The strongest brain in the universe

Chapter 632 Melee (Part 2)

As the saying goes, there is no free lunch in this world.

They should know that the Educational Bureau will never allow them to score so smoothly.

Just like in all kinds of popular adventure novels nowadays, how can there be guardian beasts or levels next to the chance or treasure hunting, making it difficult for you to get what you want.

They found another random distribution point along the direction of the movement, but this time no one rushed ahead of them, they were the first to arrive.

But the process of getting things is far more difficult than imagined, and they are a burden.

The light this time was even more dazzling than the previous few times. According to their previous practice experience, this is probably a big deal.

Even though it was only a few steps away, everyone was still very nervous, for fear that if they were so late, the things would be taken away by others.

When they arrived, the things were indeed still there. It was a small box that was just closed. I don't know what was in it, but it was definitely not a medicine set or something. Everyone in the team immediately wanted to go up to get it, so as not to change.

It is more cautious than 276,899 who act boldly with outspokenness.

She thought more, and always felt that something was wrong with the magnetic field around here, but before she could say anything, the group of people, even members of her original team, rushed to check it out.

Seeing these people glowing and even showing a little bit of wolf light, 899 inexplicably had a bad premonition. She seems to have underestimated human nature...

But now it's too late to stop, even the chief wolf can't stop the subordinates, otherwise, if the crowd surges, even he will have to join in.

Looking at the other person who was as crazy as the others, 899 could only keep an eye out and retreat to the center line. She was really afraid that she would be swallowed up by these things in the next moment.


Although Jiang Hui has already made it as soon as possible, and Xiao A has also postponed, but it is still not as close as others.

Before she arrived, another team had arrived in advance, three points faster than her by visual estimation.

If things go on like this, she will never get that thing...

Just when Jiang Hui was hesitating whether to change lanes or go straight to kill, she suddenly sensed a strange commotion.

This's not too late to check it out.



"Go away, idiot, don't get in the way!"

"Damn it, where did this damn thing come from?!"

"Damn the Education Bureau, what are these arrangements?"


The space that was agitated with joy just now is now in chaos, the crowd is scattered, and now there is no distinction between who is the boss and who is the subordinate. They even somewhat forgot that they were actually only in a simulated scene, and everything they saw was fake and illusory.

They only knew that if they were attacked and killed by this star beast, they would "die" here and lose the qualification to continue to participate in the unified recruitment.

This is the result none of them want to see.

Things went back a few minutes ago, and they found themselves rushing to find something that had just been handed out before others. Although they didn't know what it was, they could already see that it was not a common potion set. Judging by the appearance, it should be what they were before. Something never picked up. Even if it's not what they want, it can open up the current situation.

So the whole group went crazy, and the leaders were even faster than the two leaders.

Looking at the small box in front of them, the greed and ambition in their eyes almost overflowed.

One person wanted to be the first, but he turned sideways to reach it, and the other people also showed ferocious eyes, and they couldn't care about anything at the moment.

However, there must be a guardian by the side of the treasure, and the snatchers who have no ability and want to live in it will be tested first.

The one who took the lead knocked over the box while flying, exposing the contents inside, because it was only uncertain before, but now it is in sight.

Inside the box was a mech button with a blue shimmer.

At this moment, the whole scene seemed to be silent for a moment, and everyone pressed the pause button.

The few people in the front row looked very fierce. If someone was watching from the front, they could probably see the frightening light in their eyes.


Therefore, it is true that the human head should not be too congested, as soon as the blood is on the head, it will ignore everything.

Just when the first one was about to touch the button of the mecha again, a brown and black training shadow jumped over, accurately wrapped around the neck of the first one, and then tightened before everyone had time to react.

"Crack." A voice that made the bones sour came to everyone's ears.

It was obviously not loud, but it made everyone present feel terrified.

The person who was still fierce just now seemed to have been drained of all vitality for an instant, and fell limply to the ground after being let go by the giant python.

Even though it was just a virtual scene, it was so real in front of death, which was a huge shock to the students present who hadn't had much experience.

They didn't expect this to happen.

For them, no matter how powerful the unified recruitment is, it is just a game, virtual and false, everything is false, and there will be no real pain and death. However, at this moment they suddenly realized how vulnerable they were in front of the beast.

Simply vulnerable.

After the unlucky ghost who delivered the food first "died", he only stayed for a while on behalf of the simulated world, and the body quickly dissipated, and soon even the phantom disappeared without a trace.

The other party was already unable to continue with the unified recruitment, and it felt uncomfortable for the other party to be transferred out of the examination room at this moment. But the rules are like this, the other party's unified recruitment journey is over, because they were eliminated too early, it is estimated that they will not be able to enter the final round of letter of intent admissions, and the next few rounds of admissions.

And right now, all of them are so defenselessly exposed to this ferocious behemoth, but they are defenseless.

The snake-shaped star beast had just killed a person in blood, and was still not satisfied, and became a little interested in the large group of prey in front of it.

Before it stretched out just now, it was already terrifying enough, the neck that strangled people in such a small way was almost bigger than the head. However, when it stands up straight, the pointed snake head is half a meter taller than people. You must know that the physique modeling of these candidates is based on the standard given by the average professional height. Not to mention the height, they add up to an average of 1.7 meters Now, what is the concept of a snake head half a head taller than them hanging in the air?

For this snake-shaped star beast, they are almost at a dead angle of 360 degrees, with nowhere to hide. But for them, they couldn't easily catch the giant snake... This was almost a dead end.

The tall and huge snake's head drooped slightly, and they could hear the "hissing" sound unique to snake-shaped creatures, which was frightening and scalp-numbing.

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