Jiang Hui pushed aside the machine arm that was leaning against his ear, pulled out his fist from the ground with a bang, and then cut open the cockpit in the middle of the body with a relatively familiar movement.

Her judgment was probably correct. This mecha was basically useless. Almost all the joints related to control were damaged. The engine was also internally damaged in the violent collision. The only arm that could move had just functioned. The last bit of effect was to say "hello" to Jiang Hui.

Looking at the people stuck in the cabin with various misplaced parts, Jiang Hui breathed a sigh of relief. Good luck.

The enemy leader was captured alive. This result was already determined from the moment the leaders of the two parties lined up to face each other. Judging from past experience, G would probably not keep such a charismatic and uncontrollable prisoner, so many people present thought that L would probably be kicked out of the unified recruitment in the next moment.


Under the various speculations of the spectators, the winner did not directly strangle the person to death as everyone speculated, but laboriously opened the cabin and fished the person out, eh?

G’s team \u0026 L’s team:! ? ? ?

Why does this scene feel strangely familiar? Seems like I've seen it somewhere

Clarence passed out, and his "health bar" should have been read to the end, at least at the elimination threshold. It seemed that he would not be able to wake up and leave the battlefield in a short time.

At this time, the battlefield is coming to an end. With L's complete defeat, the enemy's defeat has become irreversible. Only a small group of people are still fighting to the death and trying to find a way out. No one can care about the former leader " What happened to Destiny?

The huge mecha lowered its head to "look" at the person curled up in its palm, then opened the hatch and put the person in.

People outside the screen \u0026 people who witnessed this incident:? ? ?


When Clarence woke up, the cabin was brightly lit and hundreds of instructions were flowing up and down on the screen, making it dizzying to see the real content. The figure sitting in front of the console is unfamiliar, but it looks like a shadow of the past.

Although they had parted ways not long ago, it seemed like they hadn't seen each other for a long time.

Clarence moved and noticed that the back was soft and seemed to be padded with something. Only then did he realize that he was actually sitting, with a makeshift and simple cushion frame behind him. His body was also tired, and there was no obvious pain. As soon as he relaxed, his mental exhaustion became apparent. Now he could feel tired from the inside out even if he moved his fingers even slightly.

There was only one person in the mecha cabin, so there was no need to say who placed him there.

Even if you lose, you lose, and the other party has never seen anything ugly about you.

Clarence simply didn't move, lying on the mat in a lazy posture that would never be shown to others outside. Well, although he thought he was lazy, he was actually just a little slumped, his shoulders were slumped, and his posture was slightly slouched, but this was already considered rude to Clarence, who valued etiquette very much.

Jiang Hui heard the movement of the person behind him and knew that the person was awake, but before he finished what he was doing, he let him adjust his breathing.

When the battlefield finally came to a close, Jiang Hui gave the final instructions to 556, then he breathed a sigh of relief and looked at the person behind him who had been awake for a while.

"Are you awake?"

"The three hundred and fifty-eighth time." Lose.


Jiang Hui stroked his forehead, there was no need to remember it so clearly, really.

Yes, every time Clarence competed with her, no matter how big or small, he would count every time he lost. Wins are not counted, only losses are counted

How can anyone be such a friend? If Jiang Hui hadn't known about this friend's temperament, he would have thought that he actually had a grudge against her.

To be honest, every time something happened and the other party reported such a number, it would make her feel very embarrassed. No matter what, this guy wouldn't listen to anything he said. She was very persistent and let him do whatever he wanted. Anyway, she didn't want to lose.

"The three hundred and fifty-eighth time." Win.

"There are still more than three weeks left. There is nothing left here. We are just about to finish. What else do you have to do?" Jiang Hui said.

Clarence shook his head. He had used the entire team's strength to directly empty out the forces in the rear to fight Jiang Hui. What he wanted to do when he got here had already achieved results, so naturally what happened next was not important.

If he guessed correctly, the personnel staying in the rear had already fallen into the hands of the two northwest parties, and there was no point in going back. There are only three weeks left, so it's almost time.

But if the other party needs it, he can lead the way.

Hearing this, Jiang Hui shook his head. Although this place is not far from the central part, it takes a lot of time to go back and forth, maybe more than half of three weeks. Moreover, that place was an unfamiliar area to her and her teammates. There was no definite destination and no one knew what powerful enemies they would encounter. Even with Clarence as a guide, the overall situation was at a disadvantage.

What's more, in such a short period of time, she will encounter a strong enemy. There are only a few weeks left for the unified attack. The two of them may be kicked out of the venue in the middle of the fight. Wouldn't that be a heart attack?

Therefore, Jiang Hui's judgment was the same as Clarence's. There was no need to go back to the Central Government.

But after her battle with Clarence, the South was now unified, and it seemed too wasteful for them to waste a few weeks like this.

Although he couldn't see his score, Jiang Hui vaguely felt that he should be able to pass the test with so many things going on. However, the scoring standards are not clear, and the system does not report the scores from beginning to end. It is impossible to determine the geometry of my own scores, let alone other people's scores.

They are unable to define their performance in this unified recruitment, and do not know whether their performance will allow them to get into their ideal school, so they can only try their best to get as many points as possible. So no matter how much time is left, if you still have the energy, you shouldn’t stop.

Clarence reminded Jiang Hui of this, and she quickly made a rough plan.

She looked at someone who suddenly became quiet and said with a smile: "Since - there is nothing to do, then please help me." Although it was a question, her expression showed determination, as if she knew that the other person would definitely agree. Same.

"It's what you wish for."

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