This scene happened to be seen by several officers of the United Military Academy who transferred the footage.

"She is agile. It doesn't look like she is killing monsters, but like chopping melons and vegetables. However, this technique is still a bit aggressive, not too delicate, and it wastes mental energy. You have to train and train it well in the future."

Bona's words seemed to vaguely regard the other party as a student of the United Military Academy. But she hasn't even finished the exam to enter the admission circle of the joint military academy, and she has... eh?

Xu Dinglan found that the opponent's ranking has jumped up for a while and entered the top 100. In this case, the opponent has not even broken through the first batch and is still hovering around the periphery.

This is not an easy task. Seeing that she is in the second batch of people from the top to the bottom, she is either a cutting-edge individual soldier or a commander. And the second batch of second placers are all ranked outside the three or four hundred, and the overall ranking of the empire is also in the five digits.

But yes, it is easy to kill a student who has been a super A-level star beast, even if it is only a simulated result, it is enough to illustrate its ability. Even if Xu Dinglan is not satisfied with her wandering style, she has to admit that this is a very talented child, definitely a good seedling.

But now that the unified recruitment time has only passed one-tenth of the time, there will be more variables in the future, and it is not impossible for the other party to give up halfway. No matter how good the talent is, it is fate not to be able to come to the front...

How could Major General Zeng be so optimistic about her?

Xu Dinglan has also seen many talented students in the United Military Academy over the years, and there are countless better students than this person. He can't figure out what is it about the other party that makes this officer treat him differently? Is it because of her "chores"?

Seeing Xu Dinglan's slight disapproval, Bona didn't try to force output, he just clicked into the examinee's file directly.

Then dense records appeared in front of several members of the individual department. Not only Bona, who opened it spontaneously, and Xu Dinglan, who didn't pay much attention to it, but also the other teachers who didn't participate in the conversation were also surprised.

The personal files for the unified recruitment are for the convenience of the school. Although they will not be too detailed, there will be records of their basic life context and related glorious achievements.

But most of these not fully awakened people have just begun their lives. They spent almost the first ten years in the education system, or spent in a safe environment under the wings of their parents. Naturally, there is no big deal.

So most of it is written on the education experience, at most it is the results of some major competitions or exams.

Of course, with so many candidates, there will naturally be some special groups. Although they are still young, they have experienced major events different from ordinary people because of their family background or karma. These also appear in the dossier as bonus points, if represented in it.

Judging from the simple information in the front, this is a student whose mental strength level has reached S level. She hasn't even experienced a full awakening yet, but in terms of external conditions, she has already met the conditions for enrolling in the joint military academy. If there is no major problem with her performance in the future, she can enter the school directly.

Regarding this point, the two elders nodded secretly. Especially Xu Dinglan, although he didn't care so much about the other party's behavior similar to "not doing business properly".

But the point is that the dense records below are really amazing.

They are not students who haven't seen this kind of special files. It seems that they have rated a more special student than this not long ago, and there are several other students with very special identities in the same class.

But those few were either from extraordinary backgrounds, or had amazing backgrounds. Only this child, although he is also from a military family, but how many such families and families are there in the interstellar world? What's more, the other party is currently in the stage of losing both parents and independent from the family...

But her profile is not inferior to those students they recruited in the special recruitment stage.

The opponent bears a military rank. This can be clearly seen from the special mark on the avatar, but this is not the point, the point is what she has experienced.

This student had only a few strokes of education in the first half of the year. He was born in an ordinary major and had no bright spots. But until she transferred to the resident galaxy after her second awakening, she rose rapidly——

First, she got the first place in the entrance examination at the intermediate college she entered, during which time she and another classmate rescued an officer.

Then he was number one all the way, and he hadn't been down for a few years, so he was the top among the top students.

The other party not only has good theoretical results, but also has impeccable practical results. The few times the practice of the public exam is also remarkable, and he has won several awards of high level. Although most of those are only at the student level, it is not so easy to stand out in such a large range.

Of course, what stands out most about her is her experience this year—it happened not long ago. The other party went to Atlantis to take the exam for the mecha driving level test. It happened that a beast tide broke out there, and most of the planet fell. The other party rescued hundreds of people during his own suffering, and finally killed an A-level swamp false snapping turtle with his own hands.

This is a real achievement. After all, even many trained sergeants may not be able to single-handedly kill a swamp shell snapping turtle. It's really amazing that the opponent has done this without receiving formal training at all.

Bona only paid attention to the other party's performance because it was interesting. He didn't know these things about him before, but now it seems that the other party's performance in the simulated scene is also traceable.

Although...but it is also remarkable. Xu Dinglan pursed his lips.

"The children nowadays are really... no wonder." Bona shook his head, no longer the superficial praise on his face, and for the first time today he looked at the screen with a cautious gaze that is usually only shown on the battlefield people in.

"Speaking of which, this kid seems to have studied conducting a little bit, and he seems to be quite knowledgeable. I don't know how much he has learned?" Bona touched his chin.

This time Xu Dinglan did not deny it, because it was indeed a fact. Just by the action of her connecting those people, it must not be a random act on a whim, and must have been guided and trained by professionals.

But he didn't know why such a talented person still chose to be distracted after he obviously chose to go it alone?

As far as he knows, the successful fighters, no matter how talented they are, all have their own clear ideas, clear goals and direction to fight for.

No matter what the circumstances, half-heartedness is not the path to success. In his eyes, Jiang Hui is not half-hearted, but he is not far away—the kind who is waiting for a good lesson.

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