The strongest brain in the universe

Chapter 531 Suspect (Part 2)

The induction belt is also a tool issued by the examination party. Candidates cannot take it off at will, but it is only convenient to operate in such a special situation.

I don't know whether it was dissatisfaction or really hurt by this operation, one of the teenagers shouted angrily: "You did it on purpose?!"

His yell broke the entire quiet scene, and most of the people in the arena fell on him, but he remained motionless.

The sergeant who was helping him remove the induction belt was also a little confused by Springer's reaction, and didn't know how to continue or how to proceed...

The young man shook his hand violently, then pulled himself several times as if venting his anger, but failed to get it off, so he looked even more irritable. At this time, the sergeant helped to dismantle the other people and put them on a tray, and he was the only one left.

One of them, who should be the leading sergeant, came over and was about to change hands to remove the induction belt for this difficult-looking young man.

At first, I thought it was because the young man made things difficult on purpose, or that the other party had ulterior motives to make such a commotion, but as soon as he got started, he found some problems.

No wonder the boy reacted so badly... What happened to this induction belt, it was tied so tightly that it was sticking to the flesh.

It is estimated that it was a little tight when it was first worn, but after a lot of movement, it was soaked in water and tossed back and forth, the induction plate and the strap were embedded in the flesh, and now it has not been completely removed. . The skin and flesh are connected with the belt, can it not hurt? !

What a coincidence...

But it's impossible to put it on hold like this. It should be dismantled. The soldier carefully pried open a hole, and was about to ruthlessly squeeze the whole thing down.

The accident happened right now.

Suddenly the young man let out a low cry from his throat, and shook his hand violently like a sting. I don't know if it was a precise blow or an accident... The flick of his wrist happened to hit the trays of the induction belts. Then all the induction belts on the top will be knocked over.

All the people present held their breath, as if waiting for the farce in front of them to settle——

Will the end result be as everyone expected? No, it turns out that the people in the Special Forces are really not covered.

Everyone only saw an afterimage, and the person who made the move somehow dared to come to Springer, and then held the tray firmly, and nothing inside was lost.

Time seemed to stand still like this, including the girl who almost caused an accident just now, and she didn't seem to have thought that this would happen. The sternness that hadn't had time to withdraw just now was condensed on her face, but she was inexplicably stunned at this moment, looking Somewhat funny.

Zong Ting glanced at the sergeant in charge of dismantling the induction belt and ordered: "Continue."

nothing happened—

However, I don't know how many people have gritted their teeth.

With the example of the near accident just now, the sergeant in charge of dismantling became less slack, and firmly clamped the boy's arm until the induction belt was completely dismantled.

But when it was removed, it could be seen that the skin on the boy's wrist had faded all around, it was soaked red, and the tender flesh was congested and turned outwards, which looked very scary.

Although this wound is nothing in Interstellar, it must be painful. The other party can't remember to deal with it for so long, so it can be seen that he is a ruthless person. Jiang Hui looked at the other party quite unexpectedly.

Except for the boy's part, the other four were removed very smoothly. There are five induction belts in total. When they are disassembled and put together, the appearance is naturally the same.

The people in the forensics department took the five induction belts, and then called up the data during the period for comparison.

Because when it happened at that time, Jiang Hui couldn't determine the specific time point, but could only remember a rough time period. Then use the height reported by the far scene model to roughly determine the comparison, and the result is almost ready.

The people in the forensics department here are still moving, but the people waiting in the venue are gradually becoming less quiet—because of the little accident just now.

"Is it intentional?! I think it's him... How can it be such a coincidence? Maybe he wants to take this opportunity to destroy the evidence, so that he can't be found." This is malicious speculation.

"No, it's accurate. I saw the strength he used. If it wasn't for that movement to stop him, he might have succeeded." This is a relief.

"Isn't that Springer? I've heard about the guy in his family. He's a bully in the school. No one can provoke him. It's not surprising that someone who never tolerates anyone can do such a thing." It is divergent thinking.

"No, don't you think it's strange? Even if he knocked over the four pieces, it's someone else's four pieces that he dropped, and his own piece is still in his hand. If you say it, he should throw his own piece first. That’s right.” Could it be that he forgot?

"What's the noise? Can't you wait quietly? By the way, you don't really think that someone is so stupid as to commit such a small trick in front of the judiciary and so many officers. I don't even need to wait for anyone to find out. .”

"It will take a while for the discussion to come to fruition. I think he is close."


Jiang Hui was far away, and didn't hear the malicious speculations about Springer, but thought of what happened just now.

It seemed like a long time, and it seemed that it took a while before the forensics department came to report.

This hurdle has passed again.

Even if there is no specific time point, relying on Jiang Hui to provide the time span of one star, he really found two qualified people. And when that section was taken out, the height point completely coincided with the height point of the model provided by Jiang Hui, and the energy waves adjusted later were also pretty consistent.

One is a first-year student in the Mecha Department of Capital University, named Della. The other is Springer who came here on the Longteng with Jiang Hui, and then almost had an incident not long ago.

Among them, the induction belt of the former can be pulled out relatively intact, and it has not been broken from the beginning to the end. The latter is intermittent, and most of them only leave one node, but there is a relatively long section in the middle, which is exactly the same as the section that Jiang Hui testified.

Were these two the ones who attacked her from behind? Or neither?

A hint of interest flashed across Jiang Hui's face, and he felt that this matter was getting more "interesting".

A coincidence, a coincidence of damage, a coincidence of two people with such similar data comparisons, and then there is a clear can it be such a coincidence? It gave her the feeling that a big hand was guiding them invisible, and they happened to be looking for a certain direction—but this was destined to be a wrong direction.

Will it really do what the other party wishes?

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