The strongest brain in the universe

Chapter 690: Stuck Bug (Part 2)

The face of 011 in the rear was a little ugly. He was still waiting for news from the investigators.

The mecha's appearance was too sudden, which made him worry that there was a trick behind it. If this was Yara's back-up plan, there must be more than one. It would not be pretty if he rashly acted and fell into other people's plans.

But he also couldn't bear to wait any longer, because almost at the same time, the good situation that had just opened suddenly changed.

One 2856 was scrapped, and a new mecha came up immediately. Moreover, while the new mecha is fighting with Aping, the other side 1056 is about to die.

If a new mecha hadn't suddenly appeared here, she might have driven the heavy armor to rush over there for reinforcements.

Their advantage was that they had one more mecha than the enemy, and he didn't want to lose this advantage.

But this newcomer is too fierce.

After watching the formation, even a guy like 011, who has always been calm, secretly thought something was wrong. He could see it clearly from the outside.

Aping's ability to control mechas is extremely high, even among his peers. He is very subtle and far superior to his peers. But he also has the same shortcomings that many strong players have, that is, he is arrogant and curious. He is easily impulsive when meeting someone who is stronger than him or can rival him.

011 knows that losing normalcy in confrontation is the worst thing. Failure is often caused by this. This is not a good omen.

The new guy didn't play according to common sense at the beginning and avoided A Ping's special moves. Then after a few moves, he showed his talent.

A Ping is very powerful, but the other party is not willing to give in too much, and even has a little more tricks. 011 could clearly see that the opponent controlled the rhythm very well and was very capable. Aping was even slightly inferior, and the opponent also suffered from the level of the mecha.

For some reason, 011 was actually a little glad that the opponent was flying a B-class mecha. If it were the same level, Aping would have been at a disadvantage during the fight just now.

And that's not the worst part. Looking at Jiang Hui's unusual movement, even 011 couldn't guess what she wanted to do.

"What is he doing?"

Everyone in the meeting room was a little bit confused, because the arc of the opponent's mecha was too weird. It didn't look like a normal operation at all, but more like the crazy 2856 just now.

No, strictly speaking, even 2856 will not do this, because this is not an action that a standard mecha can achieve. Could it be that the opponent is not driving a standard mecha, but -

Then the next moment things changed dramatically, shocking 011 and others.

He saw that the other party was facing A Ping's urgent attack, but he did not know how to dodge it. Instead, he bowed down.

The standard mecha is built according to the human body, but it does not have the flexibility that humans generally have. It is barely enough to bend forward, and it is difficult to bend the waist backwards... Is this an idea that carbon-based creatures can come up with? The mecha himself didn't know he could be so awesome. 011 There were such nonsensical thoughts popping up in his mind.

But this nonsensical idea fit perfectly with the scene in front of him.

One venue, two camps, no matter what situation they were in, everyone couldn't help but stop what they were doing and look at the two mechas fighting in the middle, dumbfounded and stunned.

As the waist joint parts were squeezed, the mecha made a clicking sound, and the two connecting shells were inevitably pressed together. However, due to the special characteristics of the material, they were barely stretched without deformation. Only the stress on both ends had reached A state that is too terrifying to be added to.

Jiang Hui calculated the limits of the waist and abdomen of the mecha, and constantly adjusted the angle to prevent the mecha from being completely destroyed by this operation.

Indeed, she wanted to fix the bug and exploit the loopholes in the data flow, but Jiang Hui did not forget that the mecha would still be damaged in this simulated world, and normal damage could not be repaired.

And there are no repairable parts in this barren space.

Even though she had already planned it and planned to take risks, she was still very careful in controlling it in the end. The tip of her nose even broke out involuntarily, and she didn't even notice that her fingertips were about to dig into her palm.

As for Aping Jiang Hui, who was almost close to the fuselage, she was also paying attention, because if the other party didn't cooperate, her bug wouldn't work.

Fortunately, the other party didn't know what she wanted to do. When the correction force appeared and penetrated the mutated area, Jiang Hui withdrew his own power and adjusted the angle of his head according to the external interference force... It's done!

Everyone saw Jiang Hui controlling the mecha to perform a mecha version of a stiff bend, and then Aping flew towards her and was almost close to her body. He moved up and down with her, thrusting his arms straight into the core of her mecha.

The mecha underneath suddenly went crazy at this moment, changed its posture, lowered its head lower, and the bridge built by the reverse bow suddenly collapsed by half, and then relaxed its lower body with the traction from Aping.

The lower body that instantly touched the ground seemed to be corrected by some external force. The reverse effect made her whole body like a ruler that was not easily deformed and bent, bending to the limit. Then the person at the head suddenly let go, and the other end straightened up with a "bang" Straight.

Chasing Jiang Hui's flaw, A Ping got closer and closer. Seeing the other party making such strange moves, he regarded it as useless resistance and planned to use his troops to block it.

He wouldn't have anything to worry about if Jiang Hui dismantled his movements head-on. A Ping also thought of getting closer to block the opponent's movements... But the problem was that Jiang Hui's final attack was at the bottom of the body.

Aping, on the other hand, had already given up on the lower plate and was swooping forward in the air, not even caring about the lower plate. Even if he discovered it, he wouldn't be able to avoid it. He had no choice but to bite the bullet and continue attacking the core of the opponent's mecha.

In this case, it naturally depends on who is faster. However, it was obvious that what Aping was dealing with was not Jiang Hui's spontaneous attack, but the system's external correction to Jiang Hui's modification of the mecha's attributes. This correction was mechanical and straightforward, without any softness or curvature.

All manifestations in the data world are based on data. Wouldn’t it be easy for someone to modify the system number? This force of external interference completed the correction in an instant, and then hit Aping's lower body in more than one step.

It was at this time that Jiang Hui pushed his head to the ground, and with the corrective force, his legs kicked hard towards the waist of the opposite mecha.

Maybe some people don't know what the concept is... It's probably the force of a jack plus a giant spring, something like that.

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