Seeing this test number, Jiang Hui was also shocked, this number must be too high.

There is not much difference between my StarCraft side and Bluestar side for things like exams, the real-name system plus an independent identification number. In addition to the original number of the suffix, the identification number is subdivided into galaxies, star clusters, and planets.

Don't think this distinction is too cumbersome, because in addition to large groups, some groups of people and regions are special, and they need to be separated and treated accordingly.

For example, the level of teaching resources in the outer galaxies is very different from that of the three inner galaxies. It is difficult for those students to get ahead. In some places, the standard holographic cabins that must be used for the unified admissions cannot be popularized. They must be organized in specially designated places. refer to.

It is impossible for the empire to ignore this situation. Because people’s birth cannot be chosen. In this world, some people are born rich and some are born in stability. Naturally, some people have been suffering since they were born in this world. This is not something anyone can decide or choose.

Teenagers living in outer galaxies are destined to have a harder time getting ahead than those in inner galaxies.

The empire is powerless to change this class status quo, or it should be said that it has not changed since the birth of mankind, but it can also provide some opportunities to help young people with potential get out of trouble or seek a better future. For this reason, the empire regularly conducts some support activities.

In addition to raising a fixed amount of subsidies to distribute to impoverished planets outside the domain, the empire will also try its best to take care of the not fully awakened people living in galaxies outside the domain. The empire has done quite well in this regard. It is said that the coverage is very large. Except for some exile stars that imprison the most heinous people, most of the planets in the outer galaxies can be taken care of.

Although the empire can't treat them very favorably. After all, this is a unified examination, and you can’t weed out some outstanding talents who should be entitled to treatment just because your educational resources can’t keep up. Therefore, the empire has expanded the corresponding amount of degrees in ordinary colleges and universities to students from extraterritorial galaxies. There are not many, but the places they provide can guarantee that students from galaxies outside the domain have a certain quota of admission ratios and have the opportunity to change their own destiny.

But there is only one digital book number in the suffix. It is said that generally speaking, the smaller the number, the higher the comprehensive ability level of the student being evaluated on the main brain side.

This level is judged by the Supreme Mastermind system serving the Empire. It is currently the largest existing intelligent system in Al serving the empire. Not to mention its ability to process and store data, it is said that it has already simulated 60% of human thinking patterns and emotions.

After all, Al is different from human beings. It can learn all non-mechanical skills, and even infinitely expand the space to store data that human beings cannot sort out one by one at this stage. However, with its current algorithmic capabilities, coupled with the technological computing power that humans can currently achieve, there is no way to make mechanical life truly human. Even the emotional and thinking abilities can only be roughly imitated and evolved.

But just imitation is enough. After all, in real life, some human beings are emotionally impaired. It all depends on imitation. Al's imitation may be even more similar.

And imitating to 60% means that it already has the thinking ability similar to that of human beings, and can understand most of the behavior patterns of human beings. Coupled with Al's super processing ability for data, he has a higher or even higher intelligence than most human beings.

Therefore, when it was born, there was no shortage of human beings' jealousy and fear of it. Because if a machine has wisdom beyond human one day, will it try its best to subvert or replace human history and civilization one day?

But neither human beings nor the limitations of the times can prevent the birth and shaping of Al. Human culture has developed to a very high level, but they still have to move forward, and Al is the breakthrough they created.

Therefore, in the experimental stage that lasted three epochs, human beings have always held an attitude of anticipation and guard against it, and finally the two sides have completely reached a consensus of intention through continuous evolution and running-in.

This Al named "Primeval" was officially put into use, and it has been co-existing with human beings for the next five star eras, witnessing countless brilliance created by human beings.

Although I can't guarantee whether it will intend to subvert human civilization and create an era of mechanical life after formally learning all about human beings. But they can no longer worry so much. After all, development itself has risks. Too fast or too slow may drop the human group on the wire rope. All they can do is to take one step at a time, try to take each step well, and go further.

And "Honghuang" currently manages most of the materials of the entire empire and the archives of all citizens currently registered.

Hong Huang will participate in the annual unified recruitment work to assist in the management. In addition to basic data access, it will also "headhunt" major universities.

Yes, this is also an unspoken rule defaulted by the upper echelon, and the rights and responsibilities of high-potential awakened people are given priority. They have more rights to choose, but they also have to assume more responsibilities. Without a reasonable reason to choose, the empire will not let high-potential awakened people wander outside.

Although education is fair in theory, there is still a difference between S-level and D-level. In order to minimize the error, they will mark this part of the awakened people with high potential for screening.

And these people are spread all over the districts. If they are compiled together, it is easy to cause the random flow of students, so this mark is reflected in the prefix of the number.

Jiang Hui's serial number is PMT-east2567col-732.n-27.

Very good, the number is so long that she can hardly breathe after reading it, because it is too long. But the information explained is also very complete, showing that she is the 732nd star in the 2567 star sequence in the east of the resident galaxy, and is evaluated as the 27th in comprehensive ability.

That's why Jiang Hui was so surprised. Because in terms of the population of StarCraft, even if only this year's candidates are counted, she can actually be ranked in double digits.

What misunderstanding did the Mastermind have about her? Even if she is S rank, it seems that she is not enough.

Little do they know that the Mastermind Primordial Ranking not only looks at the level of mental power, but also comprehensively calculates and examines individual potential. It will collect all the data of a person's life for evaluation, including some major events in her life and even her family's gene expression, etc. are all in the evaluation model.

In fact, judging from when the original body was still in this body more than ten years ago, it was really not outstanding. But Jiang Hui experienced many things that adult sergeants may not have experienced in just three years after he came.

Coupled with the fact that she obtained the preliminary military rank not long ago, Honghuang directly ranked her 27th in the resident galaxy in the comprehensive evaluation. Of course, the 26 people before her are also very powerful figures, so there is a reason why they are ranked above her.

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