On the other hand, Jiang Hui didn't know that someone was using her as a banner, and almost dragged her into the "intrigue" between majors. Although it was harmless, if it happened, it would obviously bring some troubles to her who was about to enroll.

However, the turmoil quickly dissipated into the invisible, and no one except the parties knew what had happened. Jiang Hui in the picture was still busy with his own affairs.

She couldn't stop for a moment, and after gathering more than a hundred people, she turned even faster, almost unable to wait for the careful planning.

Because when there are few people, Jiang Hui can still find ways to fish in troubled waters, but when there are too many people, the goal is too big. If you don't arrange it properly, you will be discovered sooner or later. There is still room for manipulation at this moment, so it is not the time to stop.

Jiang Hui now has more than a hundred people who have been recruited by "abnormal means", and they can't get them all back. Isn't it widely advertised like this.

So she had to figure out a way to get these people back to where they should be, and at the same time, it would be convenient for her plan.

If they were to stay here, it wouldn't be easy to integrate together, the target would be too big to be discovered, and being separated would make her raid meaningless.

Jiang Hui's idea still needs to find a fixed foothold, one that can cover up the fact that she has integrated the two parties. She set her target on a medium-sized Giwei tower not far from here. That was the Jiwei Pagoda that Xilai had lost in the first place. Although it had been destroyed in tatters now, it still had an advantageous location.

And now it is a place of contention between the two parties. If you win it, it will not be conspicuous no matter which way you dispatch it... Well, the movement of this kind of place is still conspicuous, but it will become more reasonable to act here, let alone She can swallow a hundred people, four or five hundred people without anyone noticing.

Advance can be attacked, retreat can be defended, and it is convenient to act... Jiang Hui has no reason not to be tempted.

Just do it when she thinks about it, and after thinking about it, she recruited a few guys in important positions in the team to prepare for action.


Far away in the dilapidated Kivita, the relatively intact top floor was full of people, and there were dozens of people standing in the room that was supposed to be used only for command.

Don't look at just a few dozen people, but these people all have strong auras, and their passionate spiritual power reverberates in the small space. Dozens of forces with a strong sense of presence are intertwined together, making the top space narrow. .

These people are all the leaders of a certain team. Usually two or three people gather together to have a strong sense of presence. Now dozens of people gather together, and even weaker mental strength may be a little overwhelming.

These people were all drawn from the surrounding personnel. Except for a few teams left to maintain the basic order, the small commanders of the other teams were called here. The purpose is naturally to study how to further advance the front and plunder the positions belonging to Xilai.

It can be seen from their comfortable demeanor and ease of posture that this is not the first time, and they obviously do it a lot. The reason why Yala was able to take the lead in the battle against Xilai time and time again, in addition to the surprise of Kashi, naturally also cannot do without the efforts of these reserve personnel.

It can be said that almost all of Yala's subordinates are people who are good at outsmarting, using the smallest force to do things for the greatest benefit, even the small six-member team leader can go out independently to manage a certain plan.

From this, we can see the selection conditions of Yala and Xilai. The latter will not refuse anyone, as long as there is a large amount.

This caused Xilai's team to have a mixed bag of good and bad people. Not only could there not be many useful people at critical moments, but it was also easy for good and bad people to mix in some caring people, such as the current Jiang Hui.

And Yala is at the other extreme. Her team has a slightly smaller number of people, and the territory she occupies seems to be smaller than that of Xilai. But there are many smart people or people who can take care of things in her team, which can be clearly shown in the battle, because smart people do things to save worry.

This is also the reason why Yara was able to level the Xilai front again and again. Although Xilai is much stronger in terms of overall strength, it is still losing ground. Xilai is still too immature in terms of details.

However, Jiang Hui took advantage of this, otherwise it would be difficult for her to do so. Xilai's arrogance and blindness and Yala's over-focus are the reasons why she has come to this point.

Back to the Jiwei Pagoda, in fact, this group of people had already gathered before, and this time it was called temporarily.

The reason why these people were summoned again was because they also received news that Xilai would send a large army to "conquer".

Don't look at them encroaching on Xilai's territory here and gaining the upper hand, but they are actually very jealous of each other.

Xilai's team is strong, strong and strong, and has a tough style. It will not be beneficial to confront them head-on. It is definitely not comparable to the small fights like before.

If the other party can really abandon the main tower and come in person, I am afraid that Yala at the head of them will not be able to resist. After all, they have pulled together and formed their own group of powerful and ruthless people in a short period of time, which is definitely more than this.

They just took advantage of the other party not being able to visit the place in person, and managing such a large stall.

But I heard that the other party came from 011... It's also not a fuel-efficient lamp.

Naturally, the people here are not as high-skilled as Hirsch, and it is impossible to just control the dozens of "death squads" like Hirsch. There are more than two hundred people here.

The individual soldier code-named 011 acted in a similar style to Xi Lai, and was even more destructive than the opponent. He didn't even surrender his troops, and sent them all out. The methods were cruel. Xilai sent him here with the idea of ​​eradicating them, so the other party would definitely bring a certain number of people over.

Yala sank after sending the news, did not say what to do, did not give clear instructions, more like watching with cold eyes. But if it is to treat them as abandoned children...the other party has carefully inquired about their arrangements, as if they have to make arrangements.

But they naturally made the people who stayed behind here very restless and even a little irritable.

"Tell me what you think now?" The person sitting in the upper position folded his hands and looked at the crowd who were trampled on the ground indifferently.

"What can we do? Soldiers come to cover the water and earth..."

"Don't make it so easy. I've heard of that 011. If it falls into his hands, he won't even be able to surrender. No one will be kept. I heard that because of him, none of Xilai's subordinates dared to defect."

"What are you afraid of? They all have one nose and one pair of eyes. Every team has such extreme people. Isn't the one outside us now..."

"She is purely aggressive, but she is actually easy to talk to."

"By the way, I heard from the person who came back from the patrol that Shells is no longer at the temporary station, nor are the other two places... He wouldn't have heard the news that 011 was coming so recklessly and killed him."

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