The strongest brain in the universe

Chapter 666 ST Simulation Domain

For Hishell, guerrilla warfare is his comfort zone.

He is a student of the private department, studying in a university in the inner galaxy, with good grades, and he is also among the best in his class. But there is nothing special about his personal resume. The only thing that can be called different is the stage record left by the other party in the ST simulation domain.

The so-called ST simulation is a kind of very situational simulation section of Interstellar, which is used in many aspects and fields, and is usually used alternately with a new system, which can make various training and assessment more immersive - such as adding role simulation or Is the conditional selection and so on mode.

However, that can only be regarded as the classification function of ST simulation. This mode is already very mature. As early as the last two star eras, an exclusive simulation domain has been built, that is, the ST full-line simulation domain is the second largest domain outside the entire interstellar network. A local area system for sharing information and sharing resources.

To put it complicatedly, it is actually another form of social network. The star network commonly used by interstellar people can be operated by almost everyone—as long as they have hands, while the ST simulation domain is more technical and functional, full of various A variety of situational communities, tens of trillions of people swim in them every day.

It is inconvenient to go into too much detail about the complicated situation, and it is not easy to explain.

The candidate code-named Hias is still not fully awakened, and is still restricted in the star network area, not to mention the complex local area network like the ST simulation domain, even because of its complex ecology, it generally needs to be checked by the guardian or school level. Only with the approval of the above units can they enter the activities independently.

Hishell entered the ST simulation field by chance, and then it got out of hand. He first worked in a guild, and in just two years, he became a guild secretary.

You must know that the ST simulation domain is a social network used by people of all ages. There are countless people in it. Any person involved in it may not appear as their true identity. In reality, they may have an even more amazing real side. .

In this world, they can also perform operations that should be performed in the real world, even more convenient because of the convenience of the virtual world and the unique setting of the ST simulation domain.

The guild is the most common product in the ST simulation domain. Each guild, no matter how big or small, can operate or even make a profit in a specific way. The personnel participating in the guild can regularly obtain the resources distributed by the guild, and there are still some that are not very circulated or difficult to obtain in the market. something to buy.

Of course, although there are thresholds for open social networks like this, the restrictions on people are not too great. If you want to mix it up, the normal level. Naturally, it is impossible...or it should be said that it is not easy to achieve results in any field, especially in a dedicated domain network like the ST simulation domain.

Among them, the guild is the most basic community. Above the guild, there are guilds, branch sequences, and even duchies, etc... There is no such thing as non-existence, only unexpected, so the ST simulation domain can be called a very sound network kingdom. If it weren't for the ST imitation jade's requirements for registrants, people would probably flock to it as if they were on Xingwang, and no account would feel that they were eliminated by the world.

Under such circumstances, Hirsch can become a guild officer as an incompletely awakened person, even if it is only a small and medium-sized guild, that is a great thing. Moreover, not only is he firmly seated in this position, but there seems to be an upward trend...

And not long ago, he achieved a good result in the top 100 in the ST simulation domain's youth area B strategy competition, and received some appreciation. Then he came down from the guild to avoid some things, and temporarily resigned from the position of the guild secretary. It has been a few months so far.

Originally, Hissels felt that he had followed the advice of his instructor, bid farewell to those flashy and vain and settled down, and prepared for the next study and training. He didn't think that group of bad guys and cheating guilds that used to irritate him were of any importance... However, when she really left such a venue, after getting off the lights and halo, Sheila realized that she had been used to it for a long time. Stuff plays such an important role in one's own life and emotions.

When you are used to doing something and have been working hard for a certain goal...Although you complain about all kinds of complaints on weekdays and even want to forget about it for a while, you will feel uncomfortable when you say goodbye to it suddenly , I feel as if there is something missing.

Obviously Hishell is in such a state.

Now that he has temporarily left the ST simulation domain, he does not have to be busy with other tasks, and the focus of his life has shifted. It seems that besides studying, he is resting. In addition, his real-life interpersonal relationship is also unbelievably simple, and his life has become completely different, so Shell began to feel a strong sense of loss.

Fortunately, the unified recruitment came at once, and he also had a little something to do to divert his attention. And in this unified move that he once thought was boring and boring, he found some fun similar to the ST analog domain.

What happened to him as a single soldier as a commander? What happened to a team with two commanders? ! Anyway, as long as the goal is achieved, this world is not as rigid and unsteady as a textbook. There is no such thing as "should do" or "should not do", but more about "can" and "should not"...

As for other people's views on his misplaced role, Shell didn't feel anything, and he was merciless in directing two A-level conductors. He was used to being a decision maker, and he didn't think that the so-called control panel was a big deal. Even some of Yara's decisions seemed to him to be flawed.

But when the guerrillas have played against all kinds of people, it is extremely interesting.

After all, in the unified recruitment system, everyone's conditions are limited or restricted, even big leaders like Xilai and Yala dare not act rashly. But Kashi didn't have any pressure at all, he moved as he wanted, he took out a prey when he caught it, and it came and went like the wind, as long as he had enough ability.

It was his whim to attack the same garrison for the second time, and Xilai's way of dealing with it was too insulting, he didn't take them was really annoying. Kashi and Yala reached a certain tacit agreement at a certain moment, intending to give each other a little bit of a show.

It will take time for 011 to arrive here, but this idea is enough time for Shell to remove two or three loose stagnation points. If it goes well, it can also deal with the small sub-tower. By then, 011 will be powerless to recover. .

Kashi thought it would be very easy to take down this station, just as easy as the dozens of points he took away before... However, it turns out that things in this world are not smooth sailing, as long as people live in this world, they will always be able to win. You will encounter different things and meet different people—Hash has met them right now.

He met Jiang Hui.

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