No matter how those who dare not go up to fight, the people below are already fighting fiercely, and have already conducted two handovers as a team.

When the team that was swallowed by the whale failed, Jiang Hui's team was not far away. She saw with her own eyes how they were driven into the battle by the huge "machine", as if there was an invisible big hand controlling it from behind. Tell them not to flee even though they are aware of the danger.

This blow shocked everyone around him. They had thought about what would happen to them as "abandoned children", but they didn't expect it to happen so soon... They hadn't even started fighting yet.

But just like the reality that the people above are facing now, they also have no time to relax, or it should be said that they have no time to calm down, and can only be pushed forward step by step by the situation.

Jiang Hui glanced at the heavy mecha that was advancing steadily at the rear and thought deeply, while quickly retracting back to the defense line with the team.

But after going around outside, the situation on their side changed again. Jiang Hui discovered that the two mechas on their side that looked like Siamese twins had been completely separated, and the Chinese military headquarters, which had been advancing side by side, had changed to separate attacks on the left and right sides.

Jiang Hui could see their plan at a glance. This was a very risky move.

It seems irrational, but in fact this approach is the most suitable for them, because it allows them to fully mobilize the strength of the entire army under extremely limited conditions. The power gap between the two parties is too big, and it is obvious that their concentration and stickiness are far less than that of the other team, so they can only spread out and try to preserve the new strength as much as possible.

As for this dilapidated Jiwei Tower, it cannot be saved. After all, they are coming in a ferocious manner, and if they are ruthless, the two mechas plus the heavy mecha at the rear will be pushed horizontally and basically nothing will be left. They can't be so determined to break into pieces together with the tower, right?

This tower is not a real attraction, and it does not involve the key location of Yara. It is really just a base tower, a place to stay, and it was snatched from someone else... It is not difficult to abandon the tower and escape at this time.

Besides, they are also preparing for the worst. If they can't hold on in the end, they will have an explanation after fighting 011 and then return to Yala, and they will not be counted as running away from the battle. This is actually a good result.

So come out, come out. In the end, only a small group of people were left behind for backup, and then everyone else distributed their operations to spread the pressure of concentrated attacks on the opponent's central army as much as possible.

Jiang Hui saw 2856's plan, and so could 011 and others. Seeing this, he didn't have anything to say. He just raised his eyebrows and said calmly: "Don't worry about it, continue to catch no one."

Yes, it's that simple - 011 doesn't do these flowers at all. No matter whether the opponent plans to divide his troops, concentrate them, or play any other tricks, his purpose is to eradicate these annoying flies and stop them from running wild in Xi Lai's territory. They have been arrogant for a while, provoking all kinds of things, thinking that no one can control them, and they should have expected this day.

Whether this is the best way to maximize benefits is completely outside 011's consideration. Because the moment he brought a bunch of people here, he had given up all considerations and calculations. This behavior itself was irrational. It was a dangerous move from the west. If you think too much, it would be a hindrance.

Both sides have their own ideas and continue to fight according to the instructions of their respective generals.

"...Don't go that way, go southwest, about 76 degrees...about 360 meters..." The current position is too dangerous, and he may be shot by a grenade at any time, Jiang Hui frowned.

"Um, oh, but... forget it, I'll listen to you." The captain who had led Jiang Hui to drink soup wanted to say something, but gave up in an instant when he touched Jiang Hui's solemn face. side question. Well, this guy is always right. They have verified the other party's correctness with countless examples before, and the other party is really better at commanding than him.

Because under Jiang Hui's inadvertent instructions, their team successfully escaped three high-density stray bullet drop areas, and then escaped two more diversions to round up. During the gap, they successfully ambush nine enemy teams and successfully killed four. More than ten people. This is a good record for the entire camp.

——And these all depend on the other party’s suggestions. This, this the strength of the people under Hishell? Well, this is a bit too powerful!! I always feel that something is wrong.

If Kashi were here right now and heard his inner voice, he would probably tell him, ‘Ah, yes, yes, nothing is right, finally one of you has reacted’.

Of course, the team leader would not have thought that Jiang Hui was an outside spy. He was just surprised and a little disbelieving that he was glad that he had unexpectedly received a good help and avoided becoming cannon fodder immediately.

Jiang Hui was silently summarizing the entire battle situation, looking coldly at a certain gap that was gradually being closed, and a certain guess became more and more certain in her heart.

Finally at this's almost done.

Just as the team leader was about to continue to move forward slowly according to Jiang Hui's instructions, he suddenly heard the other party say: "Stop, that's enough, don't go any further. You... go back 1,300 meters, no... ...You can move back a little further. If you want to save your life and stay here, don’t do anything. No matter what you see or hear, try to stay on the back line even if you are driven away.”

The tall individual soldier said in a deep voice, mixed with the roar of the mecha and the sounds of sporadic firearms, but it seemed particularly calm and reassuring.

No, they retreated directly to the back line of defense after 1,300 meters! Although there is still some distance from the Jiwei Tower, there are troops stationed at the rear line of defense. If you retreat hastily, you may be regarded as a deserter and be severely expelled.

Yes, why did the other party call him even though he knew he might be expelled... And does this mean what is going to happen?

Immediately, they saw that the other party had taken off the complicated things on his body, as well as the straps and laser tags that could indicate Yara's camp, revealing the clothes of a pure soldier.


Seeing the other party taking off all the miscellaneous things on his body and about to rush into the fight, the squad leader couldn't help but stop the other party: "Wait, what are you going to do? How, how do you do..." On behalf of his own family The straps of the camp stuff were also removed.

You must know that on the battlefield, the idioms used to distinguish the two camps are straps and laser marks. If there is nothing on him, he will not be considered as one of his own. He will only be considered as a floating and uncertain factor, and then he will be killed by "better to kill than to miss".

This is simply asking for death——

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