The strongest brain in the universe

Chapter 687 Well-deserved

Jiang Hui blended into the chaotic battle zone and took advantage of the opportunity when 2856 was destroyed to immediately summon the only mecha he had.

This thing has not been used once since she got it from 899. After all, she was either on the way to an ambush or on the way to an ambush. The target of the mecha is too big, and it is easy to alert some people if it is released at will. So to be on the safe side, Jiang Hui held onto the mecha and refrained from using it.

This time he had no worries, and the scene was suitable. Jiang Hui activated the mecha and rushed into the cabin in two or two steps, sitting in front of the control console. Gently brushing against the buttons without any concave and convex texture, Jiang Hui quickly calmed down.

But now is not the time to sigh. Turning on the electric switch, Jiang Hui controlled the mecha and immediately faced the enemy who had discovered her and gave up on destroying the remaining parts of the 2856 mecha.



In the conference hall of the First Military Academy, a certain military instructor happened to see this scene and couldn't help but excitedly slapped the tabletop, making a "bang bang" sound on the table.

Several more polite officers around him frowned and looked at their comrades with disgust.

The young man could see at a glance that his comrades disliked him. The officer was quite unconvinced: "Why, am I wrong? Don't you think so..."

The obviously older young man next to him was a little speechless: "It's pretty good, but what does this have to do with you? That's the source of students for other families. Didn't you just pick the seedlings over there? Why did you end up here? Come and see.”

"Don't you just see something interesting?" This man actually didn't want to see Jiang Hui's side at first. He turned to the 011 information and naturally saw the current battle.

It was expected that the child named Ichi performed well, after all, it was their military school. Talents discovered by oneself.

This Zheng Xiao is also an instructor of the individual soldier department. If nothing unexpected happens, Yi Zhi should enter his class after enrolling. After all, the person who asked Ichi to come in was very busy, and it was rare to be able to come and teach a few classes occasionally. During the rest of the time, Yi Zhi naturally went to school as normal as ordinary students. The students were his students, so it was right for him to pay attention to them.

However, during the transition, Zheng Xiao happened to notice Jiang Hui who was among them. He didn't know what the other person was doing at first, but then after looking at the records out of curiosity, he realized that this... was really a wonderful person.

If other children were playing strategy games seriously and getting a preliminary feel for the atmosphere of the battle through trial and error, Jiang Hui was playing something very new.

She is also not rigid in her actions, and she is not eager for quick success. She does things step by step, and handles problems in an orderly manner. Soldiers come to cover up water and earth. Although she looks ordinary, her scores are accumulated bit by bit, and she is down to earth. , but it’s better than many people with great momentum.

If that's the case, then the other party can only be regarded as a relatively outstanding talent, but now they find that that period of solid work is just when the other party is dormant, and they will be ready to really show off their skills later on when they are almost ready.

Watching the opponent use less than superb means to infiltrate the interior, and then boldly and carefully recruit the fringe teams that the enemy cannot care about, and then gradually erode and divide the enemy. Now...she has quietly intervened in these two teams. In the midst of the great war, it is about to bear fruit. It is truly amazing to see something come from nothing.

Seeing this, I can already tell that she is an extraordinary person, but I never thought that the other party had hidden some real skills.

After all, their unified recruitment does not involve complicated actual combat methods. That is because the opponents are all teenagers and their tricks are limited, so the real success depends on the individual's ability.

The ability of an individual soldier is very easy to say. It depends on whether he can fight, his naked body, his ability to kill monsters, and his ability to fight against mechas.

The first two, Jiang Hui, had already shown a lot before. His not-so-low scores were accumulated in this way, and he also showed some more complicated skills. The mecha came relatively late, and she never had the chance to use it.

Many people have been paying attention to her for so long and finally had the opportunity to see her controlling a mecha. To be honest, it's really not bad. Although he is not as good as those who have been trained for many years in colleges and universities, he is still much better than his peers. Moreover, he is still the kind of person who has rarely experienced the world, and his movements are somewhat calm and calm that can only be seen after being bathed in artillery fire.

Who are the people who can come to watch the unified recruitment... This is especially true for the instructors of the First Military Academy. Each and every one of them is a ruthless person who climbed out of the dead on the battlefield. Controlling the mecha is as easy as commanding your own body. . They have spent most of their lives on the battlefield and regard mechas as their comrades and their natural weapons.

For these young people who are determined to join their team, their most sincere advice is to learn to use their own weapons. As long as they don't learn to death, they will learn to death. Every time they wield the fuselage, their experience will be It is the guarantee for their survival on the battlefield in the future.

They have also come from that way. They can tell at a glance what these children are thinking and whether they are in a state of mind.

In fact, it is understandable that they did not understand it at first. After all, they only came into contact with these things later, and they have never been on the battlefield. It is understandable that they cannot know the true meaning of mecha.

But the serious attitude cannot be lost. If you can't respect and use your own weapons from the beginning, then there won't be much improvement in the future.

A good prospect who is truly suitable for the battlefield does not need anyone's guidance. He/she just sits on the driving platform, and his or her demeanor and movements are different from those of ordinary students.

Jiang Hui is obviously such a good prospect.

The opponent was sitting in front of the control panel, panting from running in the chaotic war zone. He jumped into the cabin and sat down without a gap. After a moment, he calmed down and concentrated on adjusting his state. Then in the blink of an eye, he drove the mecha to meet him. enemy.

This process does not take more than half a star, which can be said to be very efficient.

And at such a fast speed, they could actually see that it was somewhat calm and methodical. From this point of view, there are probably no more than a hundred students in her class who can compare with her.

This guy really deserves to be in the top 100 of the comprehensive list.

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