The strongest brain in the universe

Chapter 752 Central Star Area (Part 1)

Legend has it that humans once had no fixed place after leaving their home planet, and relied on seventeen interstellar aircraft carriers built with the power of all humans to wander in the vast universe. They are the last seeds of mankind, carrying the last fire of this race, so no matter how difficult and difficult the road ahead is, they can only keep moving forward.

During the long period of wandering, there are fewer and fewer aircraft carriers accompanying them. Although they can barely supplement some resources outside, for humans with no fixed place, it is just a matter of demolishing the east wall to make up for the west wall, which is not a long-term solution. .

It was not that they didn't search hard, they also tried to find a suitable foothold in this vast world, intending to take root in the new land and build a new civilization belonging to mankind, but in the end they failed due to various reasons and had to Not migrating again to find a new home.

The universe is very big, and different cosmic domains have different centers and their rulers. Human beings are just a drop in the ocean. They are constantly wandering, disappointed, expelled and then revived. Humans are such a magical and weird race, who have endured countless hardships but never give up.

Finally, I don’t know how much time has passed, and after experiencing countless tragic and bloody events, humans have gradually mastered the mystery of spiritual power. During their long wandering, they finally arrived at the other end of the universe far away from their home star.

Fortunately, this universe covers a vast area and is rich in resources and products. Currently, there is no truly unified master, so it is the most suitable place to develop.

However, this is precisely the problem. Why is such a big fertile field empty? Naturally, due to obstacles, the surrounding creatures are temporarily unable to occupy this unclaimed territory.

Although there is no unified master in this universe, it cannot be said that there is no one. It can only be said that the way they exist is somewhat different.

Star beast.

They came here earlier than humans, and enjoyed the sweet fruits of this vast star field early, so they couldn't let go of the benefits they gained.

They have different races, and each race has a lot of strong men who sit and lead them, and they also have talents and abilities that are unique to their race.

If they can be united, they will one day become the masters of a universe. Unfortunately, they, like humans, suffered in the land of their original birth and can only wander around the interstellar space like duckweeds. The original civilization is also completely disordered and has become what it is now. Such a chaotic and fragmented situation where everyone is fighting on their own.

Before they could re-develop into a civilization, humans broke into this star field, and the two sides began to have conflicts over the competition for resources and survival rights.

At the beginning, human beings were not as powerful as the star beasts and were not familiar with this universe. The initiative was in the opponent's hands and they were defeated continuously. At one point, they were surrounded and attacked by dozens of star beast groups, and they were almost killed.

A large number of human elite warriors died in battle one after another, and the few remaining interstellar aircraft carriers were also damaged. Even though they wanted to give up, the approaching star beast herds still pursued them, and did not even allow them to leave. The space in this universe—

The human race has reached a point of life and death.

Human beings are not the kind of people who accept their fate. When they find that reconciliation is impossible, they begin to fight to the death. Their ancestors sacrifice their lives and forget their deaths, and their descendants will succeed them. The stubbornness and wisdom carried by the human race genes gradually emerged at this time. They evolved again and launched a life-and-death struggle with the star beasts that lasted for several star epochs.

In the end, the human race succeeded in carving out a piece of pure land in the center of this universe.

They named the planet they occupied after the first battle, which was quite similar to their former home star, Qian, which means sky, also known as Qianzu Planet.

The later humans successively cleared out eight planets that were relatively suitable for habitation in the vicinity, which was the prototype of the sub (first) ring of the central star area. Humanity began to radiate and develop from its center.

After the evolution of nine star eras, the human race's territory has long formed a complete system, which is no longer the same as before.

Nowadays, in addition to the nine stars in the first ring and the Qiyao Constellation, there are twelve star rings in the central star area from the inside out. Planets of various sizes are dotted on it. There are hundreds of thousands of standard planets registered, not counting some scattered or irregular planets. The formed planet. The central star area can be said to have gathered most of the elite forces of the human race.

If one day mankind is faced with life and death again, then the central star area must be the last line of defense for mankind to retain the fire.

Of course, this is completely divorced from reality. After all, humans have already occupied the dominant position in this universe. If any ethnic group wants to force humans to this point, it must eliminate more than 90% of the human race's living forces. Currently, there is no such existence among the known races of creatures.

Back to the point, in addition to being a political and military center, the central sector also exists as an educational center. Nearly half of the public institutions of higher learning in the entire empire are located here, and there are seven higher military academies directly under the leadership of the empire. It is a veritable key area for education. Almost all students with this background in the interstellar world want to attend higher education institutions in the central star region during their lifetime.

The two higher military academies that Jiang Hui and the others are going to attend are both in the central sector. Coinciding with the turbulent times, this year also coincides with the Year of Ge Yao - the year when the stars are often the brightest. It is expected that their next study career will not be too peaceful.

Of course, Jiang Hui and others didn't think too much at the moment. They were currently gathering in the control room with some anxiety, all staring at the display screen in the middle. The hundreds of rows of data displayed above are scrolling rapidly. Hundreds of star orbits and space vortices are circling and interlaced, showing a three-dimensional display, which is constantly changing with the scrolling data.

Dozens of people in the control room were immersed in debugging operations, occasionally cooperating with each other through pilot numbers, calling for changes, and jointly controlling and co-piloting this huge starship.

"Ready? One last jump."

"Please prepare for positions 1 to 10, and stop all movements within three seconds. If you hear it, please answer."

"Rear and middle row auxiliaries, please listen to the instructions."

"Start now, prepare three, two -"

Everyone was concentrating on preparing for the channel jump. A few drops of sweat broke out on the forehead of the captain in front, but his hand on the main gate was so steady that all the fleet members with their backs to him could not see it. Any clue comes. Everyone is concentrating on waiting for his final fate.

"One—start jumping."

The three people watching behind them, who were completely acting as backgrounds, took a breath and felt a sense of space change. Their feet seemed to be separated from a huge and terrifying force for a moment, and then fell to the ground again in an instant. All the changes happened in the blink of an eye, and their feet became stable again.

‘The jump has been completed as planned. ’

The control room was silent for a moment, and then a small cheer sounded from the control room.

Jiang Hui breathed a sigh of relief. Success, it seems that Hillman will never be late.

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