The Atlantis star is on the other side of the resident galaxy. Although it is in the same galaxy, its distance from the 732 star is twice the distance from the 732 star to the central star area. Even with military-standard starships, it will take more than two days to arrive.

If you take an ordinary sailing spaceship, you can easily spend two days.

But the problem is that this Tenglong ship is produced by the military, and the management of people and objects entering and leaving is very strict. On the same day, the broadcast warned them that the spaceship would be militarized. Unless there are special circumstances, passengers are not allowed to walk around at will, and if they stay outside the corridor for a long time, patrol sergeants will come to remind them.

So this lounge is probably the only place where they can be active for the next two days.

Obviously, the military has considered their needs. The lounge is fully prepared with everything, and there are a lot of convenient and fast food in the cupboard, which is enough for them to survive until Atlantis.

But the four strangers still seemed a little crowded in the space. Especially someone like Jiang Hui, with her mental sensitivity, she couldn't get used to being with several strangers, but there was nothing she could do about it. It is probably not a small trouble for them themselves.

Since she came in in the morning, there has been no communication between them, as if the tense atmosphere she felt when she first came in was just an illusion. There was no communication between them, nor between Jiang Hui and them. They spent the morning quietly and peacefully.

This morning, Jiang Hui didn't really sit in one place in a daze. She has a lot of things to do, and she can't afford to be ruined. The assembly of the D-class mecha has come to an end for the time being, but there is not much clue about the final assembly of Songbai. Recently, Jiang Hui has been absorbing a large number of professional books related to mecha engines, hoping to find out some ways as soon as possible.

There are really not many requirements, as long as the engine of Songbai can be clearly analyzed... No, it’s good to be able to reproduce the lowest level, now Songbai only needs a real engine to start it. Jiang Huichang has thought about driving a mech in the space of consciousness for a long time, but unfortunately he has not been able to realize it for several years, and now he is just one step away.

Hearing the movement over there, Jiang Hui suddenly realized that it was already noon and it was time to eat.

This is a strange thing. I don't know if it's because of being too nervous, but Jiang Hui feels extraordinarily hungry today. Thinking that he had to settle his own meals for the past two days, naturally he couldn't avoid dealing with them. Seeing that someone was already dismantling the instant food over there, Jiang Hui walked over slowly, intending to grab a random portion and settle it.

Of the three people walking together, two of them didn't move their feet from the beginning to the end, and one of them leaned heavily on the sofa. There was a vacuum around them, and no one dared to approach. The other occupied the surrounding table, his expression was focused and he didn't know what he was doing.

Unpacking the instant food in the open tea room was another young man with a dark complexion. He was tall and strong, with clear eyes and a rather frank look.

Jiang Hui usually looks at people superficially, and after a quick glance, he doesn't look again. He concentrates on choosing his own lunch, so he didn't notice that the other party was looking at her after she looked away.

The girl was very thin, and she obviously had a rather bright appearance, but there was a deep desolation between her brows, her eyes were sharp, her demeanor was calm, and there was a strong sense of personality all over her body, which could not be ignored.

But people are really unfamiliar. He saw the other party's temporary sign, Jiang Hui? There seems to be no family surnamed Jiang in the circle he knows, and he has never heard of a new Miaozi named Jiang.

"Hello." Jiang Hui was dismantling things in a somewhat empty manner, but the person next to her took the initiative to greet her.

Jiang Hui was a little surprised, because she didn't expect this person to greet her, and replied, "Hello."

"Sorry, I just accidentally saw your name on the sign. It's okay to call you classmate Jiang. I'm Sanger Taylor. You can call me Taylor." Curiosity flickered in the boy's eyes, but he didn't Not annoying, with a sense of frankness unique to young people, without malice.

Of course, Jiang Hui didn't care that the other party called him after seeing his sign. He just called him by his name, and there was nothing to be angry about. Later, the other party also introduced himself. This is obviously a good-natured peer.

"Student Taylor can also call me by my name directly." Jiang Hui said, shaking hands with the other party shallowly.

Jiang Hui does not like to socialize, but she is not a social idiot, so normal communication is naturally not a problem.

She was not familiar with other people when she first arrived here, and they had no desire to communicate with her, so Jiang Hui didn't come over, so this is a good opportunity to communicate with her.

Now that the conversation has started, I don't know if it's her illusion, the atmosphere in the whole lounge is much looser, and it no longer has a strange sense of tension like before.

Jiang Hui communicated with this classmate named Taylor, and learned that the other party is also a student of an intermediate college, the same age as her, and is currently studying at the Central Star District Ailongge Intermediate College.

Jiang Hui was a little surprised, that Ailongge Intermediate Academy was the top intermediate academy ranked in the top ten in the central star area the year before last. This classmate Taylor came from there, but he didn't see the arrogance of a famous school student at all.

When the other party asked about Jiang Hui's college, she didn't have any embarrassment, so she said it openly. Hearing that the other party didn't see any reaction, he seemed to be more interested in her, and asked her about the natural scenery of the resident galaxy, saying that he planned to take a stroll around here after the exam.

Yes, although the army has such strict control on the outbound trip, there is no requirement for the return trip, only the reimbursement amount, and you need to book the return ticket yourself. So after the exam, Jiang Hui might really be able to continue wandering around the planet Atlantis before going back, which can be regarded as making up for travel.

"Pa—" The two colleagues who were entrenched in their respective areas just left the lounge, not knowing what to do. But they are likely to be persuaded back by the patrolling military soon, Jiang Hui thought casually.

After those two left, only Jiang Hui and that classmate Taylor were left in the lounge, and the atmosphere suddenly became more relaxed.

Seeing that the door was closed heavily, the other party raised his eyebrows, and a trace of displeasure flashed across his brows: "Don't pay attention to them, they have always been like this, as if no one looks down on them. You were already arguing before you came in, and you quarreled when you came up. He also said that the relationship between the two of them is not good, but I see that the relationship is very good, so there is a tacit understanding."

Jiang Hui: ... I dare say there were people arguing when I first came in.

However, she did capture some useful information from it. Does this mean that these three people know each other?

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