The strongest brain in the universe

Chapter 736 The two armies are fighting

I have to say that L and Jiang Hui really have a tacit understanding.

Looking at the army rushing towards them, it was completely expected that they would "come out in full force". Even if they didn't take the time, there probably wouldn't be much left. It was obvious that the other party thought so too. Jiang Hui thought that it saved her a lot of effort.


This time it's serious.

Different from the practice with Huan Xian, this time Jiang Hui seriously arrayed himself against the enemy. She divided the entire line into eight functional modules. The first two areas are the front vanguard, the left and right sides are auxiliary positions, and the rear four areas are used as gap supplements and active backing.

She herself takes center stage.

This is obviously a tough battle because the people coming are difficult to deal with.

Compared with Jiang Hui's slightly "fancy" military drill formation, the opponent's approach was much more direct. The forwards directly attacked with flying geese, and all the square formations behind them marched in the same rough style.

For a moment, the two groups of men and horses collided fiercely, causing a cloud of gunpowder smoke and billowing dust in the field.

This is different from the previous small battles. There is no roundabout way to block the situation. It is a direct confrontation of strength and a crushing style of play.

No matter who is stronger, the only thing that is certain is that only the strong can survive in this meat grinder-like battlefield.

This time, unlike before, there were leaders and senior officials standing in the way. They had to go on the field and fight the enemy with real swords and guns. There was no chance of evasion. Therefore, many casualties are inevitable.

Although this level of casualties obviously does not have a significant impact on such a large number of troops, those who are among them can find that their comrades are disappearing at any time, and they may be crushed on this battlefield if they are not careful. into a meat grinder and sent directly out of the examination room.

At this time, the so-called calculations and cleverness are of little use. They may help to evade for a while, but they cannot be avoided forever. The most important thing is to rely on real hard work.

The contact area of ​​the fronts reaches 3%, and the proportions of 7%, 7.4%, and 9% are still increasing at an extremely fast rate.

People on both front lines have fallen into an unprecedented dark era.

However, the commander-in-chief Jiang Hui, who is surrounded by layers of protection, is not as safe and comfortable as outsiders think, because as the commander of the entire main company's front, she can control more and more comprehensive information.

Sometimes it is better to be ignorant and fearless. Knowing too much and looking too far can easily lead to deeper fear.

Jiang Hui didn't feel fear, she just felt a little bit anxious. This style of play is too expensive, and it is completely the style of play in the cold weapon era, but the advancement speed is too slow, and it is easy for both sides to suffer losses after a long time.

And to a certain extent, it is more chaotic than the cold weapon era. After all, spears, swords, and daggers are no match for laser cannons, short-term cannons, and long-range cannons. It is no longer an exaggeration to describe this scene as a meat grinder. .

Jiang Hui's insurance casualty reading quickly reached 10%.

Too fast, too aggressive.

Jiang Hui frowned, thinking about how to slow down the progress. If this continues, it is estimated that more than half of the people below will be consumed in less than two weeks. No matter what happens, it is not what she wants to see.

At this moment, someone made a choice before her.

Following a roar, dozens of black shadows suddenly appeared on the opposite side, and the darkness stirred up dust. The people below were arranged in layers as if under some command, and they looked very orderly. It was obvious that this was not the first time they had started like this.

Getting into a mecha so soon? And look, all this amount has been drawn out? ! Jiang Hui thought to himself, and did not bother to contact the rear to let the last batch of final members who had been prepared for a long time come on stage.

At this moment, he should really be grateful that he went to the east and was not beaten by the Silver Moon Black Snake in vain, and brought back a batch of good quality mechas and resources. These mechas were naturally equipped to those in the team who were good at piloting mechas, and became the main force supporting them in resisting the enemy at this moment.

Originally, a large proportion of these mecha soldiers were placed by Jiang Hui in batches for the final defense around the base tower. But when he summoned the soldiers just now, Jiang Hui thought for a while and finally decided to summon all the mechas to avoid being caught off guard. Now it really came in handy.

So as dozens of mechas appeared on the opposite side, Jiang Hui did not try to give in. As if he had already arranged it, the mecha warriors who had been lurking for an unknown period of time came out and arranged on the left and right sides of the battle formation. . It happened to be a confrontation with the other party.

These are not enough——

With the opponent's temperament, this can only be regarded as a warm-up match. What he really wants is a battle, a real strong battle.

Jiang Hui contacted Huan Xian at the rear and asked him to temporarily take over the central command. He arranged for a team of assistants to sit in the center while he single-handedly escaped from the protective circle.


The people who entered the scene quickly retreated, and the mecha teams from both sides came on stage one after another. The situation on the scene changed drastically.

I have to say that it was quite a coincidence on both sides. One sent out 88 mechas, and the other sent 81 mechas. In terms of quantity, they were not much different, but the levels and types of these mechas were different, so even if there was a difference in quantity. The difference is not too big.

But with the mecha taking the lead, the situation of the battle below has changed a lot, and it has become a little more exciting. After all, if you have something to buffer and block, you don't have to push down the human wall directly like before. If you can't push it, the person and the bones will be broken. At least, the survival rate is higher.

But this convenience also comes with a price. Although these mechas can be used as cover for charging into battle, they themselves are also a huge danger to individual soldiers fighting shirtless.

Who knows what a terrifying experience it would be to be trampled to death by a giant creature and then wake up again? Anyway, many of them have experienced it, and they spent a lot of effort to overcome their psychological barriers after leaving the examination room.

And those warriors driving mechas also faced cruel tests. The armor resources provided by this unified recruitment are limited. They can be selected by Jiang Hui to appear as mecha warriors. Naturally, they are very good at this. They often drive mechas for simulated training in their daily studies. But few of them have experienced such large-scale melee-style training.

They found that the mechas they once thought they were familiar with and could use proficiently seemed to be less obedient in their hands, and they were not as able to control such a behemoth to influence the battle situation as they thought. They even found that even if they had such a behemoth, it was much more powerful than their bare hands. Heavy weapons that are twice as powerful are also unable to protect themselves, teammates, and their own camp.

They are more like confused children wandering through this chaotic area. They clearly have mastered the important treasure but have no way to do it. If they are not careful, they will not only fail to achieve the protection effect, but will also destroy themselves.

It turns out that even if you have power, you may not really be able to protect yourself.

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