Zhou Xiuwen didn't know where Jiang Hui's wali had gone, and he didn't know if the army people helped to pick it up, so he said that he would help inquire when he saw the relevant people later. Of course, the person to inquire about is probably that Colonel Zongting.

The visiting time in the treatment department is limited, and Zhou Xiuwen is not really a idler. The other party came to visit, brought news and A-level energy spar, and was called away after a while.

Before he left, he seemed to suddenly think of something, which gave Jiang Hui time to contact Stark.

It is estimated that there has been news of her from everyone in the second class, and now they don't know what storm is brewing.

Jiang Hui was suddenly stuck. It was obviously not her fault, but she felt a little guilty for a moment... It was like the feeling of guilt that a child got into trouble outside and someone told her that she was suing her parents.

But what should come will come. Besides, she is really not responsible for this matter, she has done a good deed no matter what. Uncle Tang shouldn't be scolding too badly... right?

Well, she was scolded miserably, worse than before. Jiang Hui felt that the other party had been merciless in admonishing others in class earlier, which was vicious and spicy, so he almost pointed at her and said she was a pig. This is really not something that fragile minors can bear.

Jiang Hui was trained to droop her head and ears, but she didn't dare to reply. What's even worse is that the other party scolded her while giving her additional training. Jiang Hui thought that she might not be able to complete this training until the day of graduation... My own training volume is above the standard, and if I add it like this, it will really add up to An incredible number, which shows how angry he is.

"Although...but I'm still very happy to see you again, Uncle Tang." Looking at the person on the other side of the screen, Jiang Hui smiled as if his brows and eyes were relaxed.

The person opposite suddenly paused, and both sides fell silent.

The young man looked at Jiang Hui with a strange expression that rarely appeared on his face, and after a long time he snorted: "I'm really going to be pissed off by you sooner or later."

It was not his style that Stark seldom said such words. In fact, Jiang Hui's saying that the other party "swears" is actually an exaggerated modification, because it is impossible for the other party to swear so emotionally, and his "swearing" is a sharp criticism.

He is really a person with extremely stable emotions, like a deep pool, throwing a basket of stones into it may not necessarily cause many waves.

His emotions are very precious, so naturally he won't spend a little bit of bickering. But Jiang Hui would look at him from what he had known over the years, and he was indeed very angry. Like all the parents in the world... No matter how calm the parents are, they find that their children have survived several times in a place where they can't see, and no one can calm down.

But at this moment Jiang Hui knew that the other party had calmed down.

"Star Atlantis will be included in the red line area of ​​the station for a long time to come, and it will be unstable. If you can, you should come back earlier. I will arrange for therapist Lu to conduct a full-line test for you." Stark road. This is a signal, which means that the other party wants to expose this matter, which can be regarded as a conclusion.

"Zhou Xiuwen said that the adjacent waterway is still unstable, and it may take some time to resume traffic." So if you want to leave early, you may have to ask Zhou Xiuwen to ask his father. But is it necessary?

"No, just wait a few days and I'll pick you up." Stark cut off as if reading her thoughts.

Jiang Hui was a little surprised. This... Star 732 is quite a distance from Atlantis. Although interstellar navigation is relatively developed, it is not a problem for her to take a spaceship back to Star 732 by herself. At worst, it's okay to go back with Zhou Xiuwen's spaceship, but it may take a while longer.

Starkey has become more and more busy in the past two years, and often can only teach them remotely. Every time I find time to come to the school to teach, it is a race against time, and the time is extremely precious, which shows that the other party is busy with work.

In this case, he had to find time to come pick him up in person, and no one would believe it if it wasn't because of her. Jiang Hui is not narcissistic, but deduced that there is indeed a reason for this incident.

Jiang Hui felt that he was a person with a soul of several dozen years old. Even though he was not too old for the total age of the interstellar people, he was not a real child. There was really no need for the elders to accommodate and take care of him.

She was about to refuse, when she heard the person on the other side say a little sullenly: "I advise you to stay there obediently. I am really afraid that I will hear from the Starship Patrol again next time."

Starship patrols, commonly known as channel guards, are generally responsible for maintaining the normal operation of the channel, maintaining order, and expelling star pirates.

To be honest, Jiang Hui had many twists and turns in just one month, and was involved in several major cases. Even things like the breach of the defense line and the invasion of star beasts could come out. What is impossible?

If the other party is allowed to come back by spaceship, who knows if something strange will happen to her when she comes back, or even run into a star thief... It is not impossible for Jiang Hui.

In addition, Jiang Hui really experienced a serious injury not long ago. Except for the beginning, Jiang Hui almost fell asleep, but for Stark, the fear that arose after receiving the notice from the military was real.

Jiang Hui didn't know that during her coma, Stark checked Jiang Hui's situation more than once through the communication terminals of Zongting, Zhou Xiuwen, and even the doctor in charge of first aid.

He had actually seen her so weak and dying. It is precisely because I have seen that this person who has never been affected by anyone or anything before is really afraid.

So he, the irresponsible temporary guardian, still has to do something, don't always hear about her from others after the tragedy happened.

He once hoped that the other party could inherit the strength and bravery of her parents, but at this moment, more than anyone else, he hoped that she could live a healthy and healthy life, and peace was enough.

"Okay, just wait for me—wait for me to pick you up." The young man said in a deep voice to the much thinner humanity on the screen.

After a long time, the pale girl nodded slowly.


The independent room is spacious, clean and dust-free. All the walls are built with some kind of special absorbing material, which has a good blocking effect, not only can cut off sound, but also can block energy.

The temperature in the room is suitable, the lighting can be adjusted at any time, all kinds of expensive medical equipment are always on, and there are even a group of people online watching the patients in the room. As long as the other party has a reaction, it will be reported to the entire medical team.

It can be seen that the status of the patients living in it is quite high.

The other party is indeed a special person. Not only because of his military rank, but because of his special status.

The Ninth Star Era is now coming to its end, besides Zhou Yuanjing who has become a swan song, there is actually another character who was almost engraved in the long river of history.

It's just that compared to Zhou Yuanjing, the other party's fate was more unfortunate, his ambition was unfulfilled, and he died young.

He is Huan Xian's father, Huan Heng.

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