The strongest brain in the universe

Chapter 713 Warehousing Line

"You can really dig it... What's going on with this pile of things? Why is there such a set point? Isn't this just for giving points?" A certain teacher from a university outside happened to see what Jiang Hui and others were doing. Very confused.

"This is the warehousing line." Answered a teacher who was obviously involved in data construction.

The so-called warehousing line, as the name suggests, is where materials are stored in the virtual space.

In the final analysis, interstellar holographic simulation technology is still built on the Internet at the beginning of the development of human society. As we all know, the initial aim of the information technology project was just two small characters. It has experienced changes to the current situation that is almost unreal. Nature is unimaginable.

But things on the data side still have limitations. No matter how realistic the simulation is, it can't change the structure that is just a pile of data energy flows.

It is true that it is very fast to instantly manifest a bunch of digital simulation tools in a simulation scene, but the problem is that this space is not a place for everyone to play, but a venue with an assessment nature.

The assessment party provides tools, but if the traditional fixed-point manifestation in the simulation space is followed, it is easy to overwhelm the tools. If you want to control the props in the hands of all parties, it is better to distribute them at different points. Therefore, the system setter set up several warehousing lines in the system scene, and then extracted the manifested props at fixed points and quantitatively. This one is one of them.

This warehouse line stores a large number of manifestation tools of various types, and some suddenly disappear in batches during this period. This shows that the existing things in the warehouse should be manifestation tools that will not be extracted and transported in the future.

Of course, this is not a problem... Looking at the warehouses that were disappearing but not missing at all, the people who followed Jiang Hui couldn't help but let out several uncontrollable exclamations.

Where did they touch it? Headed straight into the warehouse? ! What is all this?

Convenient tools and props, various indistinguishable medicines and pharmaceuticals, even the firearms that the Daji Tower has a small reserve, and dozens of mechas of different models... With these resources, it is just a mere A team of 100 people can suddenly become rich. Even if you encounter a big boss like Xi Laiyala, you will not be easily taken away. What's more, their leader... They glanced at the tall soldier in front of them. This man was no ordinary person.

Does this mean they can lie flat until the end? From the moment this person gathered them with magical means until now, the whole process has been like a dream. If they hadn't experienced it themselves, they wouldn't be able to believe that they had actually come this far. Is it possible that there really is such a thing as the Chosen One in this world? Must be the chosen one, right? Only in this way can we explain this process that can be called a fantasy.

"Okay, don't be in a daze, help move things quickly. If you are will be gone." Jiang Hui was not confused by the things in front of her. She felt some subtle fluctuations around her and squinted her eyes, then immediately moved to the middle. There was an open space, and then thousands of threads of spiritual power spread out in this not-so-small space.

"Alas, the response is not fast enough... Has the backend of the construction been leaked?" A certain teacher sighed with a pity. If he was asked, he should directly cut off the storage line and pull out the things at the same time, so as to stop this group of little people. Things take shortcuts.

These little brats are very savvy. They actually went directly into the warehouse to get something. They were just opportunistic. but--

"It's not about letting water go."

The teacher who pointed out the existence of the storage line shook his head: "It's not a leak." The staff in the backstage should have moved quickly enough, but something incomprehensible still happened in the middle. Even he couldn't understand it now.

The other party probably didn't study data construction deeply enough, but he was almost transferred to the Information Department after graduation as a teacher who naturally knew the ropes.

The unified examination is an important part of the empire's selection of talents, and it is naturally extremely rigorous. The empire not only made special laws for it, but also stipulated that all candidates participating in the unified recruitment must be witnessed by military and government and civilian representatives, and no dishonorable operations were allowed.

And if something unexpected happened in the middle, the examination party would naturally convene a group of backend construction personnel to maintain the normal operation of the system around the clock.

Jiang Hui and others touched the storage line, and they had already discovered it when Zhou Xiuwen fell in.

As for why no one stopped it? The first time was because Zhou Xiuwen didn't take anything away from it, and the reason why he was involved in it was because of a system flow bug, which is only likely to occur one in ten million.

Ordinarily, a system like this built by tens of thousands of information engineering professionals is unlikely to have bugs. However, due to the characteristics of virtual networks, the system inevitably has some non-fixed flowing wormholes, which are what people call absolute data worms. Hole. The chance of occurrence is very small, and the gap itself is actually very small... Considering the scope and spatial folding of the unified examination, it should not have any impact on the candidates——

But this guy Zhou Xiuwen accidentally bumped into him. I have to say that sometimes his luck is really a little bit evil. Whatever he needs comes and is delivered to him. Sometimes when he stands in any wind outlet, there is a high probability that the wind will blow. It feels like God is standing by his side. Otherwise, how could he have encountered a bug that was only one in a million and a random event that he would encounter head-on only one in a billion?

After he fell into this place, he walked around in a circle. He didn't take anything at that time. He was obviously a student directly under the Logistics Department and also had such a storage space, but he didn't know why he didn't take action on this pile of things.

So just when everyone thought that this young master had no interest in participating in this unified recruitment, they were relieved that these props stacked in the storage line had "survived", but they never thought that after spending nearly one-sixth of a unified recruitment After the time limit ushered in the follow-up.

Although I don't know how the other party did it, the fact that Jiang Hui and others were able to find this place must be closely related to the incident where Zhou Xiuwen fell into the warehousing line by chance.

However, this storage line is obviously covered by a system protection wall, and the engineering staff who were busy in the background did not worry about reinforcing it after Zhou Xiuwen fell into the absolute wormhole. It is said that there is absolutely no mobile bug that can be accessed. . How did Jiang Hui and others get in? ! Is it possible that there is some irreversible problem with this system?

They couldn't help but turn back the progress bar, and replay the process of Jiang Hui and his party entering the storage line, hoping to find out some clues.

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