The strongest brain in the universe

Chapter 754 Unfulfilled wishes

The girl was silent again.

Jiang Hui knew that Hillman had not asked the question. Of course she knows, because this is also an obsession that the original body once had. Even if the soul dies, she can still vaguely fish out scattered thoughts from the memory.

She should have been to the central star area.

Jiang Hui, the daughter of Jiang Hui and Jiang Yilin, was actually born in the swaying flames of war.

About twenty years ago, Jiang Yilin and Jiang Hui had just passed the high promotion period of their military careers and entered a stable stage. However, they were both the backbone of the younger generation of the Eighth Army and were still much busier than ordinary generals.

For the sake of the safety of the empire, their own future, and for the sake of their unborn child, they actually have not thought about having children, at least not at this stage.

It was just this year that Jiang Hui's father passed away due to an old illness from his military service. His mother was also in frail health, and there was no one to take care of her at home. Although there were family members, they could not make long-term arrangements for their children, so the couple had to return to Kermir to handle the funeral arrangements.

Jiang Hui's mother was frail and ill for a long time, and it was difficult to survive without treatment. In order to maintain life, it was necessary to extract the genetic sequences of blood relatives to recreate the cycle, and the recovery and cultivation period was extremely long.

After such a series of events, Jiang Hui and Jiang Yilin had to travel to and from Kermir in the busy battlefield.

However, after Jiang Hui's mother's condition stabilized, Jiang Yilin was detected to be unexpectedly pregnant.

This incident caught both of them off guard. Neither of them expected that just one night of tenderness would disrupt their life plans.

- This is obviously not a good time to have a baby.

In fact, this is not to blame the two of them. None of them expected that the bridge-building agent injected before and after extracting the genetic sequence would actually conflict with the contraceptive injection that Jiang Hui injected every year. It probably failed somehow, and he was suddenly infected. .

In short, there is no chance for them to hesitate for long, and they must make a decision immediately. Otherwise, the child will have specific perceptions one month older, and it would be too cruel to make a decision by then.

However, keeping this child was not a spontaneous good thing for Jiang Yilin, who was currently prospering in the military. Furthermore, childbirth is a suffering for women in any era, but he cannot bear any of it. This is unfair to his wife.

Jiang Hui himself feels sorry for his wife. No matter what choice he makes, she will always suffer, and he doesn't know how to comfort her. Unexpectedly, Jiang Yilin showed her usual determination and calmness in this matter.

She didn't feel hesitant or distressed because of this unexpected child, she just felt that it was fate. The two of them had it without any expectation, and they had no other choice but to give it up, so why not give it up?

It is already a miracle to be here in this lifetime.

As for Jiang Hui's worries about his future, the pain of pregnancy, and even his future upbringing, these things are all far away. Jiang Yilin didn't dare to think that her husband and wife would be such a good pair of parents, but as long as they dared and were willing to bear it, she thought.

A year later, Jiang Huigua was born. Jiang Yilin applied for a long leave, but after spending more than two years with her children, she still couldn't resist the call of the legion and had to return to the army.

Because in many cases no one can predict the fate of the situation. In just two years, the front line where the Corps is located is once again in flames of war. The few vacations the two of them had to spend with their children were squeezed even less. Mother Jiang, who is not recovering well, also needs care and attention from her family.

Both of them knew that this was unfair to the child. During the critical period of growth when they need the company of their parents in their childhood, their children can only rely on cold optical brain communication and rare holidays to see their parents, and occasionally comfort their sick grandmother. Although it is not a lack of love, But they did not fulfill their original promise to be a good pair of parents.

Even Jiang Yilin, who has always been true to her word and has never regretted anything, actually has some regrets. Why did I choose to bring my child into the world when I couldn't do it at the beginning? It's a pity that I ended up here just because of a mistake. It's true that things in the world are unpredictable.

The two of them had a tacit understanding and reached a certain decision silently.

When Jiang Hui was six years old, Jiang Hui submitted a special application to the military, and preparations were made for the next two years. Jiang Yilin continues to fight on the front line to realize the common ideal with her husband.

When Jiang Hui was seven years old, Jiang Hui came back from a rare long vacation. He told his daughter that soon he would be able to stay with her for a long time, and she could have her father take her to school like other children. The girl is very happy.

This cheerful young man told his daughter that when her mother comes back, the whole family will go to the central star area to have fun and go to the Military Command Bureau to go through the suspension procedures.

But this matter still failed to come true. The front line was in crisis, and Jiang Hui was also recalled to fight. Neither the couple could spend their eighth birthday with Jiang Hui.

Not long after, the girl received notification that her parents had died in battle.

She would never see her parents again, and she would never be able to experience the scenery of the central star region under their parents' guidance.

No, even she herself couldn't accomplish this regrettable thing. This body came to the central star area for the first time, but the soul inside was already another person.

Fragments of memories flashed through his mind, and Jiang Hui felt extremely melancholy. He didn't know what to say for a moment.

Clarence winked at Hillman, warning someone to stop talking nonsense.

Although this guy Hillman usually behaves quite carelessly, he also knows how to read the eyes. Seeing Jiang Hui's expression of sadness, which was different from the past, he suddenly realized that he had brought up a topic that shouldn't be mentioned, and he quickly changed the subject abruptly.

"Ah, ah! Ah Hui, this, yes, yes, how should I write this? Can you help me? You know, I can't write such literate things."

Jiang Hui didn't know whether he was really diverted or suppressed his emotions. He looked at the resume box Hillman was pointing at and pressed his brows, and started to explain it to him seriously.

The harmonious atmosphere was restored in the living room.

Clarence glanced at the two people who had completely diverted their attention at this moment, his eyebrows relaxed slightly, and he continued to look down at the optical brain information.

Suddenly his eyes stopped on the latest family shared secret message, which was posted by his second brother August Clarence. He clicked in and browsed through it quickly. Within a few lines, his pupils shrank suddenly and he became speechless.

Odysseus Phillips was investigated for being involved in political incidents and temporarily lost his candidacy to lead the First Legion. The candidate to be the leader of the First Army suddenly encountered setbacks, and the remaining two candidates also encountered constraints at a similar time. Was it the one who took action at this moment? But he——

This news contained very little key information, but it was enough to cause a stir. Clarence wanted to ask more, but maybe he was busy again or did not dare to answer. August did not reply to his younger brother's message, which made someone anxious.

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