The strongest brain in the universe

Chapter 516 Entering the Water

They were almost driven out of the examination room, and the invigilator who was supposed to explain the pre-examination regulations for them drove them away in an extremely rude manner.

Although Interstellar and Blue Star are definitely different, this situation is abnormal no matter what kind of culture and civilization it is placed in... Jiang Hui began to wonder if he went to the wrong place. Is this exam really formal? ?

Fortunately, everyone was forced to leave the concentrated examination room and then led to another large classroom, but this time a military officer was replaced to explain the matter, and he was responsible for explaining clearly the one who omitted it just now.

The other party also didn't say anything, but read the points that need to be paid attention to in the exam in detail, and then divided them into groups on the spot and asked people to quickly lead each group to the corresponding venue.

There are men and women in a group, a total of more than 20 members, divided into twelve groups, all separated. And Jiang Hui and Taylor also completely separated.

Jiang Hui did have some opinions about what happened just now, but she was not affected by such a trivial matter, nor did it leave any waves in her heart. However, other people are not as open-minded as she thought, especially some people who know the way.

"This is such a powerful official. I have long heard that the only son of the Phillips family has a strong temper. He is so independent..." The speaker was a handsome young man who looked at least twenty years old. He looks more than a few years old and wears an exquisite uniform. It looks like he should be a student of some high school.

"Keep your voice down, don't cause trouble... Now the exam is uncertain and people are watching behind!"

The man snorted, and said disapprovingly: "Isn't what I said the truth? Could it be possible to deprive me of myself? Really, I have never seen any invigilator be so negligent. Even with the military rank, If you have taken on the position of supervisor, you should be able to do the whole thing. What's the point of leaving us behind like this? If my father knows..." The other party seemed to remember something, and suddenly stopped talking.

Seeing that the other party became more and more daring, the person who was trying to persuade him didn't dare to answer for a while, so he had to lower his head as if he didn't hear it.

As for the sergeant who led the way, he continued to lead everyone through the corridor to the entrance of the venue as if he hadn't heard anything.


No matter what kind of exam it is, the form and scope are the most important, which is also related to the passing of the exam.

But I don't know if it's because it's kept secret or because the test is completely informal. There are different opinions about the driving test on the Internet, and I can't find a unified statement. The ones that are similar are at most similar in theme.

Therefore, Jiang Hui did not find any useful information after searching for a section, so Jiang Hui gave up, thinking that anyway, the rating is based on the level of driving the mecha, and it is probably also a test of controlling the mecha, at most it is just a change of form.

So when Jiang Hui stood in front of the entrance and looked at the water surface that didn't know where it led, her mind went blank for a moment.

No, what's the situation? Is this a driving test? Are you sure you didn't trick them into killing them? Jiang Hui once again wondered whether the exam was official?

For the entrance in front of him, the military guide's explanation was as simple as his previous two officers. The other party told everyone to drive the mecha from here to the exit on the other side to pass the initial test, and the time limit is two weeks.

This rule sounds really simple, but who knows what it really looks like? Anyway, it wouldn't be too simple, otherwise, how could it be possible to have a 70% elimination rate in previous years.

What awaits them below can be imagined. I heard that last year's casualty rate was as high as 90%. Is there really no problem?

Naturally, everyone's choice was to leave immediately, without even hesitation. Most of the candidates looked at each other and quickly released their mechs, entered the cabin, and they were about to go down.

No matter what Jiang Hui can do, she can go down naturally after coming here, but she originally planned to check the mecha before going into the water, but now she has to save it.

But in the blink of an eye, the sound of the mecha jumping into the water was heard one after another at the entrance.

Jiang Hui went down in the middle. She avoided crowded places and chose a relatively secluded entry point, and controlled the fuselage to get into the water.

Do you know what Jiang Hui's first reaction was when he jumped into the water? It's not the water flowing from all directions, and it's not the ups and downs controlled by the torrent, but the hell... Is there anything reliable about the official test? ! There is also a bit of a problem with this mech.

Especially for some parameters that Jiang Hui adjusted before leaving the door, it was the best state to use directly, but now the data is messed up.

It’s just that if there is a slight difference due to a mistake, it’s okay, it’s so bad that it’s not even comparable to the factory settings, the hard joints seem to have not been used for decades, and it’s hard to move.

On purpose? !

Even Jiang Hui, who was always emotionally stable, couldn't bear his anger. Because she has never encountered such an unreliable official, and she came here.

But now that it was like this, Jiang Hui had no choice but to bite the bullet and go on, let's talk about it later. The most important thing now is to continue the steps and report to the other side. If you pass it, you can get a basic certificate anyway.

Thinking of this, Jiang Hui managed to stop the floating steps, controlled the base of the pines and cypresses to catch the ground, and barely stopped.

At 978 meters, it took less than three minutes to get down, but the feeling of sinking to the bottom suddenly hit her face, and the pressure of the liquid on the top made her very small even the person and the machine, as if she would be caught by this at any time A piece of the bottom was swallowed.

This was something Jiang Hui had never experienced before. Apart from being a little shocked, she also felt how small she was. Her knowledge of Interstellar is still a bit superficial, and she still has vague memories of Blue Star's old days. In her old human memory, it was almost impossible for a human to survive in such an environment. However, it is strange that she has chosen to come to such a place now.

She can also breathe fresh air, and with just a wave of her hand, she can control this creation that the old generation could not have to pass through it. What a wonderful experience it was, it gave her a sense of separation between reality and fantasy.

Suddenly there was a gurgling sound from behind her, and the water rushed straight behind her with a slight vibration. Jiang Hui nimbly flicked to the side, and two or three mechas sprang out from behind, rushing forward quickly, as if they had endless energy.

Watching the figure who left ahead of him first, Jiang Hui was not in a hurry, but carefully observed the other people, showing extra patience.

Looking at the vast water area, she suppressed the strangeness that flashed in her heart, and hurried towards the dozens of figures flashing in front of her.

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