Jiang Hui and the nearly 300 candidates who took the exam with her were all taken back to the Military Law Office.

Because this matter is no longer just a personal enmity, the collusion and fraud in the major exams has already involved the issue of the empire's talent acquisition, which immediately alarmed the upper echelons.

Their group of candidates was directly suppressed, and the later exams were also postponed.

It is said that all the staff and candidates who have handled this matter must participate in the investigation. Only by clarifying the situation and locking down the suspects can the examination be completed. Therefore, the three-day driving test has now been extended to an unknown number of days...

Of course, the matter of passing the first test that day naturally has to be clarified, otherwise I may not be able to explain it clearly in the future.

Jiang Hui's question was still answered that day.

Whether she can pass the initial test is of course not based on what the officer says, but whether she can meet the standard when she goes ashore.

Under normal circumstances, candidates must swim from the water inlet to the outlet within two weeks to pass the preliminary test. A total of 35 candidates finally arrived at the exit within two weeks that day, accounting for only 10% of the total, which was less than previous sessions. This shows how many people were affected by the serial vortex this time.

Under normal circumstances, these people should be counted as passing the initial test. Because people went ashore normally according to the normal process, it is natural to judge in this way that it has nothing to do with other people's encounters and accidents, and it cannot form a survivor bias.

Of course, if it is found out afterwards that the forces behind them or even themselves have intervened in this incident, as suspects, their test scores will naturally be cancelled.

In addition to this group of people, there are also some people who originally had this ability to pass the exam, but because the black hands behind the scenes were accidentally involved in the whirlpool, they failed to pass the exam... These people could not pass the exam in principle.

But many of these people have corresponding family power. But would they be content with such a result? Being implicated for no reason, they are naturally dissatisfied with the result. With their general temperament, they may drive the family power to bite the instigator who caused all these incidents, and even put pressure on the military to fight for reasonable rights for their children who took the exam.

Although the military department is not afraid of the power of these aristocratic families, it has to be said that it is not a small thorny matter. The military department does not want to add trouble to itself, so naturally it has to come up with a proper plan.

The preliminary plan of the military department is that these people must be given another chance. But how to set this standard depends on where their abilities go. Anyway, it is absolutely impossible to be as simple as the previous initial test. They have to pay a price if they want to regain their chances, and the pass rate of this game will only be lower than the average level of any previous session.

As for which kind Jiang Hui is... She is neither.

Hers is really special. In fact, Jiang Hui landed on time within two weeks. At that time, her induction belt sensed the height above the water level and rang once to read her landing information and ended the recording. This is recorded in the system, including Zong Ting and others who witnessed her landing at that time can also prove it.

The time she went ashore happened to be exactly fifty-nine minutes a week, no more than no less, and it happened to be stuck in time. Judging from this standard, Jiang Hui passed the initial test.

However, the problem is that the exit for her landing is not the scheduled exit for the exam, but another live exit in the water. Jiang Hui was thrown out of the water by the serial vortex and the recoil of her own shells.

The time is right and the exit is wrong, can it be considered a pass? The answer is yes.

If the test is conducted normally, Phillips will take the test in the originally designated test room, and the exits and entrances of that area are specially designed, and there will be no deviation from the course. Therefore, if Jiang Hui went out through other passages, it would not be counted.

But Phillips arbitrarily avoided the test room because it happened to be in a sensitive mission area, so he opened another shallow water area as a temporary test room. And because it was developed temporarily, the exits and entrances of various routes were not well planned, just like they did not calculate the distance of the vortex and the chain effect, nor did they completely block the shallow waters and other living passages, which led to Jiang Hui and Taylor They all fell over there.

Taylor also nearly drowned by drowning unnoticed in that spot. If it wasn't for Jiang Hui, he would have drowned in that water without a sound, even though he was actually less than a hundred meters away from where the Zongting was stationed.

Therefore, no matter from which angle you look at Jiang Hui, this can be called a passive situation with no responsibility. Under such circumstances, she still met the conditions for passing the initial test, so she was finally given the result of passing the preliminary test under the joint judgment of Phillips and other invigilators.

As for Sanger Taylor, it may be out of compensation. Although Jiang Hui carried the last 100 meters for him, he did go ashore with the plane within the time limit, and he was also approved.

It's just that it's up to him whether he can wake up to take the exam before the next exam.

It is said that he was seriously injured. In addition to near-death hypoxia and severe shock, he seemed to have caused complications of cardiopulmonary function. After being rescued, he was lying in the intensive care unit. Out of some considerations, the people from the military department transferred him to the medical department of the military law department, and then sent corresponding medical personnel to monitor him nearby, which was quite miserable.

Compared with the other party, Jiang Hui felt that it was good that he was only mildly hypoxic in the brain and caused mild mental disturbance. It's just that the management of the Military Law Office is very strict, and she can't walk around at will. Other than that, everything else is fine.

She later heard that except for herself and the two major suspects, the rest of the people were separated in batches. In fact, to put it bluntly, they were all temporarily detained.

Jiang Hui is the main prosecutor of the case and the first circumstantial witness of the fraud incident, so he is particularly conspicuous and important in this case.

The Military Law Office also set up a VIP single room for her as soon as she came up.

During this period, Jiang Hui is temporarily unable to contact the outside world, not in any form, lest she get in touch with the outside world, and everyone else should be the same. And theoretically, she can't leave her room until all her trials are completed.

Apart from that, everything else is quite good. The Military Law Office provides them with comfortable accommodation, and everything else is available, even books and entertainment items are provided. In particular, the food at the military law office is really good, to the extent that people doubt the special offer.

Jiang Hui experienced a short period of brain hypoxia, and his condition was not good. Although it did not cause functional damage, it still caused some minor sequelae. She was still thinking about passing the next exam, so she had to rest her energy and rest, waiting for the next challenge.

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