377 and others were not taken to the top floor for interrogation immediately after they came in. The leader seemed to have received the order to take them to the lounge first, and he didn't know what the idea was.

When 377 and others followed the lead patrol into the lounge, his line of sight happened to meet 733 sitting cross-legged on the ground.

'You bastard killed me. '

'You can't stand it yourself and still talk about me. '

The two looked at each other, as if they had received a signal in an instant, their eyes were full of embarrassment.

The person leading the way told them that they could rest here and wait for the summons. 377 nodded casually.

After hesitating for a while, he finally found a place not too far away and led the people to sit down. Although he knew it was useless, he reckoned that the group of people above would not let go of their suspicion so quickly, maybe they would find someone to stare at them in the dark. It can be said that they seem to be far away at this moment. It doesn't matter much.

But anyway, you have to put on an appearance, so stay away if you can. He didn't dare to look at Jiang Hui who was in the crowd. After all, they were accomplices now, and he wanted to live in peace after changing the hill just now.

At any rate, after he sat down, he found her by looking at her, and found that she was really tired at the moment, or was she lying on his back on the simple canopy bed to avoid surveillance, and seemed to be sleeping soundly?

This guy sleeps well, but they are outside in fear...

'coming? ’ 377, who was still complaining secretly, was taken aback for an instant.

No, you didn't sleep, can you say hello before you speak? It's scary, isn't it?

377 was taken aback, he was obviously not used to such a sudden voice, subconsciously staggered his eyes to cover up his guilty conscience.

'it's me. ’ the man seemed worried he had forgotten to add.

Of course I know it's you. I can't forget the moment you poked my waist with a fake gun just now. 377 added heartily.

I don't know if he finally got in touch with the other party, but 377 actually felt like the dust had settled, and something suspended in his heart was finally let go.

‘Someone is indeed watching us, but they should not have all-round monitoring equipment. ’Because Jiang Hui could clearly feel that someone was watching them in the dark from time to time.

It can be seen that there should be no such props in this tower. If there is any 360-degree monitoring equipment, it is estimated that there will be no need for people to stand guard like this. Moreover, she guessed that there should be a very hidden sentry point near the lounge. It is difficult for people inside to find out, but the movement inside can be easily seen from the outside.

'Don't worry, no one else will hear. '

No, it's not the question of has anyone else heard it, it's what exactly do you want to do next?

We have all come in now, but the problem is that there are only five or six of them...ah no, there are more than a dozen of them. But it’s okay to pick up leaks outside, but now entering the tower, hundreds of people are pressing here, what can a small group of them do?

It's a pity that Jiang Hui's spiritual transmission can't achieve two-way communication, and 377 can't convey his complaints to the other party.

Jiang Hui was not in a hurry to give the next step. She only asked about some things on the 377 road, including how they were brought back, and what they saw and heard on the road and detailed information.

After sorting it out roughly, Jiang Hui pondered a little. It seems that the person sitting on the cloud tower has discovered something. But for some reason, they didn't stop them, instead they brought back 377 and his group, which seemed to mean "leading the snake out of its hole".

But did the other party really think they were snakes?

'It doesn't matter, if they want to summon you later, don't make a move, just insist that you don't know anything. '

But Jiang Hui guessed that if the other party really found out something, they would definitely call her side first. The reason why she said this to 377 is just in case, lest the other party play cards unreasonably, and easily disrupt the order of the plan.

'If... I go there first, then you just wait for my news, and then just take someone out of the lounge, and I will ask someone to meet you. ’ Jiang Hui didn’t say much either.

Because this may be very abstract to the other party, too many arrangements are hard to explain, it is better to take one step at a time, reach the next stage and then issue instructions.

But in fact, this instruction is abstract enough for 377.

He vaguely guessed what Jiang Hui wanted to do, but he was a little uncertain about this alone. In addition to them, there were more than thirty people in the rest room, and there was also a patrol team outside.

If the other party leads directly, they would dare to gamble with her ability, but if the other party is not here and he leads the team... 377 is naturally not sure, he has always been very self-aware.

How easy is it for a dozen people to disperse dozens of people?

Jiang Hui seemed to have guessed his embarrassment, and immediately added a sentence, "Don't worry, the people in the lounge are all my own people now, and I will let them listen to your arrangement." '

They are all their own people... their own people, their own people? !

The question marks on 377's face almost overflowed, and he almost lost his expression. What's going on? When did you become your own person? How long has it been since the other party came in, and she has already accepted everyone in the lounge as her own? !

Even though he knew that if he showed panic, he might be detected by someone prying in the dark, he still couldn't bear it.

…Not counting the two teams that came in later, there were only more than thirty people in the original team, and now all of them are our own. Wouldn't this add up to forty or fifty people?

But their base tower has a fixed team. 126 people, one-third of the number was conquered at once, which is too outrageous.

377 looked around, not knowing whether to find something to verify or to get other more reliable information, but in the end, he seemed to be somewhat desperate to find that the other party was not joking—because those people who seemed to be sitting in place without sleeping watched There was an extremely subtle and unspeakable look in his gaze.

When he came in just now, he thought that these people were keeping an eye on them after learning some news, but now he realized that it was not suspicion and scrutiny, but some kind of sympathy and a little bit of schadenfreude. ?

Could it be that the other party thinks that they are also poor little ones who are about to fall into the mouth of wolves? Come on, they've already changed sides, okay? Uh... In fact, they had entered the wolf's mouth a long time ago and survived by chance. No one is better than the other.

That's right, your own people are your own people, and it's better than anything else to be with such a capable team leader.

When the matter came to this point, he wanted to see what the other party would do next, maybe there would be something unexpected.

As the door of the lounge was pushed open, 377 watched the backs of 733 and the others leave, and the corners of his mouth were tightly pursed to resist twitching.

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