and patted the box lightly, as if greeting a good friend: "It's all packed...go home."

Nie Erqi was stunned for a moment, and immediately read what he meant, and said with a helpless smile, "Okay, let's take him home."


This Saturday, Jiang Hui's task was also completed. She had nothing to do today, so she naturally wouldn't go to the library.

In addition, Stark notified her temporarily that she would send Jiang Hui's relics today. So Jiang Hui was free all day, didn't make any appointments with others, just stayed in the dormitory to do his own things a little bit.

Jiang Hui put down the things in his hand, stood up, yawned big, and suddenly got a little annoyed, so he stopped studying those parts.

It's not that she can't sit still, but that the time lasted a little too long. From entering the space of consciousness last night until now, except for the five or six weeks of sleeping in the space of consciousness, she has spent more than 20 weeks continuously researching mecha parts, and she is naturally mentally tired.

In addition, she just knew what kind of process is needed to construct new items in the consciousness space, and her head is about to explode. She is currently preparing for the experiment tonight, so she has been very nervous since she woke up from the consciousness space today, as anxious as waiting for some kind of fact to "sentence".

However, after studying for a whole night and a whole morning, she suddenly felt that she was a little too nervous, and she just had to let nature take its course. She is so anxious right now, what if she can't make it tonight?

It's better to lower your expectations, maybe it will happen again if you find out tonight. After all, the previous part also appeared unexpectedly when no one was aware of it.

"Didi...didi...didi...didi..." Jiang Hui immediately looked at the light brain.

She rejected Hillman's invitation and told them that they had something to do today, so the only person looking for him right now was that person.

"Come out, school stop Y-916."

Sure enough, it was Stark, and the other party's message was as short and direct as ever. It's not the first time Jiang Hui has received such an order, and there really wasn't even a single word of greeting.

Jiang Hui got used to the opponent's style, changed into neat clothes, locked the door of the dormitory, and rushed towards the place designated by the opponent.

But this time Stark didn't seem to be driving his usual car, and what was parked at Y-916 was an unfamiliar spaceship. The shape is smooth, and the connecting windows are made of unknown material, and they glow with a bright blue light, and the internal situation cannot be seen clearly. The whole still has a kind of dim light in the sun, and the frame presents a kind of silver-gray that looks pleasant and comfortable, and it is spotless, adding a sense of solemnity to this aircraft spaceship.

The cabin on the side of the ship popped open and the ladder dropped straight down. Jiang Hui didn't go up to it immediately, but looked around for a while, until a voice came from the cabin: "What are you doing, come up quickly."

It was Stark's voice. Jiang Hui then slowly walked into the cabin.

She thought Stark was the only one here, but she didn't expect to hear another person's voice in the cabin: "Long time no see, Xiao Jianghui."

The voice was slightly familiar, as if she had heard it somewhere before, but it was not so familiar, and she couldn't immediately recognize who it was.

"I heard from your Uncle Tang that you won the first place in the orienteering competition last time. It's really amazing. Last time I had something to leave, this time I happened to bring the reward I promised you."

Jiang Hui remembered, isn't this the instructor Nie Erqi who taught their class shooting earlier? That Uncle Nie.

Nie Erqi: We all miss the same person so much, seeing how close we are...

Stark: When did you meet Jiang Hui?

Nierqi: No... I mean our regrets fall into the same place.

Stark: I am indeed sorry for the sacrifice of my friend, but why do I feel that you are probably more sorry for your lost youth?

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