When she learned that it wasn't an army rescue and she couldn't contact the outside world, the vitality that had just appeared on the other side was instantly wiped out.

"You are still in the underground corridor." Jiang Hui affirmed. She didn't question the young people who were obviously in great pain, because from the background behind them, they could see their current situation and status quo, and asking more questions would only increase the pain.

"We..." The young man licked his dry and chapped lips, but his usually eloquent mouth didn't know what to say for a moment: "We may not be able to go back." Speaking of which, he was usually as proud as he was. No matter what kind of person, he couldn't hold back a choked sound.

The small crying sound came from the small space, which seemed very desolate.

"We can't get in touch with anyone else, only you... if you can... you can take a message to the family for us—"

"Student Jiang, can you help me?" This is a classmate who is not familiar with Jiang Hui on weekdays. Compared with other classmates, he has a soft temper, but this time he spoke first.

"And me, classmate Jiang, do you still remember me? Tell him that my things are in the old place. If I die, I must take them away before the bastard dad. Give him pension money."

"Me, classmate Jiang Hui, if you can go out, you must tell my mother for me. I have always been proud of having her as my mother. She is the most beautiful mother." This is a beautiful female classmate in the class.

"And me, please be sure to help me tell my brother... I forgive him." This is Merrill's.

"Little classmate, help me, help me too, woo woo woo... I don't want to die yet, my children are only a little old, if you can please tell them to find their mother, that woman is cruel, but she has always loved her They, will take care of them. Be sure to tell them, I love them too, forever—"

Probably infected by the sad atmosphere of the scene, as those faces flooded into the blurred pages, there was a low choking sound in the field, which made people uncomfortable to hear, and felt that this was probably the case with all kinds of human beings.

It may be a lifetime between opening and closing, and the past is vivid, and it turns into nothingness in an instant.

Finally, Jaidi's face reappeared in front of the screen, he opened his mouth, and said after a long time: "I want to ask you to do me a favor—"

But after listening to the other party's request and the slightly broken spine, Jiang Hui refused.

Looking at the obviously stunned person on the screen: "Where are you? Where is the underground corridor? If you can, please locate it for me. If not, please roughly describe an image of the location, such as an obvious sign or a specific route pointing. The more accurate the better."

"You want to come?" Hearing the words, the other party didn't care about Jiang Hui's obvious sarcasm just now, and hurriedly wanted to stop him: "Don't! Don't come over, the entrance and exit are collapsed, you can't get in, don't take risks."

"Tell me, where are you?" Jiang Hui frowned and said, "Don't talk nonsense, we don't have much time."


"So I said - refuse. You guys are always like this. You don't ask me what I want. Now you still want me to help you pass on some shit last words."

"Listen, live for me, it's true to live. Otherwise, even if you leave them ten thousand words, it will only increase your sorrow. Live! You all live for me! We still have to go back to planet 732 , if you want to go back to school, you can still go home." Jiang Hui hissed, and couldn't help but turn red eyes: "Tell me the location."


Temporarily turning off the optical brain, only keeping the one-way call transmission, Jaidi wiped his face.

No one laughed at him, because he was not the only one in this narrow and dark space. The fifty-seven people present, forty not fully awakened, including seventeen adults... were all shrouded in great fear.

Among them were ordinary people who just came here to play, some who came out with their children, and some stall owners who had no time to escape, and most of them were a group of not fully awakened people from the same place.

Class 2 students, a total of thirty-two students are here, including Jiang Hui, a total of thirty-three students, almost a nest.

As for why the students in Class Two were so unlucky... In fact, when the accident started, there were still some people in the underground corridor, probably nearly a hundred of them.

Except for the people who were closer to the two ends, they went out all at once, and the people in the middle fell into chaos in an instant.

Compared with the wide upper floor, the underground corridor has no resistance at all due to structural problems, and the ground is raised and stretched as a whole and squeezed upwards.

The people in it didn't dare to shake around at all, for fear that random movement would accelerate the deformation of the entire twisted and deformed corridor, which would cause a large number of casualties immediately due to the upper and lower pinching.

However, in such a dangerous situation, the huge external impact did not end, and the impact from all directions crushed the corridor, which was more than ten meters high, to a height of three to four meters in just a few weeks.

It can be predicted that if this continues, those who have no time to escape the corridor will die under the attack of both ends, and there will be no bones left.

At that time, there were more than 80 people in the corridor. In such a terrible situation, they didn't even dare to move. They could only think of ways in panic and anxiety, hoping that this disaster would end at this moment.

It's not that they haven't lost control, but the cost of losing control is that the floor height has been shortened from the original eight meters, which was still ample, to six meters.

It is not without rational analysis and hard work, but the result is still unsatisfactory, because they find it impossible to find a way to save everyone without sacrifice.

If one wants to live one must be sacrificed.

When they find that only some people can live, almost everyone chooses to give up the opportunity to young children, those children who have not even seen the beauty of this world and cannot distinguish their own correct emotions.

The elders weigh themselves, give up the chance of life, separate at both ends, and strive for as many opportunities as possible for the children.

Those children don't know that when they are sobbing and passing by those unknown uncles and aunts to the other end, their parents who are the last to suppress power at the other end may have been turned into a pool of flesh and blood.

That's why they are told to 'don't look back'.

A total of nine children all successfully moved to the other side of the exit, and the people nearby used their last luck to break through the opening where only half of them were left to pass through.

In the end, all the nine children went out, but the price was that there were only less than three meters left on the upper and lower mezzanines of the passage.

And everyone at the left end was sacrificed in an instant and was crushed to death. After the exit on the right was forcibly broken open, it also collapsed extremely quickly due to the traction force of the structure.

Now only the right end of the underground corridor has collapsed, near the middle, and only a space of less than fifty cubic meters is still remaining, but obviously this kind of security is not forever.

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