The strongest brain in the universe

Chapter 527 Restoration (Part 1)

The arrival of nearly 300 candidates made the scene chaotic for a while.

It's really that messy.

The exam ended in an extremely absurd way, and the candidates who came to the exam with hope and high spirits all felt absurd about it. This is the first stop of their envisioned military career? This is their driving test?

It was messed up, or it should be said that it was messed up from the beginning. From the invigilator to the examination room to the current forced call, it all seemed ridiculous.

Many of them were injured in this chaos, or accidentally caused severe damage to their mechs, and were finally rescued from the vortex by sergeants and even failed the exam... Did they ever think that they might not pass the exam, But never in this way.

Those who had previously been displeased by Phillips' brash proclamation grew dissatisfied after the chaos. Now that they were brought here for no reason, no one would be in a good mood. Rather than going somewhere to cooperate with the investigation, they wanted to go back to the station to recuperate, at least they could digest today's accident well.

So the invigilators at all levels took a lot of effort to force these heavenly favorites to settle down and wait for arrangements.

When they came here, they found that the atmosphere here was quite abnormal, and the composition of the personnel was obviously different from the test site just now. This side is more like an army garrison point. The flags of the warships parked near the port are raised high, and the sergeants scattered at the various garrison points below are high-spirited. It can be seen that this is a very disciplined team.

There are also two high-level mechs parked on the shore, which are at least A-level or above from the outside, and there seems to be a lot of damage on the outside. One of them even had a huge opening in the middle abdomen, and the cabin showed signs of being violently pried open. The two mechas are in a temporary emergency parking state, the owner of the mechas is nowhere to be seen, and the surrounding areas have also been cordoned off to prevent anyone from approaching at will.

Then they saw under the two mechas the proctor Phillips, who had been away for a long time, and another officer who was no stranger to them.

Isn't this the officer who last appeared on the Dragon Teng that day? ! In particular, some disciples from aristocratic families present also recognized each other's identities. But the people around the other side...

The slightly embarrassed teenager who was mixed in the crowd recognized her with a puzzled look on his face.

Before everyone could figure out what was going on in front of them, a T-shaped spacecraft landed in the air, and happened to land in an open space not far from the fuselage.

A group of people came out of it, all wearing a special dark black military uniform, the collar, cuffs and ribbons were embroidered with patterns and badges representing the identity of the Military Law Department.

The leader is a bright and generous female lawyer, with the intellectual atmosphere infiltrated in books all the year round, and also the determination after clarifying the truth of everything in the world, which makes people feel awe. The rest of the auxiliary legal staff were also in good spirits, and they walked towards this side in an orderly manner behind the guard.

Several parties converged, and the atmosphere of the whole scene suddenly froze.

Of course, some people don't understand the situation, and naturally there are people who are not affected.

As the contact person for the report, Zong Ting outlined the whole matter on his behalf. No matter how unwilling Phillips was, he could only step up. After all, as the invigilator in charge of this exam, no one had more power to explain it than him.

Taking Zong Ting as the representative, he explained the whole process of Jiang Hui's self-rescue, ashore, and the successful rescue of Sanger Taylor. Then Phillips described the whole incident and development process from the perspective of the proctor, as well as some unusual points in the midway investigation and evidence collection.

During the whole process, different legal staff were responsible for recording the incident from different directions, angles, and in different ways. For each relevant node, special personnel will go to investigate and collect evidence records, which will be submitted as the basis of the entire case and must not be falsified, otherwise the military will reserve the right to pursue responsibility.

It's just that they are not the subject of this accusation after all. The lawyer took the background of the incident from the two as the general direction, and after intercepting relevant data, finally came to the link of interrogating the main accuser.

The embarrassed girl who looked at the judge like electricity did not take a different attitude just because she was not fully awakened, and confirmed the whole story of the case to her seriously and without discrimination.

After checking Jiang Hui's identity information and his willingness to sue, the lawyer asked, "Can you provide relevant evidence? We need to further confirm the identity of the suspect."

This is a necessary and crucial link. If Jiang Hui can't provide it, the future accusations will not be able to be carried out, and the case can only be transferred to the military department for investigation.

Jiang Hui lowered her eyes: "Yes." This was something she had thought about a long time ago, and it had evolved in her mind a dozen times just now. Although it cannot be said that there is a 90% certainty, but it is also 50% to 60% - at least it can help her determine who the person who harmed her is.

A hint of interest flashed across the eyebrows of the female law judge who had been calm since just now: "Oh? Explain clearly."

Jiang Hui described the whole process of her being attacked, including how she saw the other party appearing behind her back, intending to cut off the spine of her fuselage, and the method and process of getting away.

Not just vague clues, but a clear and definite description, the model grade, color and size of the attack mecha, and some alienated structures, etc... It is described in detail, even down to the details of the buckle of a certain structure. The several degrees of skew were detailed one by one, making it hard to believe that this was just something she saw in a hurry.

Jiang Hui spoke very fluently, without any lag, and the terminology used was also formal, professional and accurate, even some employed personnel in the forensics department may not be able to achieve this level. This made the lawyer couldn't help but look at her several times.

It's not that she hasn't heard detailed testimony, but she didn't expect to hear such a detailed, well-founded and logical testimony from a person who has not fully awakened. easy to shirk.

The whole scene was very quiet. Ever since Jiang Hui started to speak, the candidates who were still whispering all fell silent. They gradually realized what kind of storm they were caught in--

murder. It was the deliberate murder during the exam, and the perpetrator was still hiding among the fellow candidates, plus this abnormal serial vortex that swept the audience... It really makes people think too much.

Of course, although Jiang Hui's statement seems to be very strict, it is only one-sided. Oral testimony alone is still insufficient-they need more powerful and conclusive evidence.

Jiang Hui also thought of this, but it was not so conventional.

"I probably...need a suitable tool. Can you provide me with a simulation simulator?"

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