"Here...why don't you come in?" came the voice from inside, and saw that the person who was lying quietly on the bed had sat up, was leaning on the hospital bed and looking at the two of them quietly.

Jiang Hui and Zhou Xiuwen took the positions on the left and right of each other.

The three friends, who hadn't seen each other for a long time, looked at each other tacitly, and their eyes met. Finally, Zhou Xiuwen couldn't hold back a "puchi" laugh.

The other two looked sideways, one expressionless and the other puzzled.

Zhou Xiuwen: ...

what to do? It's even more fun, isn't it? !

Jiang Hui was a little confused. Why didn't the big guy sit down and start talking, Zhou Xiuwen's guy looked at them and started laughing, what's so funny? Twice...

After finally stopping laughing, a certain person said: "I just think we two look like door gods? Ah Hui, you should not match me so accurately, move forward, we are too neatly matched, It's like a line... Forget it, let me move—" After that, he moved back and exited the vicious circle of three people in one line.

Then I don't know if it was his illusion, the pressure went down all of a sudden, and he instantly felt that his two friends were really beyond the reach of ordinary people. Even though they are just sitting together normally, they still feel pressure? !

In order to cover up his embarrassment, Zhou quickly changed the topic and asked Huan Xian how he was. Yesterday he had something to do and couldn't take time to visit him, but the therapist reported that his health was much better.

Huan Xian shook his head: "No problem."

He glanced at Jiang Hui, saw that people seemed to be looking around, and asked, "What about you? I heard from Zhou Xiuwen that you have been discharged from the hospital, and you must take care of your body."

"Well, the therapist has approved me to be discharged from the hospital, saying that there is nothing serious, just go back and make up for it."

What Jiang Hui said is the truth, this is amazing in Interstellar. At the beginning, her leg bones were broken, her ribs were broken, she lost too much blood, her brain was hypoxic and had rational inflammation... All these combined can be called serious injuries, and she had to lie down for several months to recover. machine. But after three or four days of raising her, basically nothing can be seen on her body, and she has recovered to her current appearance in less than a week, which is really amazing.

But now Jiang Hui finally knows why Zhou Xiuwen always has such a worried expression when talking about Huan Xian... Because compared to her seemingly fake serious injury, Huan Xian is probably a real serious injury.

After so many days, the other party still looks so sick, his thin face has changed, his cheeks are fleshless, and his face is paler than paper. The other party seemed to be much worse than last time, and he could hardly even sit up—this shows how badly the other party was injured.

The girl disapproved and said, "Since you can't sit, just lie down, we don't have to worry about these things." After saying that, Jiang Hui wanted to put down the back of the bed for the other party so that he could lie down properly.

But the other party waved his hand and said, "It's okay, I'm almost useless these days."

"I heard that you reported your military merits, congratulations." The boy raised his mouth slightly, and finally saw a trace of happiness, as if he was really happy for her.

How did the other party know? Jiang Hui immediately looked at Zhou Xiuwen suspiciously. The boy on the opposite side shook his head and said that he didn't know, anyway, he didn't say it, and he probably heard it from some elder.

"Although...but I don't know if the application will be successful." Jiang Hui was not hopeful about this, and always felt a little unreal. After all, that is military merit, not just a pennant that can be printed casually. She also didn't think that her behavior could be called military merit, at most it was just a brave act.

"Yes." ×2

The two voices sounded almost simultaneously.

Still with such a firm tone... Jiang Hui looked suspiciously at Huan Xian and then at Zhou Xiuwen. Why are these two people more confident than she herself?

You must know that applying for military merit is not such a simple matter. Even if she saved hundreds of people, she still remembers clearly that she was not the only one who came forward to save people that day, there were several others... Could these people also apply for reporting?

If you have to say that Jiang Hui has one more thing than others, it is probably that she slaughtered an extra A-level star beast.

Little did they know that it was this A-level star beast that made the people above see the feasibility of declaring military merits for her. Because no matter what, a single soldier who can independently slaughter A-level star beasts without fully awakening is destined to enter the army, and must be the most shining stars among them.

The military will not treat meritorious persons badly, and rewarding Jiang Hui can also lock in a high-potential awakened person first, wouldn't it kill two birds with one stone.

But Huan Xian knew that even if it wasn't popular opinion, Jiang Hui would definitely get military merit in the end. Because the secret link he asked Jiang Hui to forward contained the information that determined the crisis of the defense line, and her transmission was an important part of it.

Just for this, the military also needs to appease Jiang Hui. It just so happens that the other party has done a good job right now, and the combination of multiple points can just give her a small amount of credit. It's best to tie her to the road of the army, and it's less likely to "run" away in the future.

Besides, although there are many brave and good fighters in the interstellar world, they don't mind bringing in a few more talents like Jiang Hui who have high potential and are full of consciousness. Naturally, the more the better, the more the better.

"Well, I didn't say anything about military merits, let's talk about it... But I don't know when my exam will be resumed. If it is cancelled, or it will be invalidated earlier, then my trip will be in vain." Jiang Hui Muttered, as long as I think of this, I start to have a headache. Who would have thought that taking a driver's license test would be so difficult, with twists and turns, and almost costing his own life, but the test has not yet been completed.

"Mecha pilot test?" Huan Xian and the two frowned suspiciously.

He had been missing for a while, and it was only a few days ago that he got in touch with Jiang Hui and the others. He had been tortured in a closed environment for almost the previous month, and he didn't know about Jiang Hui taking the grade exam.

Now that he confirmed the other party's physical condition, he recalled that Jiang Hui's itinerary should have come here a long time ago, and the test for driving a mech would only take three days, at most five days at most. But it's been half a month...

Jiang Hui saw the other party's appearance. By the way, he didn't know about it yet, so he briefly talked about being attacked during the exam that day and then discovering that the mech had been tampered with and saving people, etc. The two of them knew about it in many places, but the details were different. The two frowned again and again.

It was the first time for them to hear the person involved talk about this matter at close range, and they could only say that they understood a small part of it before, and they felt even more annoyed when Jiang Hui said this.

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